Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWaccuracybills2. Accuracy of the billmeters3. Accuracy of the meterChecking your meterInvestigation of fuel theftAccuracy of meters and estimates of stolen fueladministration ordersAdministration ordersAffordable Warmth Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemesappliancesannual safety checkThe Priority Services RegisterfaultyFaulty appliancesmaintenance by landlordsMaintenance of gas appliancesArbedArbedarrearsChapter 7: Arrearsapportionment where joint liabilityShared liabilitycodes of practiceStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingcollection through prepayment meterCollecting arrearsdefinition1. What are arrearsdisconnectionChapter 8: Disconnection for arrearselectricityWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – electricitygasWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – gaspreventing disconnection3. Preventing disconnectionestimated bills4. Arrears as a result of estimated billsFuel DirectFuel DirectIf you get income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income related employment and support allowance or pension creditharassment by suppliersHarassment by suppliers and debt collectorslegal protection2. Protection when you are in arrears2. Protection from disconnectiondisabled peopleStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingolder peopleStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingsicknessStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingliability when another person named on bill3. Arrears in another person’s namelicence conditionsCondition 27 of the Standard Licence Conditionsbreach of contractBreach of conditions relating to payment difficultieslimitations on recovering arrearsThe Limitation Act 1980lump sum paymentsLump-sum repaymentsmultiple debts8. Multiple debtsover six years oldArrears more than six years oldpaying for current consumptionPaying for your current consumptionprevious occupierWhen you can be refused a supplyrecovery actionWaiver, full and final settlement of arrears and estoppelrepayment5. Paying your arrearsability to pay principleAbility to pay principlebreakdown of arrangementsBreakdown of repayment arrangementchoice of methodMethods of payingFuel DirectFuel Directlump sum paymentsWaiver, full and final settlement of arrears and estoppelpart-paymentWaiver, full and final settlement of arrears and estoppelpayment plansPayment plansprepayment metersPrepayment meters127. Switching supplier when you have arrearsprevious propertyPrepayment metersrates6. Rate of repaymentshort-term arrangementsShort-term arrangementsswitching supplierSwitching supplier with existing debtsWhen you can be refused a supplySupplier discretion in switching with a debt7. Switching supplier when you have arrearsDisconnection for assigned arrearstransfer of arrearsblocking transfer7. Switching supplier when you have arrearsto new supplierDomestic customer transfer blockingbailmentGeneral common law principlesbenefitsChapter 11: Fuel and benefitsentitlement checks1. Benefit entitlement checksFuel Direct5. Fuel DirectsanctionsSanctionsbillsaccuracy2. Accuracy of the billchecking consumptionCheck consumptioncomplaintsMaking a complaintdelaysBilling delayserrors in assigningErrors in assigning billsestimated billsEstimates4. Arrears as a result of estimated billshigh billsChapter 6: High billslandlord fails to payThe landlord fails to pay billsnon fuel itemsOther charges in the billquarterly billsCredit meter payment methodsresponsibility for paymentChapter 5: Responsibility for the billelectricityElectricity2. When you are liable for an electricity billgasGas3. When you are liable for a gas billnamed on billYour liability when your name is on the billno one named on billWho is liable when no one is named on the billretrospective bills2. Accuracy of the bill4. Arrears as a result of estimated billsBritish Gas energy trust fundBritish Gas and Scottish Gasbudget schemesCredit meter payment methodsbudgeting loansSocial fund budgeting loanscancellationsupply contractsCancelling a contractcaravan sitesentitlement to supplyMobile home and caravan sitescard metersPrepayment meter payment methodschargesconnection of supplyelectricityCharges for connecting a supplygasCharges for connecting a supplydisconnectionThe costs of disconnection and reconnectionsecurity deposit not paidDisconnection and reconnection costsinformationInformation on chargesreconnectionThe costs of disconnection and reconnectionstanding charges1. Standing charges and tariffscharitable paymentsCharitable assistance5. Impact of charitable payments on benefitsCharitieschild winter heating assistanceChild winter heating assistancechildrenprotection from disconnectionCondition 27 of the Standard Licence ConditionsCitizens AdviceCitizens AdviceCitizens Advice consumer serviceConsumer protectioncodes of practice1. Sources for your rightsUsing codes of practice and policy statementsaccurate bills2. Accuracy of the bill4. Arrears as a result of estimated billsarrearsStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingenergy efficiencyHelp with gas connectionsprepayment metersPrepayment metersprice comparison websitesComparing pricesright of entry to premisesLicence conditionstheft or tampering with meter5. Theft from meterscoin meterstheft5. Theft from meterscold weather paymentsCold weather paymentscompensationcourt action for damagesDamagesdisruption of supply5. Disruption of supplyfailure to meet standards of performanceStandards of performancemis-sellingCompensation for mis-sellingmissed appointmentsWhen your supply is connectedcomplaintsMaking a complaintdisconnection7. Complaints about disconnectionrecording complaintsRecording a complaintsuppliers' proceduresMaking a complaintcondensationPremises prejudicial to healthCondensationlegal remediesCondensationConfidence CodeComparing pricesconnection of supplyelectricity2. Getting your electricity supply connectedchargesCharges for connecting a supplynoticeNoticerefusal to connect supplyWhen you can be refused a supplytime limitsWhen your supply is connectedgas3. Getting your gas supply connectedchargesCharges for connecting a supplyrefusal to connectWhen you can be refused a supplytime limitsWhen your supply is connectedconsumer organisationsConsumer protectionconsumer protectionarrears2. Protection when you are in arrearscivil court action5. Using the civil courtsconsumer redress ordersConsumer redress ordersdebt respite schemeDebtor protection ('breathing space' scheme)disconnection for arrears2. Protection from disconnectiondisputes over £10,000Disputes over £10,000 (£5,000 in Scotland)disruption of supply5. Disruption of supplyEnergy Ombudsman6. The Energy Ombudsmanenforcement mattersEnforcement mattersharassmentClaims for harassment and damageslegal framework1. Sources for your rightsOfgemGetting an order from Ofgemsmall claims procedureUsing the small claims procedure in the County Courtunfair terms4. Unfair termsconsumptionchecking consumptionCheck consumptioncontractsservices other than fuelContracts for other servicesContractual termsunfair termsUnfair termscontracts of supply1. Sources for your rightsContracts death of consumerWho is liable when the person named on the bill diescancellationCancelling a contractdeemed contractsDeemed contracts for gas and electricity supplyCustomers with deemed contractsdual-fuelDual-fuel supply contractsdurationContractual termselectricitySupply contractsElectricityforging signaturesForging of signaturesgasSupply contractsGasCustomers with contractsimplied termsImplied termsliability for paymentelectricityYour liability when you have signed for the supplygas3. When you are liable for a gas billmisrepresentationMisrepresentationoccupier leaves premisesEnding your liability for the billpenalties for terminationPenalties for terminating a contractspecial agreementsElectricitystandard terms and conditionselectricityConditions of supplyswitching supplier1. Suppliers and switchingterminationContractual termsTerminating a contractelectricityYour liability when you have signed for the supplygasEnding your liability for the billterms of contractContractual termsunfair termsUnfair terms4. Unfair termsvariation of termsEnding your liability for the billcooling-off periodCancelling a contractcost of living crisishelp with fuel payments4. Cost of living crisis: extra support with paymentscouncil tenancieschallenging heating servicesChallenging the way heating is providedfuel chargesCouncil tenanciesheating standardsCouncil tenancies: heating standardsheating systemsLocal authority heating systemscourt action5. Using the civil courtsadministration ordersAdministration ordersappeals from the magistrates courtAppeals from the magistrates’ courtapplication for entry warrantNotice of application for a warrantarrearsThe Limitation Act 1980If you do not want your supply reconnecteddamagesDamagesdisputes over £10,000Disputes over £10,000 (£5,000 in Scotland)disrepairPremises prejudicial to healthdisruption of supplyCourt actionharassment by suppliersClaims for harassment and damagesinjunctionsInjunctions/interdictsjudicial reviewJudicial reviewlegal aidLegal fundingremission of feesRemission of court feessmall claims procedureUsing the small claims procedure in the County Courtcredit metersStandard credit metercriminal offencesforging signaturesForging of signaturesfuel theft3. Theft of fuelsentencingSentencing for abstraction offencestampering with meter1. IntroductionResponsibility for meters under the Gas and Electricity ActsSpecific powers of disconnectiontheft1. IntroductionSpecific powers of disconnectiondamagesDamagesdeathliability for billsWho is liable when the person named on the bill diespriority debtsWho is liable when the person named on the bill diesdebit respite schemeprotection against recovery/enforcement actionProtection under the breathing space debt respite schemedebtdebt respite schemeDebtor protection ('breathing space' scheme)debt assignment protocolEnding your liability for the bill7. Switching supplier when you have arrearsdebt blocking/objectionSwitching supplier with existing debts7. Switching supplier when you have arrearsdebt collectorsHarassment by suppliers and debt collectorsdebt relief orderDebt relief ordersdebt respite schemeDebtor protection ('breathing space' scheme)mental healthMental health crisis breathing space moratoriummental health crisis breathing spaceDebtor protection ('breathing space' scheme)standard breathing spaceDebtor protection ('breathing space' scheme)Debt respite scheme (breathing space)debts8. Multiple debtsadministration ordersAdministration ordersdebt relief ordersDebt relief ordersenforcement agentsEnforcement agentsfinancial statementPayment plansharassmentHarassment by suppliers and debt collectorshelp and adviceGetting adviceself-helpPayment planssheriff's officersEnforcement agentsdeductions from benefitsFuel Direct5. Fuel Direct8. Fuel Directpayment of arrearsFuel Directdeductions from wagesfuel costs1. You and your landlorddeemed contractsDeemed contracts for gas and electricity supplydisputesDisputes over the rate of gas consumptionending liability for billEnding your liability for the billformer tariff customersFormer 'tariff customers' under the Gas Act 1986gasGasliability for gas billsCustomers with deemed contractsterminationTermination of deemed contractsEnding your liability for the billdefault price capDefault price capdelaysbillingBilling delaysdirect debitCredit meter payment methodsdisabled people Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemeshelp for vulnerable peopleStandard Licence Condition 26: pensioners, the chronically sick, disabled and others evidently vulnerableProtection if you are vulnerable or in a vulnerable situationprotection from disconnectionStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingCondition 27 of the Standard Licence ConditionsdisconnectionarrearsChapter 8: Disconnection for arrearselectricityWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – electricitygasWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – gaspayment in instalmentsDisconnection when you pay in instalmentschargesThe costs of disconnection and reconnectionCharges for stolen fuelcomplaints7. Complaints about disconnectioncourt actionNotice of application for a warrantdisabled peopleStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingdisconnecting wrong supply6. Disputes: unlawful disconnectiondisputes6. Disputes: unlawful disconnectionelectricityWhen you can be refused a supplyexternal metersDisconnecting external metersFuel Direct paymentsHow to arrange Fuel DirectgasWhen you can be refused a supplygenuine disputeWhen you can be refused a supplyinjunctions requiring reconnectionInjunctionslandlord fails to pay billsThe landlord is disconnectedLocal authorities’ powers in England and Waleslast minute negotiationsLast-minute negotiationslegal protection2. Protection from disconnectionlicence conditionsCondition 27 of the Standard Licence Conditionsnon-payment of security depositDisconnection if you do not pay a security depositchargesDisconnection and reconnection costsnoticeelectricityWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – electricitygasWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – gasolder peopleStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingpolicies1. When you can be disconnected for arrearsprepayment metersPrepayment meters and arrearspreventing disconnection3. Preventing disconnectionreconnection5. Getting your supply reconnectedright of entry to premisesThe supplier’s right to enter your premisesSpecific powers of disconnectionLegal powerssafety reasonsDisconnection for safety reasonssicknessStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingsmart metersDisconnecting smart metersDisconnection of smart meters without a warrantstolen fuelChallenges to disconnection of stolen fueltampering with meter4. Disconnection of the supplyvulnerable peopleEnergy UKCondition 27 of the Standard Licence Conditions'Safety net' for vulnerable customerswarrants for right of entry2. Right of entry with a warrantdiscriminationsecurity depositsElectricitydisputesdeemed contractsDisputes over the rate of gas consumptiongenuine disputeWhen you can be refused a supplynegotiations2. Negotiationsdisrepair4. Defective housing and heating systemscondensationCondensationlandlord's obligation to repairRepairs and improvementsEngland and WalesRepairing obligationsScotlandScotlandlocal authority powersOther local authority powersnegligenceNegligencepoor housing conditionsPremises prejudicial to healthremediesPremises prejudicial to healthwithholding rent for repairsInstallations for heating and for the supply of gas and electricitydual-fuelPriceDual-fuel supply contractsE.ON energy trust fundE.ONEconomy 7Variable rate credit meterEconomy 7/white meterelectricity performance standardsElectricityconditions of supplyConditions of supplyentitlement to supplyElectricityfailure to meet standardscompensationElectricitylicencesElectricitymobile homes and caravansMobile home and caravan sitesrefusal of supplyWhen you can be refused a supplysecurity depositsElectricitysevere weather disruptionElectricitysquattersSquattersstructure of industryElectricitysupply2. Getting your electricity supply connectedsupply contractsContractsSupply contractstravellersTravellersemploymentaccommodation provided by employer1. You and your landlordemployment and support allowanceIncome-related employment and support allowanceEnergy Action ScotlandEnergy Action ScotlandEnergy Company Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemesenergy efficiencySmart Export GuaranteeSmart Export Guaranteeenergy efficiency measures adviceHome Energy Scotland referral portaladviceHelp with gas connectionscodes of practiceHelp with gas connectionsfuel saving measuresMeasures to save energyenergy efficiency schemesChapter 12: Energy efficiency and other sources of help Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemesArbedArbedarea-based schemes in ScotlandArea-based schemesEnergy Company Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemesEngland2. Energy efficiency schemes in Englandfeed-in tariffsFeed-in tariffsFuel Poor Network Extension SchemeHelp with gas connectionshelp connecting to the gas networkHelp with gas connectionsHome Energy Efficiency Programmes for ScotlandHome Energy Efficiency Programmes for ScotlandHome Energy Scotland4. Energy efficiency schemes in Scotlandreferral portal for advisersHome Energy Scotland referral portalHome Upgrade Grant schemeHome Upgrade Grant schemeloans scheme in ScotlandHome Energy Scotland loan schemelocal authority delivery in EnglandLocal Authority DeliveryNestNestRenewable Heat IncentiveRenewable Heat IncentiveWales3. Energy efficiency schemes in WalesWarmer Homes Scotland SchemeWarmer Homes ScotlandEnergy OmbudsmanEnergy OmbudsmanThe Energy Ombudsman6. The Energy Ombudsmanenergy performance certificateEnergy performance certificateEnergy Saving TrustEnergy Saving TrustEnergy UKEnergy UKsafety net policyEnergy UK'Safety net' for vulnerable customersvulnerability commitmentEnergy UK'Vulnerability commitment' for vulnerable customersenforcement agentsrecovering debtsEnforcement agentsentry to premisesChapter 10: Rights of entrycodes of practiceLicence conditionsdisconnectionThe supplier’s right to enter your premisesLegal powerstheft or tamperingSpecific powers of disconnectionidentificationLegal powerslegal powersLegal powerslicence conditionsLicence conditionsobstructing an officialLegal powerspassword schemesLicence conditionswarrants2. Right of entry with a warranterrorsmeter readingErrors in reading the meterestimated billsEstimatesarrears4. Arrears as a result of estimated billsestimated consumption of stolen fuelInvestigation of fuel theftAccuracy of meters and estimates of stolen fuelEU Regulations1. Sources for your rightsevidencetampering with meterEvidence of tamperingExamining the evidence and the lawexternal metersDisconnecting external metersExtra Help UnitCitizens AdvicefaultsappliancesFaulty appliancesmetersMeter faultsfeed-in tariffsFeed-in tariffsfitness for human habitationheating standardsCouncil tenancies: heating standardsflexible payment schemesCredit meter payment methodsFuel Direct5. Fuel DirectFuel Direct8. Fuel Directchange of circumstancesChange of circumstanceseligibilityIf you get income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income related employment and support allowance or pension creditrates of reductions6. Rate of repaymentuniversal creditIf you get universal creditFuel Poor Network Extension SchemeHelp with gas connectionsfuel poverty1. National energy efficiency schemesdefinition1. National energy efficiency schemesFuel Poor Network Extension SchemeHelp with gas connectionsgascontracts for services other than supplyContracts for other servicesentitlement to supplyGasleaksWhen you can be refused a supplylicences2. The structure of the industrymobile homes and caravansMobile home and caravan sitesperformance standardsGasrefusal of supplyWhen you can be refused a supplysecurity depositsGassquattersSquattersstructure of industry2. The structure of the industrysupply3. Getting your gas supply connectedsupply contractsContractsSupply contractstransporting2. The structure of the industrytravellersTravellersgas transportationconnection3. Getting your gas supply connectednetwork of companies2. The structure of the industry12refusal to connectWhen you can be refused a supplysecurity depositsGasguarantorsAlternatives to security depositsharassmentby debt collectorsHarassment by suppliers and debt collectorsby suppliersHarassment by suppliers and debt collectorsClaims for harassment and damagesclaimsClaims for harassment and damageshealthpoor housing conditionsPremises prejudicial to healthheatingdefective heating4. Defective housing and heating systemslocal authority systemsLocal authority heating systemsstandardsCouncil tenancies: heating standardshigh billsChapter 6: High billsaccuracy2. Accuracy of the billaccuracy of meter3. Accuracy of the meterchecking consumptionCheck consumptionfaulty appliancesFaulty appliancesfaulty metersMeter faultsnon fuel itemsOther charges in the billHome Energy Efficiency Programmes for ScotlandHome Energy Efficiency Programmes for ScotlandHome Energy Scotland4. Energy efficiency schemes in Scotlandreferral portal for advisersHome Energy Scotland referral portalHome Heating Cost Reduction Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemeshome improvement assistanceHome improvement assistanceHome Upgrade Grant schemeHome Upgrade Grant schemehousing benefitHousing benefit and fuel costscalculation of fuel chargesHow fuel charges are calculatedFlat-rate deductions from housing benefitdeductions for fuel chargesFlat-rate deductions from housing benefitdiscretionary housing paymentsDiscretionary housing paymentshuman rightsHuman Rights Act 1998warrants to enter premisesProportionality and Human Rights Act principlesidentificationright of entry to premisesLegal powersincome supportIncome supportinformationobtaining information from supplierObtaining information under the data protection lawservice chargesVariable service charges in England and WalesinjunctionsInjunctions/interdictsinspectionmetersInspection of meters6. Removal of metersLegal powersinstalmentscourt order to pay arrearsIf you do not want your supply reconnecteddisconnection if arrangement breaks downDisconnection when you pay in instalmentsinsurancemeter theft5. Theft from metersinterdictsInjunctions/interdictsjobseeker's allowanceIncome-based jobseeker’s allowancejoint liabilityapportionment of arrearsShared liabilityelectricity billsYour liability when you have signed for the supplyYour liability when you contacted the supplier by telephoneone person leavesShared liabilityjudicial reviewJudicial reviewkey metersPrepayment meter payment methodslandlordsbreach of trustBreach of trustcourt action for disrepairPremises prejudicial to healthdefective housing and heating4. Defective housing and heating systemsdisconnectionThe landlord is disconnectedfails to pay billsThe landlord fails to pay billsharassmentHarassmentinsolvencyProtection of supply where a landlord is insolventmaintenance of gas appliancesMaintenance of gas appliancesnegligenceNegligencerent increases for fuel2. Rent increases for fuel or fuel-related servicesrepairing obligationsScotlandScotlandrepairs obligationsEngland and WalesRepairing obligationsresale of fuel3. Resale of fuel by a landlordtransferring account for fuel supplyTransferring the accountlate billsBilling delayslegal aidLegal fundingemergency legal representationEmergency legal representationlegal framework1. Sources for your rightsliability for paymentChapter 5: Responsibility for the billelectricity billsElectricity2. When you are liable for an electricity billliability endingYour liability when you have signed for the supplymore than one occupierYour liability when no one has contacted the supplierno contact with supplierYour liability when no one has contacted the supplierprivity of contractPrivity of contractresponsible for supplyYour liability when someone else has been responsible for the supplysigning for supplyYour liability when you have signed for the supplysupply arranged by telephoneYour liability when you contacted the supplier by telephoneYour liability when you contacted the supplier onlinegas billsGas3. When you are liable for a gas billcustomers with contractsCustomers with contractsdeemed contractsCustomers with deemed contractsending liabilityEnding your liability for the billEnding your liability for the billformer tariff customersFormer 'tariff customers' under the Gas Act 1986no longer an occupierEnding your liability for the billEnding your liability for the billsupplier's licence revokedEnding your liability for the billvariation of termsEnding your liability for the billjoint liabilityelectricityYour liability when you contacted the supplier by telephoneShared liabilitygasShared liabilitymoving inMoving in: becoming liable for the supplymoving outMoving out: ending liability for the supplynamed on billYour liability when your name is on the billno name on the billWho is liable when no one is named on the billoutstanding chargesAssignment of outstanding charges to your new supplierperson named on bill diesWho is liable when the person named on the bill diesperson named on bill leavesWho is liable when the person named on the bill has lefttransfer blockingDomestic customer transfer blockinglicences1. Sources for your rightselectricityElectricitygas2. The structure of the industryLimitation Act 1980The Limitation Act 1980local authoritiesduty to investigate disrepairPremises prejudicial to healthfinancial help for families in need5. Help from the local authorityheating systemsLocal authority heating systemshelp if landlord fails to pay billLocal authorities’ powers in England and Walespowers to repair propertiesOther local authority powersrent increases for fuelCouncil tenancieslocal welfare assistance schemes6. Local welfare assistance schemesLocal welfare assistance schemeslow incomearrears repayment ratesRepayments below Fuel Direct rateshelp with arrearsStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payinglump sumsrepaying arrearsWaiver, full and final settlement of arrears and estoppelLump-sum repaymentsmarketingstandards2. Marketing and salesMcKenzie friendAdjournmentsEngland and Walesmental healthdebt respite schememental health crisis breathing spaceDebtor protection ('breathing space' scheme)Mental health crisis breathing space moratoriumMeter Point Administration NumberErrors in assigning billsMeter Point Reference NumberErrors in assigning billsmetersChapter 4: Meters and methods of paymentaccuracy3. Accuracy of the meterInvestigation of fuel theftAccuracy of meters and estimates of stolen fuelaccuracy of meter clocksEconomy 7/white meterchecking accuracy of meterChecking your metercomplaintsMaking a complaintcredit metersStandard credit meterdamageContractual liability for meter damageelectricitysupply numberSwitching suppliersexaminersMeter examinersexternal metersDisconnecting external metersfaultsMeter faultsstandardsStandard metersgasreference numberSwitching suppliersinspectionInspection of meters6. Removal of metersLegal powersoff-peak metersVariable rate credit meterownershipMeter ownershipResponsibility for meters under the Gas and Electricity Actsperformance standardsStandards of performancereadingsStandard credit meterErrors in reading the meterright of entry to premisesLegal powersremoval6. Removal of metersLegal powersrented accommodationApproval of metersresale of fuel by landlordsApproval of metersresponsibility for meterResponsibility for meters under the Gas and Electricity Actssmart metersSmart metersSmart metersDisconnecting smart meterstampering with meterChapter 9: Theft and tamperingtypes of meter2. Types of metersmis-sellingCompensation for mis-sellingmisrepresentationsupply contractsMisrepresentationYour liability when someone else has been responsible for the supplymissed appointmentscompensationWhen your supply is connectedmobile homesentitlement to supplyMobile home and caravan sitesmortgage interest loansSupport for mortgage interest loansmoving houseending supplyEnd of supply with change of ownership or occupationmoving inMoving in: becoming liable for the supplymoving outMoving out: ending liability for the supplyNational DebtlineGetting adviceNational Electricity Registration SchemeGetting your supply connectedNational Energy ActionNational Energy ActionNational GridElectricitycomplaintsComplaints about National Gridnegligencewarrants to enter premisesLiability for negligence and improperly obtained warrantsnegotiationsdisputes with supplier2. NegotiationsNestNestNI Energy AdviceNI Energy AdvicenoticedisconnectionelectricityWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – electricitygasWhen you can be refused a supplyWhen the supplier can disconnect – gaselectricity supplyNoticeending liability for billelectricityYour liability when you have signed for the supplytermination of a supply contractContractual termstermination of deemed contractEnding your liability for the billtermination of supply contractelectricityYour liability when you have signed for the supplygasEnding your liability for the billoccupiersentitlement to supplyelectricityElectricitygasGasOfgemOfgem: the industry regulator3. Action by Ofgemenforcement mattersEnforcement matterssupplier's licence revokedEnding your liability for the billolder people Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemeshelp for vulnerable peopleStandard Licence Condition 26: pensioners, the chronically sick, disabled and others evidently vulnerableProtection if you are vulnerable or in a vulnerable situationprotection from disconnectionStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingCondition 27 of the Standard Licence ConditionsWarmer Homes Scotland SchemeWarmer Homes Scotlandoutstanding chargesAssignment of outstanding charges to your new supplierownershipmetersMeter ownershipResponsibility for meters under the Gas and Electricity Actspayment methodsChapter 4: Meters and methods of payment3. Payment methodsarrears5. Paying your arrearsbreakdown of arrangementBreakdown of repayment arrangementbudget schemesCredit meter payment methodschoosing how to pay6. Choosing how to paycredit metersCredit meter payment methodsdirect debitCredit meter payment methodsflexible payment schemesCredit meter payment methodsFuel Direct5. Fuel DirectinstalmentsDisconnection when you pay in instalmentskey metersPrepayment meter payment methodsPayPointCredit meter payment methodsprepayment meterPrepayment metersPrepayment meter payment methodsstanding ordersCredit meter payment methodstypes of meter2. Types of meterspayment plansalternative to security depositAlternatives to security depositsPayPointCredit meter payment methodspension creditPension creditpower cutscompensation5. Disruption of supplyprepayment metersafe and practicable usePrepayment metersprepayment metersPrepayment metersaccuracyPrepayment metersadvantagesAdvantages of prepayment metersalternative to security depositAlternatives to security depositsarrearscollectionCollecting arrearsPrepayment metersprevious propertyPrepayment metersswitching supplier7. Switching supplier when you have arrearscard metersPrepayment meter payment methodscodes of practicePrepayment metersdisadvantagesDisadvantages of prepayment metersdisconnectionPrepayment meters and arrearsEconomy 7Economy 7/white meteremergency creditEmergency creditfaultsPrepayment meterskey metersPrepayment meter payment methodsprice capPrepayment meter price caprefusal to installPrepayment metersresisting a meterPrepayment metersrestrictions on installingPrepayment metersrestrictions on the use of warrantsPrepayment metersrestrictions on use of warrantsProhibitions on exercising a warranttoken metersPrepayment meter payment methodsvariable rate metersEconomy 7/white meterprice capsPrice capsdefault price capDefault price capprepayment meter price capPrepayment meter price capprice comparison websitesComparing pricespricesPricecomparing pricesComparing pricescomparing tariffs1. Standing charges and tariffscomplaintsMaking a complaintcost-reflective pricingSupply contractsoff-peak tariffsVariable rate credit meterprice capsPrice capsstanding charges1. Standing charges and tariffsPriority Service RegisterPriority Services RegisterPriority Services RegisterThe Priority Services Registerprotection from disconnectionPriority Services RegisterPrivate Rent Housing PanelScotlandre-sale of fuel by landlordsapproval of metersApproval of metersmaximum permitted chargeMaximum permitted chargesreconnection5. Getting your supply reconnectedchargesThe costs of disconnection and reconnectionCharges for stolen fuelcharges when security deposit not paidDisconnection and reconnection costsinjunctions requiring reconnectionInjunctionsvulnerable people5. Getting your supply reconnectedremediesChapter 14: Remediescodes of practiceUsing codes of practice and policy statementsconsumer redress ordersConsumer redress orderscourt action5. Using the civil courtsdisputes over £10,000Disputes over £10,000 (£5,000 in Scotland)Energy Ombudsman6. The Energy Ombudsmanmaking complaintsMaking a complaintnegotiations2. NegotiationsOfgem3. Action by Ofgemperformance standardsStandards of performancesmall claims procedureUsing the small claims procedure in the County Courtrenewable energyfeed-in tariffsFeed-in tariffsSmart Export GuaranteeSmart Export GuaranteeRenewable Heat IncentiveRenewable Heat Incentiverentincreases for fuel2. Rent increases for fuel or fuel-related servicescouncil tenanciesCouncil tenanciesnon-council tenanciesNon-council tenanciesrent controlRent controlwithholding rent for repairsInstallations for heating and for the supply of gas and electricityrented accommodationapproval of metersApproval of metersbreach of quiet enjoymentBreach of quiet enjoymentcouncil tenanciesCouncil tenanciescourt action for disrepairPremises prejudicial to healthdefective housing and heating4. Defective housing and heating systemsdisconnection of landlordThe landlord is disconnectedharassment by landlordsHarassmentincreases of rent for fuel costs2. Rent increases for fuel or fuel-related serviceslandlord fails to pay billsThe landlord fails to pay billsLocal authorities’ powers in England and Waleslandlord's repair obligationsEngland and WalesRepairing obligationslandlord's repair ogligationScotlandScotlandnon-council tenanciesNon-council tenanciesobtaining meter from supplierObtaining a meter directly from a supplierresale of fuel by landlords3. Resale of fuel by a landlordtransferring account for fuel supplyTransferring the accountrepairlandlord's obligation to repairScotlandScotlandrepairslandlord's obligation to repairRepairs and improvementsEngland and WalesRepairing obligationsright of entry to premisesLegal powerswithholding rent for repairsInstallations for heating and for the supply of gas and electricityresale of fuel by landlords3. Resale of fuel by a landlordrestitutionGeneral common law principlesright of entry to premisesChapter 10: Rights of entry human rightsProportionality and Human Rights Act principleschallengingDefects in the 1954 legislationcodes of practiceLicence conditionsdisconnectionLegal powersidentificationLegal powerslegal powersLegal powerslicence conditionsLicence conditionsobstructing an officialLegal powerswarrants2. Right of entry with a warrantsafetydisconnectionDisconnection for safety reasonsgas safety checkDisconnection for safety reasonsright of entry to premisesLegal powersScottishPower hardship fundScottishPowersecure tenanciesCouncil tenanciessecurity deposits4. Security depositsDisconnection when you pay in instalmentsalternativesAlternatives to security depositsamountAmount of depositcharges for disconnection or reconnectionDisconnection and reconnection costsdisputesDisconnection if you do not pay a security depositprepayment metersAlternatives to security depositsrefusal to supplyelectricityWhen you can be refused a supplygasWhen you can be refused a supply12refusal to supply or disconnectionDisconnection if you do not pay a security depositrequest for paymentelectricityElectricitygasGasreturn of depositReturn of security depositsself-disconnectionSelf-disconnectionPrepayment metersservice charges2. Rent increases for fuel or fuel-related services housing benefitHousing benefit and fuel costsaccess to informationVariable service charges in England and Walescouncil tenanciesCouncil tenanciesnon-council tenanciesVariable service charges in England and WalesVariable service charges in Scotlandvariable service chargesVariable service charges in England and WalesScotlandVariable service charges in Scotlandservices chargesuniversal creditUniversal credit housing costs element and fuel costssheriffs's officersrecovering debtsEnforcement agentssicknesshelp for vulnerable peopleStandard Licence Condition 26: pensioners, the chronically sick, disabled and others evidently vulnerableProtection if you are vulnerable or in a vulnerable situationprotection from diosconnectionStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingprotection from disconnectionCondition 27 of the Standard Licence ConditionsSmart Export GuaranteeSmart Export Guaranteesmart metersSmart metersSmart metersaccuracySmart metersadvantagesAdvantages of smart metersarrears collectionPrepayment metersdisadvantagesDisadvantages of smart metersdisconnectionDisconnecting smart metersswitching supplierSwitching supplier with a smart metersocial serviceshelp for families in needHelp from social servicessolar panelsFeed-in tariffsSmart Export Guaranteespecial agreementsElectricitysquattersdishonest use of fuel3. Theft of fuelentitlement to supplySquattersStandard Licence Conditionsaccuracy of metersAccuracy of meters and estimates of stolen fuelcodes of practicearrearsStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingelectricityConditions of supplymarketingMarketing standardsPriority Services RgeisterThe Priority Services Registerprotection from disconnectionCondition 27 of the Standard Licence Conditionssupply contractselectricitySupply contractsvulnerable peopleStandard Licence Condition 26: pensioners, the chronically sick, disabled and others evidently vulnerablestandardsfaulty metersStandard metersprepayment metersPrepayment metersmarketing2. Marketing and salesperformanceMinimum standards of performanceStandards of performanceelectricityElectricityelectricity distributorsGuaranteed standards of performanceStandards of performanceexceptionsGuaranteed standards of performancegasGasstanding charges1. Standing charges and tariffsstanding ordersCredit meter payment methodsstatutory rights1. Sources for your rights12suppliersChapter 2: Choosing a supplier changing supplierFuel DirectChange of circumstanceschanging suppliercomplaintsMaking a complaintcharginginformation on chargesInformation on chargescodes of practiceUsing codes of practice and policy statementsarrearsStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingcomplaints proceduresMaking a complaintduty toinform/advise on costs and consumption1. Amount of the bill2. Accuracy of the billobtain meter readingsDuty on suppliers to obtain meter readingsgas2. The structure of the industrygoing out of businessSuppliers which cease tradingharassmentClaims for harassment and damagesinterruption in supplyliability for harm or dangerLiability for danger and harm arising from interruptions in supplyobtaining informationObtaining information under the data protection lawperformance standardsStandards of performancepowers of OfgemGetting an order from Ofgemright of entrydisconnectionSpecific powers of disconnection1. Entering your homesecurity depositselectricityElectricitygasGassupplier goes out of businessSwitching supplier when your supplier goes out of businessswitching supplier1. Suppliers and switchingEnding your liability for the billarrearsSwitching supplier with existing debtsWhen you can be refused a supply7. Switching supplier when you have arrearsDisconnection for assigned arrearsblocking debt transfer7. Switching supplier when you have arrearscompensationSwitching suppliersdebt assignment protocol7. Switching supplier when you have arrearslegal standardsSwitching supplierssmart metersSwitching supplier with a smart metersupplier of last resortSwitching supplier when your supplier goes out of businessswitching suppliersarrearsSupplier discretion in switching with a debttariff supplierselectricityElectricityunfair terms4. Unfair termssupplyconditions of supplyelectricityConditions of supplyconnection chargeselectricityCharges for connecting a supplygasCharges for connecting a supplydisruption of supply5. Disruption of supplyelectricity2. Getting your electricity supply connectedending supplyEnd of supply with change of ownership or occupationentitlement to supply1. Who is entitled to a supplyelectricityElectricityexceptionsExceptionsgasGasmobile homes and caravansMobile home and caravan sitessquattersSquatterstravellersTravellersgas3. Getting your gas supply connectedgetting connectedelectricity2. Getting your electricity supply connectedgas3. Getting your gas supply connectedperformance standardsexceptionsGuaranteed standards of performancerefusal of supplyelectricityWhen you can be refused a supplygasWhen you can be refused a supplyswitching supplier See suppliers1. Suppliers and switchingtampering with meter2. Tampering with a meteraccuracy of meterInvestigation of fuel theftAccuracy of meters and estimates of stolen fuelcriminal offences1. IntroductionResponsibility for meters under the Gas and Electricity Actsdisconnection4. Disconnection of the supplyevidenceEvidence of tamperingExamining the evidence and the lawlegal principlesGeneral common law principlesliability for damageContractual liability for meter damageresponsibility for meterResponsibility for meters under the Gas and Electricity Actsright of entry to premisesLegal powerstheft1. Introductiontariff customersliability for billgasFormer 'tariff customers' under the Gas Act 1986tariffs1. Standing charges and tariffsinformation on tariffs1. Standing charges and tariffsoff-peakVariable rate credit meterprice capsPrice capsDefault price capWarm Home DiscountWarm Home Discounttenantslandlord fails to pay billsLocal authorities’ powers in England and Walesresale of fuel by landlords3. Resale of fuel by a landlordtenants' associationsVariable service charges in England and Walestermination of contractdeemed contractsEnding your liability for the billearly terminationContractual termsnoticeContractual termselectricityYour liability when you have signed for the supplygasEnding your liability for the billpenaltiesPenalties for terminating a contractsupplier's licence revokedEnding your liability for the billsupply contractsContractual termsTerminating a contractelectricityYour liability when you have signed for the supplygasEnding your liability for the billvariation of contractual termsEnding your liability for the billtheftChapter 9: Theft and tampering investigating stolen fuelAccuracy of meters and estimates of stolen fuelchallenging disconnectionChallenges to disconnection of stolen fuelcharges for stolen fuelCharges for stolen fuelcoin meters5. Theft from metersdisconnecting vulnerable customersChallenges to disconnection of stolen fueldisconnection4. Disconnection of the supplyestimating stolen fuelInvestigation of fuel theftfuel3. Theft of fuelright of entry to premisesLegal powerstime limitsrecovery of debtsArrears more than six years oldreturn of security depositReturn of security deposits'time to pay' directionIf you do not want your supply reconnectedtoken metersPrepayment meter payment methodstravellersentitlement to supplyTravellersunfair contractual termsUnfair termsuniversal creditUniversal creditbudgeting advancesUniversal credit budgeting advancesdiscretionary housing paymentsDiscretionary housing paymentsFuel DirectIf you get universal credithousing costsUniversal credit housing costs element and fuel costsunjust enrichmentYour liability when no one has contacted the suppliervariable rate credit metersVariable rate credit metervariable service chargesScotlandVariable service charges in Scotlandverbal contractsYour liability when you contacted the supplier by telephonevulnerable people Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation1. National energy efficiency schemes Warmer Homes Scotland SchemeWarmer Homes Scotlandcomplaints about treatmentProtection if you are vulnerable or in a vulnerable situationenergy company trust fundsTrust funds and foundationsFuel Poor Network Extension SchemeHelp with gas connectionshelp for vulnerable people2. Protection when you are in arrearsProtection if you are vulnerable or in a vulnerable situationprotection from disconnectionStandard Licence Condition 27: difficulty in payingCondition 27 of the Standard Licence ConditionsEnergy UK policyEnergy UK'Safety net' for vulnerable customersreconnection5. Getting your supply reconnectedrestrictions on use of warrantsProhibitions on exercising a warrantwagesdeductions to cover fuel costs1. You and your landlordWarm Home DiscountWarm Home DiscountEngland and WalesEngland and WalesScotlandScotlandWarmer Homes Scotland SchemeWarmer Homes ScotlandwarrantsdisconnectionDisconnecting external metershuman rightsProportionality and Human Rights Act principlesnegligenceLiability for negligence and improperly obtained warrantsright of entry2. Right of entry with a warrantrestrictions on useProhibitions on exercising a warrantwhite metersVariable rate credit meterEconomy 7/white meterwind turbinesFeed-in tariffsSmart Export Guaranteewinter fuel paymentsWinter fuel payments