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Understand that all information obtained from the client is vital
For a debt adviser to help a client, they must gather information about the client’s situation. The regulations that govern debt advisers and the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers (SNSIAP) both state that a client’s circumstances must be verified as much as possible. All information that a client provides is important to identify an appropriate solution.
Information and evidence gathering
An adviser needs to collect the following information from a client. It is important that the client provides supporting information to show evidence that the information provided is accurate.
Personal information
    Name, address and telephone number, if possible.
    Details of members of the client’s household.
    Client’s housing situation.
    Names, addresses, account numbers of all creditors, including family and friends.
    Details of each debt and whether the debt is in joint names.
    Details of actions creditors have taken, including any legal action.
Statements and letters from creditors can be used as evidence.
    Client’s employment situation.
    Client’s earned income (ideally by payslips – three if paid monthly, five if paid weekly).
    Details of any benefits the client receives – copies of award letters should be provided.
    Details of other income such as private pension, board from a lodger, savings and or insurance policies.
    Value of any property owned by the client and any equity.
    Details of other assets – eg, vehicles.
A recent property valuation or a mortgage statement could be used as evidence.
    The household expenditure.
Evidence for this can be copies of recent bank statements and bills.
Clients may be unable to provide all of this information during the initial interview and will have to provide this evidence during subsequent interviews.