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When your supply is connected
In practice, the gas supply often remains connected after the previous occupier moves out, so there is often no interruption to the supply. If the supply of gas has been disconnected, the gas supplier which you have chosen arranges a date to reconnect. It must do this as soon as reasonably practicable. If the meter has been removed, the supplier arranges with the transporter for a meter to be installed or may itself provide you with a meter. If there is already a meter in place, the supplier will make arrangements with the owner of the meter (usually National Grid) for the existing meter to remain in place. This does not apply when the meter in place is not suitable.
The relevant key standards state that when you request a gas supply:
    if a survey visit is required, contact is made within two working days to arrange an appointment which will be within three working days, or later if you requested;
    following such a visit, a quotation for providing a supply is sent within five working days of the visit if the property is adjacent to a public highway in which there is a suitable gas main, or otherwise within 20 working days;
    if no visit is required, a quotation is sent within five working days of receipt of the enquiry.
If the supply can be monitored remotely via a smart meter, the supplier must offer to provide or make available accurate monthly billing information based on consumption.1Condition 21B(5) SLC
In the event of an unreasonable delay, take the matter up with Ofgem.
The Gas Industry Registration Scheme lists companies registered as competent for gas connection work can be found at
1     Condition 21B(5) SLC »