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Ensuring good practice
There are currently no individual qualifications for debt advisers in Scotland.
Previous qualifications such as the Scottish Vocational Qualification in advice and guidance and the Certificate of Money Advice Practice are not currently offered.
Therefore, individual advisers are not subject to a national quality control framework, as such, but their organisations are, through the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers (SNSAIP – often referred to as ‘the Scottish National Standards’ (SNS)).
For organisations
The Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers: a quality assurance framework 2009 is the accepted quality framework for agencies providing advice on housing, money, debt and welfare benefits issues in It is owned by the Scottish government and operated by the Scottish Legal Aid Board.
The standards are designed to help not-for-profit organisations to assess and improve the quality of their advice services, and their primary purpose is to encourage organisations to adopt a culture of continuous improvement for their advice work.
Accreditation also supports organisations to demonstrate to the public and funders that their advice service is well managed and provides good-quality advice.
Where can you find the standards?
You can find the SNS framework on the Scottish government’s
The standards are in three sections.
Section 1 covers the six organisational standards. These are used to measure the performance of agencies through an audit process.
Section 2 covers the competencies that are based on which an agency’s casework is peer-reviewed. Note: while the SNSIAP framework has not changed, the Scottish government has updated the competencies for advisers to ensure they reflect current
Section 3 is a good practice guide. It was accurate at the time of publication in 2009, but you should now refer to the SNSIAP self-assessment guidance to help you prepare for audit and peer
Before your agency can apply for accreditation, you must identify the types of advice your agency provides. There are three types of advice.
Active information, signposting and explanation (type I)
Type I work covers actions such as providing information either orally or in writing, signposting or referring the user to other available resources or services.
It also includes the explanation of technical terms or clarifying an official document, such as a tenancy agreement or a possession order.
There is a distinction between the passive provision of information through the availability of leaflets (eg, in public places such as libraries) and the active provision of information by assisting the individual seeking help. These standards are aimed at ‘active’ providers.
Type I accreditation is a one-stage process made up of an audit against the organisational standards.
There is no procedure for auditing casework.
Casework (type II)
Type II work includes:
    a diagnostic interview where the problem and all relevant issues are identified;
    making a judgement as to whether the individual has a case that can be pursued.
Once it is established that the client has a case that can be pursued, actions that your agency may undertake include the following.
    Setting out a client’s options or courses of action.
    Encouraging the client to take action on their own behalf.
    Providing practical aid with letters or forms.
    Negotiating with third parties on the client’s behalf.
    Introducing the client by referral to another source of help.
    Support to clients in making their own case to their creditors.
Type II/III accreditation is a two-stage process which is made up of the peer review of case files, followed by an audit against the organisational standards. You cannot apply for audit until you have successfully completed the peer review
Citizens Advice Bureaux (CABx) follow much the same accreditation process as other advice agencies offering type II/type III; The only difference is there are fewer organisational standards CABx are required to self-assess against, as they have already undergone a Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) audit.
Advocacy, representation and mediation at a tribunal or court action level (type III)
This work includes a range of further actions arising from the casework defined in type II. It may have been undertaken by the adviser preparing the tertiary work or may have come to the adviser by referral from another organisation or adviser.
The principal activities may include:
    advocacy and representation – where the adviser prepares a case for the user and represents or speaks on their behalf at a tribunal or court;
    mediation – where the adviser acts on behalf of the user by seeking to mediate between the user and a third party.
Type III work includes some activities that can only be undertaken by lawyers.
The accreditation process for agencies offering type II advice and those offering type II and type III advice is the same.
How to apply and qualify for the standards
Step 1: get ready to self-assess against the organisational standards.
Step 2: complete your self-assessment.
Step 3: are you ready for accreditation?
Step 4: apply for accreditation.
    When you are satisfied that you are ready to apply for accreditation, you should email SNSIAP to apply.12Email: Your email must include:
      name of your organisation; and
      main contact details; and
      the areas of advice you wish to be accredited in (housing and/or welfare benefits and/or money and debt); and
      confirmation that you have completed the self-assessment and application form.
What happens next?
The first step is to have an internal audit of your policies and procedures.
The second step is to have a selection of your case files audited by peer reviewers. This is where individual advisers’ cases can be subject to an external audit process.
Successful organisations are accredited at types I, II or III, depending on the level of service they offer. A list of accredited agencies can be found at
Citizens Advice Bureau accreditation
CABx follow much the same accreditation process as other advice agencies. The only difference is the number of organisational standards CABx are required to self-assess against.
Following peer review of your casework, your bureau is expected to demonstrate compliance with the 10 organisational standards relating to casework and referral in your self-assessment and application form.
The most recent audit report from CAS must also be submitted as part of your application to demonstrate compliance with all the organisational standards in the SNSIAP framework.
Following agreement with CAS, all CABx are now peer reviewed via direct access to their case files on CASTLE.
CABx are audited via a desktop review.
Guidance and forms
When self-assessing and applying for accreditation, CABx must use the CABx self-assessment and application form, the CABx self-assessment summary and the self-assessment guidance for CABx.3
Cases to be reviewed must be accompanied by a consent form from the client. CAS has produced guidance on client consent and data protection for