IndexIndex ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPRSTUVWYadjudication for debt7. Adjudication for debtAdjudicator's OfficeThe Adjudicator’s Officeadoption payments statutory adoption payStatutory adoption pay statutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental payadult disability paymentAdult disability paymentadvice agenciesaccreditationFor organisationsCitizens Advice accreditationCitizens Advice Bureau accreditationalcoholcapacity to make a contractIncapacityaliment2. Spousal maintenance paymentsenforcementEnforcementalternative dispute resolutionAlternative dispute resolutionancillary orderAncillary orderarrears noticesregulated credit agreements7. Arrears noticesarrest warrantunpaid finesemergency actionA warrant has been issued for the client’s arrest for an unpaid fineassured tenantsShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciesattachmentAttachmentchallenging an attachmentChallenging an attachmentenforcementHow the attachment is carried outformsForms for exceptional attachments and attachmentsattendance allowanceAttendance allowanceauctionsattached goodsHow long an attachment lastsbank arrestment3. Bank arrestmentprotected minimum balanceProtected minimum balancestriking down a bank arrestmentBank arrestment stoppersunduly harshThe arrestment has been executed incompetently or irregularlybankruptcyChapter 6: Statutory debt solutions in Scotland8. Common rules in bankruptcyacquirendaAcquirendaassetsAssetsAssets discovered after the trustee’s dischargeaward by AiBAward by the Accountant in Bankruptcybank accountsMoney in bank accountsbusiness debtBankruptcy and protected trust deedschild supportChild supportcomplaintsComplaintscreditor petitions for bankruptcy6. Creditor petitions for bankruptcycriminal injuries compensationCriminal injuries compensationcritical illnessCritical illnessdeath of debtorInsolvencydischargeDischarge of the client and the trusteefinancial education courseFinancial educationFull Administration Bankruptcy5. Full Administration Bankruptcygratuitous alienationGratuitous alienationhomeThe family homerentedTenancy agreementsincomeIncomeinsurance policiesLife assurance policiesinterest on debtsInterest on debtsMinimal Asset Process4. The Minimal Asset ProcesspensionsPensionsrecallRecallredundancyRedundancysale of vehicleVehiclesstatutory moratorium on diligence9. Statutory moratorium on diligenceundervalue transactionsGratuitous alienationunfair preferenceUnfair preferencebankruptcy restrictions orderBankruptcy Restriction Orderbanksbank arrestment3. Bank arrestmentbenefitsdeductions1. Introductionmaximising incomeBenefit checkoverpayments1. Introductionprescription periodBenefit overpaymentsrecovery of overpayments2. Direct earnings attachmentstreatment as incomeIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenIncome from which a contribution cannot be takenbereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentBest Start foodBest Start grants and foodbudgeting advice7. Budgeting adviceessential itemsLuxury or non-essential itemsfinancial contributions from family membersThe client’s non-dependantsbudgeting loansSocial fund paymentsbursariestreatment as incomeIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenbusiness debtChapter 14: Business debtsbankruptcyBankruptcy and protected trust deedschecklistBusiness Debt Arrangement Schemerent arrearsRent arrearsstages of debt advice3. Stages of debt advicecreating trustCreate trustfinancial statementDraw up a financial statement for a self-employed clientlisting business income and expenditureList business income and expenditurelisting creditorsList creditorsmaximising incomeMaximise incomeminimising debtsMinimise debts by ceasing to tradenon-priority debtsChoose a strategy for non-priority debtspriority debtsDeal with priority debtstypes of small business2. Types of small businessco-operativeMember of a co-operativefranchiseClient with a franchise agreementlimited companyDirector of a limited companylimited liability partnershipMember of a limited liability partnershippartnershipPartner in a business partnershipsole traderSole tradersVAT arrearsVAT debtsBusiness Debt Arrangement SchemeBusiness debt solutions in ScotlandBusiness DebtlineGiving advice to self-employed clientsbusiness expensesBusiness expenditurecable televisionessential expenditureLuxury or non-essential itemscancellation rightsregulated credit agreementCancelling a consumer credit contractcapital repayment mortgageCapital repayment mortgagescarer support paymentCarer’s allowance and carer support paymentcarerscarer's allowanceCarer’s allowance and carer support paymentcarer's allowanceCarer’s allowance and carer support paymentcase recordingCase recordingcataloguesprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodCertificate for SequestrationCertificate for SequestrationFull Administration BankruptcyCertificate for SequestrationMinimal Asset Process bankruptcyCertificate for SequestrationcharitiesCharity paymentsCharitieschild benefitChild benefitchild disability paymentChild disability paymentchild support payments1. Child support paymentsdeductions from benefitsChild maintenancedeductions from earnings order3. Deduction from earnings ordersenforcementSpecial featuresEnforcementpriority debtsPriority debtsqualifying childThe legal positionchild tax creditChild tax creditchildrenBest Start foodBest Start grants and foodBest Start grantsBest Start grants and foodchild benefitChild benefitchild disability paymentChild disability paymentchild tax creditChild tax creditdependent childrenDependent childrendisability living allowanceDisability living allowanceguardian's allowanceGuardian’s allowanceliability for debtsMinorsScottish child paymentScottish child paymentCivil OnlineCivil Onlinecivil partnershipsbereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentco-habiting partnersbereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentco-operativesMember of a co-operativecodes of practicecreditorsCodes of practicefuel suppliers3. Gas and electricity chargescoerced debtCoerced debtcommon financial statementThe Common Financial StatementCommon Financial ToolCommon Financial Tool2. The Common Financial ToolexpenditureExpenditurehousehold income and expenditureHousehold compositionincomeIncometrigger figure categoriesTrigger figure categorieswho can access the CFTWho can access the Common Financial Toolcompensation for damagesCivil compensation for damagesconjoined arrestment orderConjoined arrestment ordersconsumer creditChapter 5: Consumer creditexempt agreementsExempt credit agreementsregulated agreementsRegulated credit agreementsConsumer Credit Act 19742. The Consumer Credit Act 1974Consumer Credit SourcebookThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookconsumer protectionregulatory bodiesThe Financial Conduct Authoritycontractscapacity to make a contract6. Mental health and capacity to contract in Scotlandpre-contract informationPre-contract information for on-premises contractsunfair relationship6. Unfair relationshipscooling-off periodregulated credit agreementCancelling a consumer credit contractcouncil tax4. Council taxarrearsArrears proceduresdeductions from benefitsCouncil tax arrearsprescription periodCouncil taxsummary warrantWhat is a summary warrantcarersDiscounts, exemptions and reductionsCommon Financial ToolEssential expendituredisabilityDiscounts, exemptions and reductionsempty propertiesDiscounts, exemptions and reductionsenforcementEnforcementexempt propertiesExempt propertiesliabilityLiabilityjoint and several liabilityLiabilitypriority debtsPriority debtssevere mental impairmentDiscounts, exemptions and reductionssingle person discountDiscounts, exemptions and reductionsstudentsDiscounts, exemptions and reductions7. Council taxthird-psrty deductionsThird-party deductionsvaluation bandCouncil tax valuation bandcouncil tax reduction schemeCouncil tax reduction schemeCouncil tax reductionpart-time studentsStudents eligible for council tax reductioncourt finesChapter 20: Court finesalternatives to prosecutionAlternatives to prosecutionchecklist5. Checklist for actiondeductions from benefitsCourt finesenforcement ordersEnforcement ordersexempt from insolvency solutions4. Debt solutionfines issued after prosecutionFines issued after prosecutionpriority debtsPriority debtsreferred back to courtRefer back to courtcourtsliaison groupsLocal liaison groupsmonitoring local courtsMonitoring local courtsrepresentation by debt advisers4. Representing clients in courtuser groupsLocal liaison groupscredit agreementsnot regulatedExempt credit agreementsregulatedRegulated credit agreements12credit authorisation14. The Financial Conduct Authority’s rolecredit cardsprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodsection 75 credit card protection11. Section 75 credit card protectioncredit reference agencies13. Credit reference agenciesaccounts recorded as in defaultRecording defaultscorrecting information heldCorrecting information held on a credit reference fileinformation collected13. Credit reference agenciesobtaining file detailsIf the information held is incorrectcredit repair companiesCredit repair companiescredit scoring13. Credit reference agenciescredit unionsCredit unionscreditorscodes of practiceCodes of practicecollecting informationThe creditorsconsent required for a Debt Arrangement SchemeThe request to creditors to consent to the DPP applicationcredit scoring13. Credit reference agenciescreditor's petition6. Creditor petitions for bankruptcyapplication to the courtApplication to the court and intimation to the clientchecklistChecklistcourt hearingCourt hearingrecallRecalldeath of debtorCreditorsDebt Arrangement SchemeThe effect of approval of a DPP on creditorsdebt collectiondealing with harassmentDealing with harassmentguidance on mental health issuesOther guidanceharassmentDealing with harassmentlisting creditors4. Stage 4: listing creditors and priority and non-priority debtsmonitoring practicesMonitoring creditor practicesnegotiating with creditors2. Negotiatingrefusal to deal with advisers2. Negotiatingstatutory demandDealing with a statutory demandtrust deedCreditor responsescriminal offencesharassmentDealing with harassmentCrown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service2. The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Servicecurrent maintenance arrestmentCurrent maintenance arrestmentdeathbereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentchecklist4. Checklistdealing with an estate after deathDealing with the estateliability for debtsDebts after death1. Liability for debtsstatutory parental bereavement payStatutory parental bereavement paydebtlisting debtsThe debtsdebt adviceAbbreviationsadministrative systems3. Administrationadvice system2. The debt advice systembusiness debtChapter 14: Business debtscase filesCase recordingclient authorisationClient authorisationclient's best interestsThe client's best interestsclosing casesClosing casescorrespondenceCorrespondenceDebt and Mental Health Evidence Form5. Debt and Mental Health Evidence Formfinancial statementThe financial statementgood practiceEnsuring good practiceharassmentDealing with harassmentinitial interviewInitial interview1. Stage 1: find out the whole situationletter writing frameworkUse a frameworkmental healthClients with mental health problemsChapter 15: Debt and mental healthnational standardsFor organisationsprescription periods5. Dealing with a prescription casereferralsMaking appropriate referralsSignposting or referralreviewsReviewsstages of debt adviceStages of the debt advice processChapter 3: The six stages of the debt advice processbusiness debt3. Stages of debt advicechecking liability3. Stage 3: check liabilitiesemergencies2. Stage 2: deal with emergenciesfinancial statement5. Stage 5: create the initial Common Financial Statementlisting creditors4. Stage 4: listing creditors and priority and non-priority debtsmaximising income6. Stage 6: maximise income and reduce expenditureChapter 19: Benefits and other paymentsWhich benefits and tax credits can a client claimTackling Problem Debt GroupTackling Problem Debt Grouptriage interviewThe triage interviewdebt adviserattitudes to debtA professional attitudebudgeting advice7. Budgeting advicebusiness debtGiving advice to self-employed clientsclient with mental health issuesClients with mental health problemscourt representation4. Representing clients in courtcreating trust1. Stage 1: find out the whole situationdealing with harassmentDealing with harassmentDebt Arrangement SchemeThe debt advisereconomic abuse6. The adviser’s roleemergencies2. Stage 2: deal with emergencieshierarchy of debts following a deathHierarchy of debtsinformation from clientUnderstand that all information obtained from the client is vitalinterviewing1. Interviewinginvolving the clientAn ability to involve the client in informed choicesknowledge of law of proceduresA sound knowledge of law and proceduresletter writing3. Letter writingmental health issues3. Issues for clients and advisersnegotiating2. Negotiatingrepresenting in sheriff courtUseful techniquesrole and functionsThe debt advisersocial policy workA commitment to social policy5. Changing policystudent debt1. Advising studentstools to support vulnerable clients9. Tools and supportvulnerable clientsChallenges when working with vulnerable clientsDebt Arrangement Scheme3. The Debt Arrangement Schemeadministration processAdministration process following approval of the DPPaliment arrearsDebt Arrangement Schemeapplication processPreparing the applicationPreparation for an application for a DPPThe applicationapplication rejectedRejection of a DPP proposalchild support arrearsDebt Arrangement SchemecompletionCompletion of a DPPcompositionCompositionDAS administratorThe DAS administratordeathDebt Payment ProgrammeseligibilityEligibility for a debt payment programmemortgage arrearsUsing the Debt Arrangement Schemeprivate sector rent arrearsUsing the Debt Arrangement Schemeprocedure following approval of DASThe effect of approval of a DPP on the clientrevocationRevocation of a DPPvariationApplication for a variationdebt collectionbreach of guidanceThe Consumer Credit SourcebookConsumer Credit SourcebookThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookcreditors' codes of practiceCodes of practiceharassmentDealing with harassmentdebt management companiesDebt advice is a professional activitydebt packager referral feesBan on debt packager referral feesdebt payment programmeDebt Arrangement Scheme3. The Debt Arrangement SchemeDebtor Contribution OrderDebtor contribution orderFull Administration BankruptcyDebtor contribution orderMinimal Asset Process bankruptcyDebtor contribution orderdebts not covered by Consumer Credit ActExempt credit agreementsdeduction from earnings orderchild support paymentsSpecial features3. Deduction from earnings orderstrust deed paymentsDeductions from the client’s earningsdeductions from benefits4. Third-party deductions1. IntroductionamountsHow much can be deductedbankruptcyThird-party deductions and insolvencyconsentConsent for deductionsDebt Arrangement SchemeThird-party deductions and the Debt Arrangement Schemedeductions from benefits orderDeduction from benefits ordermore than one deductionMore than one deductionpriority order of deductionsPriority of debtsdefault noticeregulated credit agreements8. Default noticesdiligenceChapter 9: Diligenceadjudication for debt7. Adjudication for debtattachmentAttachmentbank arrestment3. Bank arrestmentcourt procedures6. On the dependenceearnings arrestment2. Earnings arrestmentexceptional attachmentExceptional attachmentinhibition in execution5. Inhibition in executionmoney attachment4. Money attachmentmoratorium on diligenceMoratorium on diligence9. Statutory moratorium on diligencenon-diligence debt recovery1. Introductionon the dependence6. On the dependencesummary diligence8. Summary diligencediligence stopperDiligence stopperdirect earnings attachment2. Direct earnings attachmentsrate of deductionsHow deductions are madedisabilityadult disability paymentAdult disability paymentassistance fundsSpecial funds for sick or disabled peopleattendance allowanceAttendance allowancechild disability paymentChild disability paymentdisability living allowanceDisability living allowanceemployment and support allowanceEmployment and support allowanceindustrial injuries benefitsIndustrial injuries disablement benefitpersonal independence paymentPersonal independence paymentdiscretionary housing paymentsDiscretionary housing paymentdismissalpay in lieu of noticeNotice paydomestic abuse2. What is economic abusedrugscapacity to make a contractIncapacityearningsdirect earnings attachment2. Direct earnings attachmentsevidence of earningsIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenearnings arrestment2. Earnings arrestmentArrestment of funds orderchallenging an earnings arrestmentApplications for orders that an earnings arrestment is invalidscheduleEarnings arrestment scheduleeconomic abuseChapter 17: Economic abusecoerced debtCoerced debtdefinition2. What is economic abuseidentifying economic abuse5. Identifying economic abuserole of adviser6. The adviser’s roleemergency actionfuel disconnectionThe client is facing imminent disconnection of essential utilitiesoverviewAn overview of basic tactics to deal with emergency situationspossession of homeThe client is about to be evicted for rent arrearspreventing goods being takenSheriff officers are threatening to visit the client’s home and/or remove goodsemployment and support allowanceEmployment and support allowancedeductions from benefitHow third-party deductions workmaximum deductionsDeductions from other means-tested benefitsenforcement actioncommercial rent arrearsRent arrearsenforcement ordersEnforcement ordersenforcement ordersEnforcement ordersequal payEqual pay rulesEuropean Commission Consumer Credit Directive 2008European Consumer Credit DirectiveevictionDebt Arrangement SchemeUsing the Debt Arrangement Schemeenforcement by sheriff officersEvictionprivate residential tenanciesPrivate residential tenanciesprivate sector tenantsThe First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)Dealing with an eviction caseshort-assured and assured tenanciesassured tenanciesShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciesgrounds for evictionShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciesshort-assured tenanciesShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciessocial housingPre-court processesnotice of proceedingsNotice of proceedings for recovery of possessionpre-action requirementsPre-action requirementsexceptional attachmentExceptional attachmentenforcementSheriff officer’s power of entryformsForms for exceptional attachments and attachmentsexecutor2. The executorexpenditurebusiness expensesBusiness expenditurechallenging expenditureChallenging low spendingCommon Financial ToolExpenditurecontingency allowanceContingency provisionessential expenditureEssential expenditureluxury itemsLuxury or non-essential itemsTrigger figure categoriesreducing expenditureReduce expenditurefaulty goods/servicesFaulty goodsfinancial abuseFinancial abuse4. Financial abuse versus economic abuseFinancial Abuse Code of Pracrice8. Financial Abuse Codefinancial capabilityFinancial inclusion: MoneyHelper6. Vulnerability and financial capabilityFinancial Conduct AuthorityThe Financial Conduct Authorityconsumer credit activities14. The Financial Conduct Authority’s roleConsumer Credit SourcebookThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookcredit authorisation14. The Financial Conduct Authority’s roledebt collection guidanceThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookguidance for advisersThe Financial Conduct Authorityguidance for lendersFCA guidance for lendersmental capacityFinancial Conduct Authority guidancefinancial inclusionFinancial inclusion: MoneyHelperFinancial Ombudsman ServiceThe Financial Ombudsman ServiceFinancial Ombudsman Servicemortgage arrearsComplaints and the Financial Ombudsman ServiceFinancial Services Compensation SchemeFinancial Services Compensation Schemefinancial statementThe financial statementbusiness debtDraw up a financial statement for a self-employed clientcommon financial statementThe Common Financial Statementaccessing common financial statementHow to access the Common Financial Statementcompleting common financial statementHow to complete the Common Financial Statementlocal and UK government creditorsIssues with local and UK government creditorstrigger figuresThe trigger figuresstandard financial statementWho can access the Common Financial Toolfines enforcement officersFines issued after prosecutionFirst-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)appealsAppealapplication to tribunalApplication to the tribunal: common ruleshearingsHearingslay representativesLay representatives, supporters and exclusionstribunal optionsTribunal optionsfiscal finesFiscal finesfixed-rate mortgageFixed-rate mortgagesfixed penalty noticesFixed penalty noticesfood banksFood banksfranchisesClient with a franchise agreementfree school mealsFree school mealsfuel charges3. Gas and electricity chargesarrearsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsdeductions from benefitsUtility arrearsbackbillingBackbillingCommon Financial ToolEssential expendituredisconnectionemergency actionThe client is facing imminent disconnection of essential utilitiesestimated billsEstimated billsextra supportOther assistanceliabilityelectricityElectricitygasGaslimitation periodBackbillingprepayment metersExtra supportpriority debtsPriority debtspriority services registerOther assistancereducing expenditureUtilitiessmart metersExtra supportsupport and adviceExtra supportOther assistanceWarm Home DiscountWarm Home DiscountWarm Home DiscountFull Administration Bankruptcy5. Full Administration Bankruptcyapparent insolvencyApparent insolvencyapplicationMaking an applicationBASYSchecklistChecklistdate of sequestrationDate of sequestrationduration of bankruptcyDuration of the bankruptcyfeesFeesincluded and excluded debtsIncluded and excluded debtsnon-paymentNon-paymentqualifying criteriaQualifying criteriaStatement of TruthStatement of undertakings and statement of truthStatement of UndertakingStatement of undertakings and statement of truthfuneral support paymentFuneral support paymentgamblinggambling-related vulnerabilityGamblingguarantee paymentsGuarantee payguardian's allowanceGuardian’s allowanceharassmentDealing with harassmenthardship fundstrade unionsTrade unionshealth benefitsHealth benefitsHelp to SaveHelp to Savehire purchase agreementsCommon Financial ToolEssential expenditurepersonal contract purchases9. Voluntary termination of hire purchase and personal contract purchase agreementspreventing repossessionThe client is facing the imminent loss of essential goods – eg, if hire purchase goods are about to be repossessedvoluntary termination9. Voluntary termination of hire purchase and personal contract purchase agreementsHomeowners' Support FundHomeowners’ Support Fundhousekeeping costsListing expenditureTrigger figure categorieshousingChapter 8: Housing debtdiscretionary housing paymentDiscretionary housing paymentequity in the homeHeritable property (the client's home)housing benefitHousing benefitprivate rented sector2. Private rented sectorsocial housing1. Social housing sectorhousing benefitHousing benefitincome6. Stage 6: maximise income and reduce expenditurebenefitsIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenIncome from which a contribution cannot be takenbusinessBusiness incomecalculating incomeIncomeCommon Financial ToolIncomeincome supportIncome supportdeductions from benefitHow third-party deductions workmaximum deductionsDeductions from other means-tested benefitsincome taxallowancesTax allowancesTax allowancesarrearsIncome tax debtssummary warrantWhat is a summary warrantrebateTax rebateTax rebatereliefsTax reliefsself-employmentTax, national insurance and VAT debtsindemnity insuranceMortgage indemnity guaranteeindustrial diseases/accidentsIndustrial injuries disablement benefitindustrial injuries benefitsIndustrial injuries disablement benefitinhibition5. Inhibition in executionchecklistChecklistinsolvencycreditor's petitionApparent insolvencyFull Administration BankruptcyApparent insolvencyMinimal Asset Process4. The Minimal Asset Processprivate sector rent arrearsUsing an insolvency optioninsurancesurrender value of policiesInsurance policiesinterest-only mortgageInterest-only mortgagesinterviewing skills1. InterviewingInterviewing clientsjobseeker's allowanceJobseeker’s allowancedeductions from benefitHow third-party deductions workmaximum deductionsDeductions from other means-tested benefitsjoint and several liabilitycouncil taxLiabilitylandlordslandlord hypothecLandlord hypotheclay-offsguarantee paymentsGuarantee paylay representationLay representationtechniques for sheriff court representationUseful techniquestime to pay directionsLay representationtime to pay ordersLay representationleasesbusiness equipmentOther leasesbusiness premisesThe premises leaselegally competent6. Mental health and capacity to contract in Scotlandletter writing3. Letter writingliability for debts3. Stage 3: check liabilitiesacknowledgement of debtDebt lapsed because of timecapacity to make a contractIncapacitychildren and young peopleMinorsco-operativesMember of a co-operativedeathDebts after death1. Liability for debtselectricity chargesElectricityfaulty goods/servicesFaulty goodsfranchisesClient with a franchise agreementgas chargesGasjoint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilitylimited liability partnershipsMember of a limited liability partnershipsole traderSole tradersundue influenceUndue influence/duressunfair relationship6. Unfair relationshipsliability orderchild support paymentsEnforcementlimitation periods1. Introductionfuel chargesBackbillinglimited companyDirector of a limited companylimited liability partnershipsMember of a limited liability partnershiploansprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodlocal authoritycouncillorsLocal councillors and MPslong negative prescription3. Long negative prescription (20 years)low incomehealth benefitsHealth benefitslump sumstrade unionsTrade unionsluxury itemsLuxury or non-essential itemsmaintenance payments2. Spousal maintenance paymentsenforcementEnforcementpriority debtsPriority debtstreatment as incomeIncome sources from which a contribution can be takentreatment of contributionsIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenmarriagebereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentmaternity allowanceMaternity allowancematernity benefitsstatutory maternity payStatutory maternity paystatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental payMATRICS projectSecond-tier support from MATRICS consultancymaximising incomeOverview of maximising income1. Introductionbenefits and tax creditsBenefit checkWhich benefits and tax credits can a client claimbusinessesMaximise incomecharitiesCharity paymentsCharitieschild maintenanceChild maintenanceChild maintenancecompensation for damagesCivil compensation for damagesCivil compensation for damagescouncil tax reductionCouncil tax discount or reductionCouncil tax reductiondisability/illness assistance fundsSpecial funds for sick or disabled peoplediscretionary housing paymentDiscretionary housing paymentequal payEqual pay rulesfood banksFood banksFood banksfree school lunchesFree school mealsguarantee paymentsGuarantee payincome taxallowancesTax allowances, rebates and tax codesTax allowancesrebateTax rebateTax rebatereliefsTax reliefsminimum wageNational minimum wagenotice payNotice paypensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsredundancy paymentsRedundancy payschool clothingSchool clothing grantsschool transportSchool transportScottish Welfare FundScottish Welfare Fundsocial workSocial worktrade unionsTrade unionsTrade unionswar pensionsPayments for war injuryWarm Home DiscountWarm Home DiscountMcKenzie friendLay representationmediasocial policy workUsing the mediaMember of ParliamentLocal councillors and MPsmental capacityMental capacityadults with incapacityAdults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000FCA guidance7. Key requirements and guidancemental healthChapter 15: Debt and mental healthadvising clientsClients with mental health problems3. Issues for clients and adviserscapacity to make a contractIncapacityconditions2. Mental health conditionsDebt and Mental Health Evidence Form5. Debt and Mental Health Evidence Formguidance for creditors7. Key requirements and guidanceinterview techniquesInterviewing clientssensitive personal data4. Data protection and sensitive personal datamessengers-at-armsMessengers-at-armsmetersfuelprepayment metersExtra supportsmart metersExtra supportMinimal Asset Process bankruptcy4. The Minimal Asset ProcessapplicationMaking an applicationBASYSdate of sequestrationDate of sequestrationduration of bankruptcyDuration of the bankruptcyfeesFeesincluded and excluded debtsIncluded and excluded debtsqualifying criteriaQualifying criteriaStatement of TruthStatement of undertakings and statement of truthStatement of UndertakingStatement of undertakings and statement of truthminimising debtsbusiness debtMinimise debts by ceasing to trademinimum wageNational minimum wagemobile phonesessential expenditureLuxury or non-essential itemsmoney attachment4. Money attachmentchecklistChecklistmoney claims in the sheriff courtChapter 7: Money claims in the sheriff courtordinary cause procedure3. Ordinary causesimple procedure2. Simple procedureMoneyHelperFinancial inclusion: MoneyHelperMortgage CharterTailored support guidance and forbearanceThe Mortgage Chartermortgage interest loansLoan for mortgage interestMortgage interest loansmortgages3. Mortgage arrearsarrearsDealing with mortgage arrearscapital repayment mortgagesCapital repayment mortgagescapitalising arrearsCapitalise the arrearschanging to cheaper mortgageMortgage prisonerschecklistChecklistcomplaintsComplaints and the Financial Ombudsman Serviceconsumer protectionConsumer dutyDebt Arrangement SchemeUsing the Debt Arrangement Schemefixed-rate mortgagesFixed-rate mortgagesHomeowners' Support FundHomeowners’ Support Fundindemnity guaranteeMortgage indemnity guaranteeinsolvencyUsing an insolvency optioninterest-only mortgagesInterest-only mortgagesInterest-only paymentsFCA guidanceGuidance for customers with interest-only mortgagesloans for mortgage interestLoan for mortgage interestmortgage prisonersMortgage prisonerspayment holidayReduced payments or a payment holidaypost-pandemic supportTailored support guidance and forbearancepriority debtsPriority debts3. Mortgage arrearsreduced paymentsReduced payments or a payment holidayregulated contractsThe FCA and regulated mortgage contractsrepossession processThe repossession processshared ownership mortgagesShared ownership mortgagesSharia-compliant mortgagesIslamic mortgagesshortfall on saleMortgage shortfallsindemnity insuranceMortgage indemnity guaranteeprescription periodMortgage shortfallstandard securityStandard securitiesstandard variable rate mortgagesStandard variable rate mortgagestailored supportTailored support guidance and forbearancetime orderTime ordertracker mortgagesTracker mortgagesvoluntary surrenderHanding back the keys (voluntary surrender)Mortgages and Home Finance: conduct of business sourcebookMortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business Sourcebooknational insurance contributionsself-employmentTax, national insurance and VAT debtsnegotiation2. Negotiatingnon-dependantscontribution to budgetThe client’s non-dependantsAdult non-dependantsnon-priority debtsPriority debtsNon-priority debtsbusiness debtChoose a strategy for non-priority debtsfreezing interestDealing with non-priority debtgeneral approachDealing with non-priority debtpro-rata paymentsDealing with non-priority debttoken paymentsDealing with non-priority debtnoticepay in lieu of noticeNotice payoccupational pensionPrivate and occupational pensionsOfcomOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatOfwatOfgem, Ofcom and Ofwatolder peopleage-related vulnerabilityAge-related vulnerabilityOmbudsman Services: EnergyEnergy OmbudsmanOmbudsmenOmbudsmenordindary cause procedure3. Ordinary causeappealsAppealsdecisionsDecisions made in courtfeesHow an action is raisedgoing to courtGoing to courtinitial writUnderstanding an ordinary cause initial writlay representationLay representationoptions hearingOptions hearingpost decreePost-decreeraising an actionHow an action is raisedserving an initial writServing an initial writtime to pay orderTime to pay orderoverdraftsprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodstudent debt8. Overdraftsoverpaymentsbenefits1. Introductionprescription periodDebts covered by the 20-year prescription periodBenefit overpaymentsScottish benefitsprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodpartnershipsPartner in a business partnershiplimited liability partnershipsMember of a limited liability partnershippaternity paymentsstatutory paternity payStatutory paternity paystatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental paypay in lieu of noticeNotice paytreatment as incomeIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenpayday loansprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodpension creditPension creditdeductions from benefitHow third-party deductions workmaximum deductionsDeductions from other means-tested benefitspensionsoccupational pensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsprivate pensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsstate retirement pensionState retirement pensiontreatment as incomeIncome sources from which a contribution can be takentreatment of contributionsIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenpersonal independence paymentPersonal independence paymentpersonal injury claimsCivil compensation for damagespossession proceedingsmortgage arrearsThe repossession processprivate sector tenantsThe First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)notice of proceedingsShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciesnotice to quitShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciessection11 noticeShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciessocial housingPre-court processesdecree for possessionPost-court actionnotice of proceedingsNotice of proceedings for recovery of possession20-year prescription period3. Long negative prescription (20 years)prescription periods1. Introductionbenefit overpaymentsBenefit overpaymentscouncil tax arrearsCouncil taxcourt decree/judgementSheriff court decree/decisiondebt advice5. Dealing with a prescription casefive-year prescription period2. Short negative prescription (five years)mortgage shortfallMortgage shortfallstudent loansStudent loanspriority debtsPriority debtsbusiness debtDeal with priority debtsdeciding on prioritiesDealing with priority debtsdefinitionPriority debtsmortgage arrears3. Mortgage arrearsnegotiationsDealing with priority debtssanctions for non-paymentSanctions and client needsprivate residential tenanciesPrivate residential tenanciesnotice to leavePrivate residential tenanciesprivate sector tenants2. Private rented sectoreviction and possession ordersThe First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber)protected minimum balanceProtected minimum balanceredundancyRedundancy paytreatment as incomeIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenregulated credit agreementsRegulated credit agreementsarrears notices7. Arrears noticescancellationCancelling a consumer credit contractdistance contractsCredit agreements at a distance and cooling-off periodscredit card protection11. Section 75 credit card protectiondefault notices8. Default noticesearly settlement12. Early repayment rules under the Consumer Credit Actexempt agreementsExempt credit agreementsinformation that must be in the agreementPrescribed and non-prescribed terms on consumer credit agreementsnon-prescribed termsNon-prescribed termspre-contract information3. Pre-contractual informationprescribed termsPrescribed termssection 75 credit card protection11. Section 75 credit card protectiontime orders10. Time ordersunfair relationship6. Unfair relationshipswithdrawal from agreementWithdrawal from agreementsregulatory bodiesFinancial Conduct AuthorityThe Financial Conduct AuthorityOfcomOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatOfgemOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatOfwatOfgem, Ofcom and Ofwatrentarrearscommercial propertiesRent arrearsdeductions from benefitsRent/service charges arrearsemergency actionThe client is about to be evicted for rent arrearspre-action protocolassured and short-assured tenanciesShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciesprivate residential tenanciesPrivate residential tenanciesprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodpriority debtsPriority debtsprivate sector housing2. Private rented sectorsocial housing sector1. Social housing sectordiscretionary housing paymentDiscretionary housing paymentrepresentation in court4. Representing clients in courtretirementpension creditPension creditstate retirement pensionState retirement pensionsafeguarding7. Safeguardingadults with incapacityAdults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000satellite televisionessential expenditureLuxury or non-essential itemsScottish child paymentScottish child paymentScottish Public Services OmbudsmanThe parliamentary, local authority and health service ombudsmanScottish Welfare FundScottish Welfare Fundself-employmentbusiness debtChapter 14: Business debtsBusiness Debt Arrangement SchemeBusiness Debt Arrangement Schemebusiness debt solutionsBusiness debt solutions in ScotlandchecklistBusiness Debt Arrangement SchemeCommon Financial ToolIncome sources from which a contribution can be takenfinancial statementDraw up a financial statement for a self-employed clientnational insurance contributionsNational insurance contributionstax arrearsIncome tax arrearsIncome tax debtstax reliefsTax reliefsVATValue added taxsequestrationCommon Financial ToolCommon Financial Tool for sequestration applicationsdate of sequestrationFull Administration BankruptcyDate of sequestrationMinimal Asses ProcessDate of sequestrationsequestration petitionSequestration petition by a qualified creditor to the sheriff courtshared ownership mortgagesShared ownership mortgagesSharia-compliant mortgagesIslamic mortgagessheriff courtscourt personnelCourt personnelcourt procedureThe procedureordinary cause3. Ordinary causerepresentation by debt advisers4. Representing clients in courtsimple procedure2. Simple proceduresummary warrant4. Summary warrantuser groupsLocal liaison groupssheriff officersSheriff officerscomplaints4. Making a complaint about a sheriff officeremergency actionSheriff officers are threatening to visit the client’s home and/or remove goodsexceptional attachmentExceptional attachmentidentificationChecking an officer’s identitypowers2. What sheriff officers doenforce debts from other parts of UK3. Sheriff officers' powers to enforce debts from other parts of the UKentryEntering a home or workplaceevictionEvictionremoving goods for saleExceptional attachmentshort-assured tenanciesShort-assured tenancies and assured tenanciesshort negative prescription2. Short negative prescription (five years)sicknessemployment and support allowanceEmployment and support allowanceindustrial injuries benefitsIndustrial injuries disablement benefitstatutory sick payStatutory sick paysimple procedure2. Simple procedurealternative dispute resolutionAlternative dispute resolutionappealsAppealchanges to simple procedure rules and formsChanges to the Simple Procedure Rules and formsCivil OnlineCivil Onlineclaim formUnderstanding a simple procedure claim formdecisionThe decisionfeesFeesfiling and serving documentsFiling and serving documentsgoing to courtGoing to courtlay representationLay representation and courtroom supportersordersOrders (including standard and 'unless' orders)pause and restartPause and restartproceduresWhat happens in a caseprovisional measures6. On the dependenceprovisional ordersProvisional ordersraising an actionHow an action is raisedtimetableTimetablesocial fundSocial fund paymentssocial housingdecree for possessionPost-court actioneviction for rent arrearsPre-court processesrent arrears1. Social housing sectorsummary cause processSummary cause processsocial policyA commitment to social policy5. Changing policysole traderSole traderssolicitorscomplaintsComplaints about a solicitorstandard securityStandard securitiesstandard variable rate mortgagesStandard variable rate mortgagesstate retirement pensionState retirement pensionstatutory adoption payStatutory adoption paystatutory demandresponseDealing with a statutory demandstatutory maternity payStatutory maternity paystatutory moratoriumapplicationMaking an applicationmoratorium on diligenceStatutory moratorium on diligence9. Statutory moratorium on diligenceperiod of moratoriumPeriod of moratoriumready reckonerReady reckonersummary warrantStatutory moratoriumstatutory parental bereavement payStatutory parental bereavement paystatutory paternity payStatutory paternity paystatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental paystatutory sick payStatutory sick paystore cardsprescription periodDebts covered by the five-year prescription periodstudent debtChapter 21: Student debtadvising students1. Advising studentsbankruptcyIncluded and excluded debtsbursaries4. Bursaries and grantshousing costs6. Help with housing costsoverdrafts8. Overdraftstuition fees2. Tuition feesstudent financial supportbursaries4. Bursaries and grantscare-experienced students' bursaryCare-experienced students’ bursarychildcare fundChildcare funddependants' grantDependants’ grantdisabled students' allowanceDisabled students’ allowanceestranged students' bursaryEstranged students’ bursaryhigher education discretionary fundHigher education discretionary fundindependent students' bursaryIndependent students’ bursarylone parents' grantLone parents’ grantparamedic, nursing and midwifery student bursariesParamedic, nursing and midwifery student bursariessummer accommodation grantSummer accommodation grantyoung students' bursaryYoung students’ bursaryhousing costs6. Help with housing costsstudent loans3. Student loansstudent loans3. Student loansamountThe amount of student loanscancellationCancelling a student loancredit ratingCredit ratingnon-payment of repaymentNon-payment of student loan repaymentsprescription periodStudent loansrefund of overpaid student loanRefundsrepaymentRepayment of a student loansuicidal ideation5. Clients with suicidal feelingssummary cause processsocial housingsummonsThe summonssummary diligence8. Summary diligencechecklistChecklistsummary sheriffSheriff and summary sheriffsummary warrant4. Summary warrantcourt processCourt processdealing with a summary warrantDealing with a summary warrantDebt Arrangement SchemeDebt Arrangement Schemepre-court proceduresPre-court proceduresprescription periodDebts covered by the 20-year prescription periodrecovery processThe summary warrant recovery processstatutory moratoriumStatutory moratoriumtime to pay orderTime to pay orderSurviving Economic AbuseSupporting clients – key principlesTackling Problem Debt GroupTackling Problem Debt Grouptelephonesessential expenditureLuxury or non-essential itemslisting expenditureTrigger figure categoriesthird-party paymentsdeductions from benefits4. Third-party deductionstrust deedsThird-party paymentstime order10. Time ordersadvantagesAdvantages of a time orderdisadvantagesDisadvantages of a time ordertime to pay directions1. Time to pay directionsapplicationHow to applybankruptcyEffect of insolvency on a time to pay direction or orderchecklistChecklist for actioninterestInteresttime to pay ordersTime to pay order2. Time to pay ordersapplicationThe processchecklistChecklist for actioncourt hearingThe hearinginterestInteresttracker mortgageTracker mortgagestrade associationsTrade associationstransport costslisting expenditureTrigger figure categoriestrust deeds7. Protected trust deedsappointing a trusteeAppointing your own trusteechecklistChecklistcomplaintsComplaintscontentsTrust deeds contentsdeductions from earningsDeductions from the client’s earningsduration of trust deedDuration of the trust deedfamily homeExclusion of the family homefeesFeeshow to take on a trust deedRoutes into a protected trust deedincluded and excluded debtsIncluded and excluded debtsnon-paymentNon-paymentnon-performing trust deedsDealing with non-performing trust deedsproceduresOperation of a trust deedprotected trust deedsGaining protected statusRegistration for protectionprotocolTrust deed protocolregistrationRegistration of the trust deedregular contributionsContributionthird party paymentsThird-party paymentstrustee refuses to discharge debtorTrustee’s refusal to discharge the debtorunprotected trust deedsUnprotected trust deedswho can sign a trust deedWho can sign a trust deedtrustee in trust deedAppointing your own trusteetuition fees2. Tuition feesTV licencepriority debtsPriority debtsundue influencecoerced debtUndue influenceunduly harshThe arrestment has been executed incompetently or irregularlyunemploymentjobseeker's allowanceJobseeker’s allowanceunfair relationships6. Unfair relationshipscoerced debtsUnfair relationshipsuniversal creditUniversal creditdeductions from benefitHow third-party deductions workmaximum deductionsDeductions from universal creditstudents6. Help with housing costsunregulated credit agreementsunfair relationship6. Unfair relationshipsVATarrearsVAT debtsself-employmentTax, national insurance and VAT debtsvehiclesessential expenditureLuxury or non-essential itemsseizure of vehicle orderSeizure of vehicle ordervaluation of a vehicleVehiclesvulnerable peopleChapter 16: Debt and vulnerabilityadvising vulnerable clientsChallenges when working with vulnerable clients8. Actions and considerationscreditors' policiesCreditorsdefining vulnerability2. What is vulnerability?financial capability6. Vulnerability and financial capabilityfuel billsOther assistancespecial category dataData Protection Act 2018suicidal ideation5. Clients with suicidal feelingswar pensionsPayments for war injuryWarm Home DiscountWarm Home DiscountWarm Home Discountwater charges5. Water chargesbusiness debtNon-domestic customerscomplaintsDomestic customersdeductions from benefitsDomestic customersWater DirectdisconnectionDomestic customersPriority Services RegisterDomestic customerssummary warrantDomestic customersWater Direct schemeWater Directwinter fuel paymentsSocial fund paymentswork capability assessmentEmployment and support allowanceUniversal creditworking tax creditWorking tax credityoung peoplechild benefitChild benefitchild tax creditChild tax credit