Chapter 5: Responsibility for the bill1. IntroductionElectricityGas2. When you are liable for an electricity billYour liability when you have signed for the supplyYour liability when you contacted the supplier by telephoneYour liability when you contacted the supplier onlineYour liability when no one has contacted the supplierYour liability when someone else has been responsible for the supplySending the bill to another personPrivity of contract3. When you are liable for a gas billThe Gas Act 1995Former 'tariff customers' under the Gas Act 1986Termination of deemed contractsCustomers with contractsYour liability for the billEnding your liability for the billCustomers with deemed contractsYour liability for the billDisputes over the rate of gas consumptionEnding your liability for the bill4. Common problemsYour liability when your name is on the billElectricityGasWho is liable when no one is named on the billElectricityGasMoving in: becoming liable for the supplyElectricityGasMoving out: ending liability for the supplyElectricityGasWho is liable when the person named on the bill has leftSole liabilityShared liabilityWho is liable when the person named on the bill diesAssignment of outstanding charges to your new supplierDomestic customer transfer blockingThe Limitation Act 1980Harassment by suppliers and debt collectors