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Return of security deposits
Contract suppliers must repay any deposit:
    within 14 days where, in the previous 12 months, you have paid all charges for electricity within 28 days of each bill being sent to you; or
    as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event within one month, where you have stopped taking a supply from that particular supplier and have paid all outstanding charges.
Where there is a failure to return a deposit, a small claim could be commenced through the civil courts (see here).
Security deposits held by a gas supplier under the terms of a contract or deemed contract must be returned to you if, for a continuous period of 12 months, you:
    pay your bills within 28 days of their being issued; or
    otherwise comply with the terms in respect of payment under the terms of your contract.
The deposit must be returned within two months of this period, unless it is reasonable for the deposit to be retained due to your conduct.
If you have stopped taking a supply within a period of 12 months and paid all dues, check the terms of your contract in relation to the deposit.