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Complaints about how the AiB, acting as trustee (in all MAP cases the AiB is the trustee), can be made direct to the AiB through its complaints procedure.
If there is an agent acting on the AiB’s behalf, the complaint should be addressed first of all to them.
If the client is still not satisfied, then they can complain to the AiB.
If the client is still not satisfied with a decision of the trustee, they can either raise an action (appeal a decision of the trustee) in the sheriff court or, make a complaint to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO). See for how to do this.
The SPSO can investigate several areas of complaints including:
    a complaint that has not gone through the AiB full complaints process;
    events that happened, or that your client became aware of, more than a year ago;
    a matter that has been, or is being, considered in court;
    a complaint regarding a data protection or freedom of information matter;
    a complaint for which there is another process by which you can complain – eg, a decision by a trustee which can be appealed to a sheriff.