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Help with gas connections
The government has set obligations on the eight gas distribution networks (GDNs) in Great Britain to deliver assistance to their consumers. The current obligation, known as RIIO-GD2, runs from 2021 to 2026 and is monitored by Ofgem.
As part of this obligation, the Fuel Poor Network Extension Scheme enables customers who are in fuel poverty to switch to natural gas by helping towards the cost of connection to the gas network.
Each of the GDNs covers a separate geographical region and they are owned and managed by the following companies. Contact them to find out what support is offered in your area.
    Cadent Gas Ltd – West Midlands, Northwest, East of England and North London.
    Northern Gas Networks Limited – Northeast England (including Yorkshire and Northern Cumbria).
    Wales and West Utilities Limited – Wales and Southwest England.
    SGN – Scotland and Southern England (including South London).
    Advice and assistance from suppliers
Providing guidance on energy efficiency for customers is a licence condition for gas and electricity suppliers.1EA 1989; condition 31 SLC Each supplier has to produce a code of practice on using fuel efficiently. It should be published on the supplier’s website, or you can request a copy by telephone.
Suppliers have trained staff offering advice on ways to save energy and cut your energy bills. In some areas they can also arrange for an adviser to visit your home and make recommendations as to ways of saving energy and money.
You may also be sent booklets on energy efficiency, including details of grants and the supplier’s own schemes. Ofgem monitors the energy efficiency measures of the ‘big six’ energy companies. There are significant market changes and, with E.ON Next incorporating npower and OVO Energy incorporating SSE, it is likely that Octopus Energy could fairly be described as now being one the six largest suppliers.
Many of the suppliers also have funds, foundations and trusts that can provide a range of support and assistance, particularly to vulnerable customers (see here).
1     EA 1989; condition 31 SLC »