Chapter 2: Key skills1. Interviewing2. Negotiating3. Letter writingUse simple languageAssume nothingHolding lettersUse a framework4. Representing clients in courtWhat happens in courtCourt personnelWho to speak toLay representationThe procedureUseful techniquesPlan wellBe briefSummarisePrepare clear documentsTell the storyQuote precedents and powersAdmit ignoranceUse court staffHow to address the sheriffLook smart, be polite, speak clearlyKnow your own limits5. Changing policyThe Financial Conduct AuthorityOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatTrade associationsLocal councillors and MPsOmbudsmenThe parliamentary, local authority and health service ombudsmanThe Adjudicator’s OfficeThe Financial Ombudsman ServiceEnergy OmbudsmanComplaints about a solicitorMonitoring local courtsLocal liaison groupsUsing the media6. Challenging poor debt collectionDealing with harassmentThe Consumer Credit SourcebookCodes of practice7. Budgeting adviceThe financial statementLuxury or non-essential itemsThe client’s non-dependantsFinancial inclusion: MoneyHelperCredit unions