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All households in Wales can access the Nest scheme for advice on fuel tariffs and saving energy and for a benefit entitlement check.
Those living in the hardest-to-heat private sector properties and who get a means-tested benefit can apply for free home improvements such as a new boiler, central heating system, hot water cylinder insulation or renewable energy technologies – eg, solar panels.
To qualify for Nest home improvements, the property must be:
    your own home, privately rented or shared-ownership – if you rent, you must have the landlord’s permission (those who rent from a local authority or a housing association are not eligible);
    energy performance certificate (EPC) ratings of E, F or G.
You or someone who lives with you must get one of the following:1Reg 2 The Home Energy Efficiency Schemes (Wales) Regulations 2011 No.656
    child tax credit and your annual income is below £16,105;
    council tax reduction (discretionary reductions and discounts do not qualify on their own);
    housing benefit;
    income-based jobseeker’s allowance;
    income-related employment and support allowance;
    income support;
    pension credit;
    universal credit;
    working tax credit and your income is below £16,105.
If you do not meet the criteria, Nest may be able to refer you to alternative schemes. To apply or to get advice, call freephone 0808 808 2244.
1     Reg 2 The Home Energy Efficiency Schemes (Wales) Regulations 2011 No.656 »