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Moving in: becoming liable for the supply
When moving to a new address, make a note of the meter reading and preferably agree the reading with the last occupier(s), so that you can use this as evidence of when your liability for supply started. If possible, arrange to have the meter read by the supplier, and inform them that you require a supply. Check your first bill carefully to ensure that the dates used by the supplier are correct and the bill does not include the previous occupiers’ charges or arrears. You cannot be held responsible for the previous occupiers’ arrears of electricity or gas.
If an electricity supplier does not routinely use application forms, consider whether you should request a supply in writing. One person can give notice if that person wants to take responsibility. If you are a joint occupier who wants to share liability, ensure that everyone living in the property signs the application form, letter or contract.
If one joint occupier moves out and you move in to take her/his place, there is nothing to prevent you from giving notice specifying that you are replacing a joint occupier or arranging a new contract. Liability depends on who signs the new arrangement.
If you do not inform a supplier that you have moved in, the last supplier to supply gas at the premises is entitled to charge you for any gas you have used under the terms of a deemed contract. To avoid this happening, take proactive steps to contact the supplier to obtain a supply. You are initially liable under the terms of a deemed contract, until you enter directly into a contract with the supplier.
If you do not know the last supplier to supply gas at the premises, call the Meter Point Reference Helpline on 0870 608 1524 or visit for details of your gas supplier and your Meter Point Reference Number.