6. Stage 6: maximise income and reduce expenditureOverview of maximising incomeBenefit checkTax allowances, rebates and tax codesTax allowancesTax rebateTax codeChild maintenanceCharity paymentsInsurance paymentsOther sources of financial helpTrade unionsCivil compensation for damagesCouncil tax discount or reductionFood banksPrivate and occupational pensionsReduce expenditureUtilitiesSatellite TVTelephone, mobile and internetVehiclesMeals at workNon-essential itemsCouncil taxLuxuries and non-dependantsChallenging low spendingNon-judgemental approachDo not blame the clientMaximising the client’s income is a key element of the debt advice process. Part of this is checking the client’s entitlement to benefits and other ways to increase income, as well as finding ways for the client to reduce their expenditure.Maximising income increases the amount of money the client is in receipt of and may increase their disposable income. This is achieved by identifying new income sources, such as benefits, grants or rebates and reducing the client’s expenditure through budgeting, identifying non-essential expenditure and reducing the costs of bills.This section looks at ways to maximise client income and reduce their expenditure.