IndexIndex ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWY16-19-year-oldschild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personcouncil taxUnder 20 in non-advanced educationestrangement from parentsWho can get income supportfurther education supportEnglandSupport for 16–19 year oldsN. IrelandSupport for 16–19 year oldsWalesSupport for 16–19 year oldshealth benefitsUnder 19 and in full-time educationISUnder 20 in relevant educationWho can get income supportJSAUnder 20 in relevant educationUCStudents16-19 bursary fund16–19 bursary fundtreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsFurther education grantsHardship funds16-21-year-oldsHBWho can get housing benefit19 or overESAFull-time studentfurther education supportEnglandSupport for students aged 19 and overN. IrelandSupport for students aged 19 and overWalesSupport for students aged 19 and overHBFull-time studentsIS19 or over and a full-time studentJSA19 or over and a full-time student16/17- year-oldschild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personISWho can get income supportPersonal allowanceJSA16/17 year oldsUCWho can claim universal credit2012 bursary schemehealthcare studentsThe 2012 bursary schemeactively seeking workJSAStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesadditional fee support schemeEnglandAdditional fee support schemeadoptionbenefitsChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsstatutory adoption payStatutory adoption payadult dependants' granthigher educationEnglandAdult dependants’ grantN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesStudents with dependantsGrants for dependantsincome assessmentEnglandGrants for dependantssocial work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supporttreatment as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantstax credits2. Grants and loansadvanced educationdefinitionWhat is relevant educationfull-timeWho counts as a full-time studentadvanced learner loanAdvanced learner loanamount of benefitCA3. Amount of benefitchild benefit3. Amount of benefitCTC3. Amount of child tax creditDLA3. Amount of benefitESA4. Amount of benefitC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceHB4. Amount of benefitIS4. Amount of benefitJSA4. Amount of benefitC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceI-JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceMA3. Amount of benefitPIP3. Amount of benefitSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP3. Amount of benefitUC4. Amount of benefitWTC3. Amount of working tax creditapplicable amountESAApplicable amountHBStep six: work out your applicable amountISApplicable amountJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceapprenticeshipscouncil taxDiscountsEnglandApprenticeshipsWalesApprenticeships16-19 in further educationArmed forces bereavement scholarship schemearmed forces bereavement scholarship schemehigher educationArmed forces bereavement scholarship scheme16-19 in further educationAsylum seekersasylum seekersfurther education childcare costsCare to Learnhealth benefitsAsylum seekersavailable for workJSAStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesbackdatingCTCStep one: work out your maximum child tax credit4. Awards of child tax creditHBWhen your housing benefit startsJSA5. Claiming jobseeker's allowanceWTC3. Amount of working tax creditbase grantWalesBase grantBase grantbedroom taxHBStep two: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementbenefit capThe benefit capThe benefit capCA6. Other benefits and tax creditschild benefit6. Other benefits and tax creditsCTCMeans-tested benefitsDLA6. Other benefits and tax creditsESA7. Other benefits and tax creditsHBThe benefit capIS7. Other benefits and tax creditsJSA7. Other benefits and tax creditsMA6. Other benefits and tax creditsPIP6. Other benefits and tax creditsSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP6. Other benefits and tax creditsUCThe benefit capWTC6. Tax credits and benefitsbudgeting loans4. Budgeting loanscapitalESAStep one: capitalHBStep one: capitalhealth benefitsCalculating your entitlement7. Savings and capitalISStep one: capitalJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancelump-sum paymentshealth benefitsLump-sum paymentsmeans-tested benefitsLump-sum paymentsmeans-tested benefits8. Savings and capitalpropertytax creditsPropertytax creditsSavings and investmentsUCStep one: capital8. Savings and capitalcare componentDLACare component16-19 bursary fund16–19 bursary fundcare leaversISWho can get income supportJSA16/17 year oldsCare to Learnasylum seekersCare to LearnEnglandCare to LearnN. IrelandCare to Learntreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsFurther education grantscarer elementCAGetting a carer premium or elementUCCarer elementcarer premiumCAGetting a carer premium or elementESAApplicable amountISPremiumscarersavailable for workJSA3. Basic rulesbenefits of person cared forThe disabled person's benefitCA1. What is carer's allowancecarer element of UCCarer elementISStudying part timetime out from courseTime out from a course3. CarersUC3. Basic rulescarer's allowanceChapter 7: Carer's allowanceamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming carer's allowanceeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditionsBasic rulesentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsentitlement to WTCWorking tax creditfull-time studentsFull-time educationpart-time students2. Who is eligiblepayment4. Claiming carer's allowancechallenging a decisionCA5. Challenging a decisionchild benefit5. Challenging a decisionCTC5. Challenging a decisionDLA5. Challenging a decisionESA6. Challenging a decisionHB6. Challenging a decisionhealth benefits4. Challenging a decisionIS6. Challenging a decisionJSA6. Challenging a decisionMA5. Challenging a decisionPIP5. Challenging a decisionSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP5. Challenging a decisionsocial fund6. Challenging a decisionUC6. Challenging a decisionWTC5. Challenging a decisionchange of circumstancesCTC4. Awards of child tax creditWTC3. Amount of working tax creditcharitable paymentstreatment as incomehealth benefitsVoluntary or charitable paymentsmeans-tested benefitsVoluntary or charitable paymentscharitiesstudent supportCharitieschild benefitChapter 8: Child benefitamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming child benefiteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsextension periodThe extension periodpaymentGetting paidterminal dateThe terminal datetreatment as incometax creditsChild benefitchild elementCTCStep one: work out your maximum child tax creditUCChild elementchild supporttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefits7. Maintenancetax creditsMaintenancechild tax creditChapter 19: Child tax creditamount3. Amount of child tax creditbenefits treated as income4. Benefitscalculation3. Amount of child tax creditchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionchild in further education2. Who is eligibleYour parent gets child tax credit for youchild in higher educationYour parent gets child tax credit for youclaiming4. Awards of child tax creditearnings3. Earningseligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits6. Tax credits and benefitshealth benefitsIf you are exempt because you receive tax creditsincomeChapter 23: How income affects tax creditsincome thresholdStep three: not getting a means-tested benefitmaximum CTCStep one: work out your maximum child tax creditnew claims1. What is child tax creditoverpayments5. Challenging a decision1. Income and tax creditspassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment4. Awards of child tax credittreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsMeans-tested benefitsworking out income1. Income and tax creditschildcareapproved childcareChildcare grantCare to LearnEnglandCare to LearnN. IrelandCare to Learncostsdisregarded from income5. Earningsfurther educationEnglandCare to LearnDiscretionary support fundsN. IrelandCare to LearnFurther education grants2012 bursary schemeChildcare allowancehealthcare studentshigher educationEnglandChildcare grantN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesStudents with dependantsGrants for dependantsregistered childcareChildcare grantchildcare allowance2012 bursary schemeChildcare allowancehealthcare studentstreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHealthcare student allowanceschildcare elementUCChildcare elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditchildcare granthigher educationEnglandChildcare grantN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesStudents with dependantsGrants for dependantsincome assessmentEnglandGrants for dependantssocial work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supporttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantschildrendefinition of a childchild benefitWho counts as a childCTC2. Who is eligibleDLAClaiming for childrenUCChild elementCity and Guilds bursariesCity and Guilds bursaryclaimant commitmentJSA3. Basic rulesUC3. Basic rulesclaimsCA4. Claiming carer's allowancechild benefit4. Claiming child benefitCTC4. Awards of child tax creditDLA4. Claiming disability living allowanceESA5. Claiming employment and support allowanceHB5. Claiming housing benefithealth benefits3. Claiming health benefits and refundsIS5. Claiming income supportJSA5. Claiming jobseeker's allowanceMA4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsPIP4. Claiming personal independence paymentSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsUC5. Claiming universal creditWTC4. Awards of working tax creditcold weather payments1. What is the social fundcomponentsESAApplicable amountHBStep six: work out your applicable amountPIPdaily living componentDaily living componentmobility componentMobility componentcoronavirusESA4. Amount of benefitPIP2. Who is eligiblestudent supportEnglandChapter 2: Undergraduate student support: EnglandN. IrelandChapter 4: Undergraduate student support: Northern IrelandWalesChapter 3: Undergraduate student support: Walescouncil taxChapter 25: Council taxapprenticesDiscountsdefinition of studentWho counts as a studentdisability reductionDisability reductiondiscountsDiscountsexempt dwellingsExempt dwellingsfurther educationUnder 20 in non-advanced educationhigher education20 or over in non-advanced or higher educationliabilityFull-time students liable for council taxjoint and several liabilityJoint liabilitynursing studentsStudent nursespostgraduate studentsPostgraduate studentssecond adult rebate4. Second adult rebatewho has to pay2. Who pays council taxcouncil tax reduction schemes3. Council tax reductioncouplesHBWho can get housing benefitISWho can get income supportJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceCouplespersonal allowancesPersonal allowancestudent couplesCouplesstudent supportSpouses and partnersdaily living componentPIPDaily living componentdance and drama students7. Dance and Drama Awardsdental treatment1. What are health benefitsfree treatmentFree dental treatment and denturesdentistry students2012 bursary schemeThe 2012 bursary schemestudent support1. Healthcare students in England and WalesMedical and dental studentsDental therapy and dental hygiene studentsN. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern Irelandtravel costsEnglandGrant for travel costsN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesGrant for travel coststuition feesEnglandMedicine and dentistry studentsTuition feesN. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern IrelandWalesTuition feesDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs grantDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs grantdependants2012 bursary schemeDependants’ allowancehealthcare studentshigher educationEnglandAdult dependants’ grantN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesStudents with dependantsGrants for dependantssocial work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportdependants' allowance2012 bursary schemeDependants’ allowancehealthcare studentsdependent studentsassessing incomeDependent studentsdisability living allowanceChapter 9: Disability living allowanceamount3. Amount of benefitcare componentCare componentchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming disability living allowanceeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditslimited capability for work3. Limited capability for workmobility componentMobility componentpayment4. Claiming disability living allowancetransferring to PIP1. What is personal independence paymentdisability premiumHBWho can get housing benefitISPremiumsJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancedisabled child elementCTCStep one: work out your maximum child tax creditdisabled studentsavailable for workJSA3. Basic rulescouncil tax disability reductionDisability reductionDLA1. What is disability living allowanceESA1. What is employment and support allowanceC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowancefurther educationEnglandDisabled studentsDisabled studentsN. IrelandFurther education grantsHBWho can get housing benefit2012 bursary schemeDisabled students’ allowancehealthcare studentshigher educationEnglandDisabled students’ allowanceDisabled students’ allowanceN. IrelandSupplementary grantsDisabled students’ allowanceWalesDisabled students’ allowanceDisabled students’ allowancePIP1. What is personal independence paymentpostgraduate students5. Disabled students’ allowancesocial work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supportUC3. Basic rulesElements for illnessWTCQualifying hoursdisabled students' allowance2012 bursary schemeDisabled students’ allowancehealthcare studentshigher educationEnglandDisabled students’ allowanceDisabled students’ allowanceN. IrelandSupplementary grantsDisabled students’ allowanceWalesDisabled students’ allowanceDisabled students’ allowancepostgraduate students5. Disabled students’ allowanceN. IrelandDisabled students’ allowancesocial work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supporttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsHealthcare student allowancesdisabled worker elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditdiscountscouncil taxDiscountsdiscretionary fundsfurther educationEnglandDiscretionary support fundsN. IrelandSupport fundshigher educationEngland4. Discretionary and institutional fundsN. Ireland4. Discretionary support fundsWales4. Discretionary hardship fundsresidential bursariesResidential bursariestreatment as incomehealth benefits3. Discretionary funds and other paymentsmeans-tested benefits4. Discretionary funds and other paymentsUCIf you get a student loan for living costsIf you do not get a student loan for living costsdiscretionary housing paymentsHBStep two: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementDiscretionay Assistance Fund in WalesDiscretionary Assistance Fund in Walesearningstreatment of earningshealth benefits4. Earningsmeans-tested benefits5. Earningstax credits3. EarningsUC5. Earningseducation maintenance allowanceagreementEducation maintenance allowanceN. IrelandEducation maintenance allowancetreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsFurther education grantsWalesEducation maintenance allowanceeligible rentHBEligible accommodationemployment and support allowanceChapter 10: Employment and support allowanceamount4. Amount of benefitC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowancebenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculationIncome-related employment and support allowancecapitalStep one: capital8. Savings and capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaiming5. Claiming employment and support allowancecontributory ESA1. What is employment and support allowancecoronavirus4. Amount of benefiteligible students2. Who is eligibleC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditshousing costsApplicable amountincome-related ESA1. What is employment and support allowancenew claims1. What is employment and support allowanceincomeChapter 22: How income affects means-tested benefitslimited capability for work3. Limited capability for workNI conditionsContributory employment and support allowancepassport to other benefits7. Other benefits and tax creditssupport componentApplicable amounttime out from studiesFrom the start of your ill healthFrom the start of your ill healthwork-related activity componentApplicable amountenhanced disability premiumESAApplicable amountISPremiumsErasmus exchangesStudy abroad or work placementsTuring, Erasmus and other study or work placementsErasmus and other study or work placementsestrangement from parentsISWho can get income supportWho can get income supportstudent supportIndependent studentsUCWho can claim universal creditEuropean Economic Area nationalsResidence conditionshealth benefitsEuropean Economic Area students and Swiss nationalsstudent supportResidence conditionsEuropean Union nationalshealthcare studentsEuropean Union nationalsstudent supportResidence conditionseffect of BrexitResidence conditionsResidence conditionsextra weeks allowanceEnglandLong courses loan2012 bursary schemeExtra weeks allowancehealthcare studentsN. IrelandLoan for living costsWalesExtra weeks allowancefabric supports1. What are health benefitsfreeFree wigs and fabric supportsfamily elementCTCStep one: work out your maximum child tax creditfee waiverFee waiverFinancial Contingency FundFinancial Contingency FundFinancial Contingency Fundfoster parentssingle foster parentsISWho can get income supportUCWho can claim universal creditfuel costsHBStep two: maximum rentfull-time studentsCAFull-time educationchild benefit2. Who is eligiblecouncil taxFull-time students liable for council taxCTC2. Who is eligibleDLA2. Who is eligibleeffect of income on student supportN. IrelandFull-time studentsWalesFull-time studentsESAI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceFull-time student12HBFull-time studentsill healthFull-time students19 or over19 or over and a full-time studentISWho counts as a full-time studentunder 19Under 19 in full-time advanced education19 or over19 or over and a full-time studentJSAWhat counts as full timeunder 19Under 19 and in full-time advanced educationloans for living costsEnglandLoan for living costsN. IrelandLoan for living costsWalesLoan for living costsPIPStudentspregnancyChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental payments2. Pregnancy and childrenstudent supportEngland1. Full-time undergraduatesN. Ireland1. Full-time undergraduatesWales1. Full-time undergraduatestuition fee grantsWalesGrant and loan for tuition feestuition fee loansEnglandLoan for tuition feesN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesWalesGrant and loan for tuition feesWTC2. Who is eligiblefuneral expenses payments3. Funeral expenses payments16-21-year-oldsHBWho can get housing benefit19 or overIS19 or over and a full-time studentJSA19 or over and a full-time studentWhat counts as part timefurther educationadvanced learner loanAdvanced learner loanchildcare costsEnglandCare to LearnDiscretionary support fundsN. IrelandCare to LearnFurther education grants20 or over20 or over in non-advanced or higher educationcouncil taxunder 20Under 20 in non-advanced educationdiscretionary funds treated as incomehealth benefits3. Discretionary funds and other paymentspart-time studentsN. IrelandFurther education grantsresidential bursariesResidential bursariesstudent supportChapter 1: Further education student supportEngland1. Student support in EnglandN. Ireland3. Student support in Northern IrelandWales2. Student support in Walesstudent support treated as incomehealth benefitsFurther education grantsmeans-tested benefitsFurther education grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loanssupport for 16-19-year-oldsEnglandSupport for 16–19 year oldsN. IrelandSupport for 16–19 year oldsWalesSupport for 16–19 year oldssupport for 19 and overEnglandSupport for students aged 19 and overN. IrelandSupport for students aged 19 and overWalesSupport for students aged 19 and overunder 20CTCYour parent gets child tax credit for youISUnder 20 in relevant educationJSAUnder 20 in relevant educationfurther education grantsN. IrelandFurther education grantsglasses and contact lenses1. What are health benefitshalls of residenceHalls of residencehardship fundsfurther educationEnglandDiscretionary support fundsN. IrelandSupport fundsWalesFinancial Contingency FundFinancial Contingency Fundhigher educationEngland4. Discretionary and institutional fundsN. Ireland4. Discretionary support fundsWales4. Discretionary hardship fundstreatment as incomehealth benefits3. Discretionary funds and other paymentsmeans-tested benefitsHardship fundsUCIf you get a student loan for living costshealth benefitsChapter 11: Health benefitsbenefits and tax credits treated as income5. Benefits and tax creditscapital7. Savings and capitalchallenging a decision4. Challenging a decisioncharges for NHS services1. What are health benefitsclaiming3. Claiming health benefits and refundseligible students2. Who is eligibleexemptions from charges2. Who is eligibleincomeChapter 24: How income affects health benefitslow income schemeThe low income schemeThe low income schemeoverseas students5. Overseas studentsrefundsRefundstreatment of earnings4. Earningsworking out income1. Working out your incomehealthcare student bursaries1. Healthcare students in England and WalesEnglandStudents who started their course in England on or after 1 August 2017treatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHealthcare student allowancesHealthcare student bursaries and the NHS training grantWalesStudents who started their course in Wales on or after 1 September 20172012 bursary schemeThe 2012 bursary schemehealthcare students2012 bursary schemeChildcare allowancechildcare allowance2012 bursary schemeDependants’ allowancedependants' allowance2012 bursary schemeDisabled students’ allowancedisabled students' allowanceeligible courses1. Healthcare students in England and WalesEU nationalsEuropean Union nationalsExceptional Support FundExceptional Support Fund2012 bursary schemeExtra weeks allowanceextra weeks allowanceLearning Support FundEnglandLearning Support Fundmaternity leaveStudents who are pregnant or who have recently given birth2012 bursary schemeMeans-tested bursarymeans-tested bursaries2012 bursary schemeNon-means-tested grantnon-means-tested grantparental support grantParental support2012 bursary schemeParents' learning allowanceparents' learning allowancepart-time studentsPart-time studentspostgraduate studentsPostgraduate diploma and part-time undergraduate students2012 bursary schemePractice placement expensespractice placement expensesreduced-rate student loanReduced-rate student loanstudent support1. Healthcare students in England and WalesEngland from 2017Students who started their course in England on or after 1 August 2017N. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern Irelandtraining grantTraining granttravel and accommodation costsHelp with travel and accommodationtuition feesTuition feesN. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern IrelandHealthy Start schemeHealthy Start food and vitamins19 or overHBFull-time studentsIS19 or over and a full-time studentJSA19 or over and a full-time studenthigher educationchildcare costsEnglandChildcare grantWalesStudents with dependantsGrants for dependantscouncil tax20 or over in non-advanced or higher educationdiscretionary funds treated as incomehealth benefits3. Discretionary funds and other paymentsstart of courseEnglandWhich system of student support appliesWalesWhich system of student support appliesstudent supportEnglandChapter 2: Undergraduate student support: EnglandN. IrelandChapter 4: Undergraduate student support: Northern IrelandWalesChapter 3: Undergraduate student support: Walesstudent support treated as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loansunder 19ISUnder 19 in full-time advanced educationJSAUnder 19 and in full-time advanced educationhomeHBYour normal hometwo homesHBYou have two homesISHousing costshome studentsResidence conditionshospitalfares to hospitalFares to hospitalhousing benefitChapter 12: Housing benefitamount4. Amount of benefitbenefit capThe benefit capbenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculation4. Amount of benefitcapitalStep one: capital8. Savings and capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionchildcare costs disregarded from income5. Earningsclaiming5. Claiming housing benefitdiscretionary housing paymentsStep two: maximum renteligible accommodationEligible accommodationeligible rentEligible accommodationeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditsfull-time studentsFull-time studentsincomeChapter 22: How income affects means-tested benefitslocal housing allowanceStep two: maximum rentlone parentsWho can get housing benefitmaximum rentStep two: maximum rentnew claims1. What is housing benefitnon-dependant deductionsStep three: deductions for non-dependantspart-time studentsStudying part timepaymentWhen your housing benefit startspayment on accountWhen your housing benefit startspeople living with youStep three: deductions for non-dependantsrent restrictionsStep two: maximum rentsummer vacationYou are away from your term-time homewho can get HBWho can get housing benefithousing costsmet by ESAApplicable amountmet by ISHousing costsmet by JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancemet by UCHousing costs elementIaith Athrawon Yfory Incentive SchemeIaith Athrawon Yfory Incentive Schemeincapacity for workHBWho can get housing benefitincomeassessment for student supportEnglandHow your income is assessedN. IrelandFull-time studentsWalesHow your income is assessedbenefits and tax credits treated as incomehealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditstax credits4. BenefitsUC6. Benefitsdependants' grantsEnglandGrants for dependantsdependent studentsDependent studentsearningshealth benefits4. Earningsmeans-tested benefits5. Earningstax credits3. EarningsUC5. Earningseffect on student supportEngland3. How income affects student supportHow your student support is affectedN. Ireland3. How income affects student supportWales3. How income affects student supportindependent studentsIndependent studentsmaintenancehealth benefits6. Maintenancemeans-tested benefits7. Maintenancetax creditsMaintenancepart-time studentsEngland3. How income affects student supportPart-time studentsN. IrelandPart-time studentsWalesPart-time studentsspouses and partnersSpouses and partnersworking out incomehealth benefits1. Working out your incomemeans-tested benefits1. Working out your incometax credits1. Income and tax creditsUC1. Working out your incomeincome supportChapter 13: Income supportamount4. Amount of benefitbenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculation4. Amount of benefitcapitalStep one: capital8. Savings and capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaiming5. Claiming income supporteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditsfoster parentsWho can get income supportfull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studenthousing costsHousing costsincomeChapter 22: How income affects means-tested benefitslone parents1. What is income supportWho can get income supportnew claims1. What is income supportpart-time studentsStudying part timepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspaymentGetting paidrefusal of claimIf your claim is refusedrelevant educationUnder 20 in relevant educationincome thresholdCTCStep three: not getting a means-tested benefitWTC3. Amount of working tax credit12independent studentsassessing incomeIndependent studentsinitial teacher trainingBachelor of Arts/Science with qualified teacher statusEnglandBachelor of Education and Bachelor of Arts/Science with qualified teacher statusBachelor of EducationEnglandBachelor of Education and Bachelor of Arts/Science with qualified teacher statusWalesBachelor of Educationemployment-basedEnglandEmployment-based initial teacher trainingIaith Athrawon Yfory Incentive SchemeIaith Athrawon Yfory Incentive SchemePostgraduate Certificate in EducationEnglandPostgraduate Certificate/Diploma in EducationN. Ireland5. Initial teacher training in Northern IrelandWalesPostgraduate Certificate in EducationPostgraduate Diploma in EducationPostgraduate Certificate/Diploma in Educationreimbursement of loan repaymentsEnglandReimbursement of loan repaymentsWalesRepayment of teachers’ loansSalaried PGCEWalesSalaried PGCEstudent supportEngland3. Initial teacher training in EnglandN. Ireland5. Initial teacher training in Northern IrelandWales4. Initial teacher training in Walesinstitutional bursariestreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHigher education grants12Institutional bursariesjobseeker's allowanceChapter 14: Jobseeker's allowanceactively seeking workStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesamount4. Amount of benefitC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceI-JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceavailable for workStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesbenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecapitalIncome-based jobseeker's allowancechallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaiming5. Claiming jobseeker's allowancecontribution-based JSA1. What is jobseeker's allowanceeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceI-JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditsfull-time studentsWhat counts as full timehousing costsIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceincome-based JSA1. What is jobseeker's allowancenew claims1. What is jobseeker's allowanceincomeChapter 22: How income affects means-tested benefitspart-time studentsStudying part timepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitsrelevant educationUnder 20 in relevant educationjoint tenantscouncil taxFull-time students liable for council taxlimited capability for workESA3. Limited capability for workHBWho can get housing benefittime out from studiesFrom 28 weeksUCWho can claim universal creditElements for illnessloan bursary fundLoan Bursary Fundloan for living costscalculating weekly incomeLoan for living costscourses not starting in autumn termCourses not starting in the autumn termcourses of one year or lessCourses lasting one year or lesscourses starting in autumn termCourses starting in the autumn term lasting more than a yearEnglandLoan for living costsLoan for living costsenhanced rateLoan for living costsleaving course earlyIf you leave your course earlylong courses loanLong courses loanmortgage-style loansLoan for living costsN. IrelandLoan for living costspartial cancellationWalesPartial cancellationsrepaymentEnglandRepaying your loanRepaying your loanN. IrelandLoan for living costsWalesRepaying your loanspecial support elementEnglandLoan for living costsSpecial support elementtreatment as incomehealth benefitsStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsStudent loan for living costsUCIf you get a student loan for living costsWalesLoan for living costsLoan for living costslocal housing allowanceHBStep two: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementlocal welfare assistance schemes5. Local welfare assistance schemeslone parent elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditlone parentsbenefitsLone parentsearnings disregardsmeans-tested benefits5. EarningsHBWho can get housing benefitIS1. What is income supportWho can get income supportpersonal allowancesISPersonal allowanceUC3. Basic rulesmaintenancetreatment as incomehealth benefits6. Maintenancemeans-tested benefits7. Maintenancetax creditsMaintenancemaintenance grantcalculating weekly incomeHigher education maintenance grantEnglandMaintenance grantN. IrelandMaintenance granttreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsWalesMaintenance grantMaintenance grantmaternitybenefitsChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsBenefitshealth benefitsPregnant women and women who have recently given birthSure Start maternity grant2. Sure Start maternity grantstime out from studies2. Pregnancy and childrenmaternity allowanceMaternity allowanceamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsentitlement conditionsMaternity allowanceentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsmaternity leavehealthcare studentsStudents who are pregnant or who have recently given birthmaximum rentHBStep two: maximum rentmeal chargesHBStep two: maximum rentmealsfree mealsEnglandMealsMealsmedical students2012 bursary schemeThe 2012 bursary schemestudent support1. Healthcare students in England and WalesMedical and dental studentsN. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern Irelandtravel costsEnglandGrant for travel costsN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesGrant for travel coststuition feesEnglandMedicine and dentistry studentsTuition feesN. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern IrelandWalesTuition feesmidwifery studentsgrants treated as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsHealthcare student allowances2012 bursary schemeThe 2012 bursary schemestudent support1. Healthcare students in England and WalesN. IrelandNursing and midwifery studentsmigrant workersstudent supportResidence conditionsmobility componentDLAMobility componentPIPMobility componentmodular coursesISWho counts as a full-time studentUCModular coursesmortgage interest loanESAApplicable amountISHousing costsUCHousing costs elementnational insurance contributionsC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceNHS bursary1. Healthcare students in England and Walestreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsHealthcare student allowancesnon-advanced educationchild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young person12council taxUnder 20 in non-advanced educationCTC2. Who is eligibleYour parent gets child tax credit for youdefinitionWhat is relevant educationESAFull-time studentfull-timeWho counts as a full-time studentISWhat is relevant educationJSAUnder 20 in relevant education19 or over and a full-time studentpart-timeWhat counts as part timenon-dependantsHBStep three: deductions for non-dependantsnursing studentsapprenticeshipsNursing studentscouncil taxStudent nursesgrants treated as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsHealthcare student allowancesnursing associatesNursing students2012 bursary schemeThe 2012 bursary schemestudent support1. Healthcare students in England and WalesNursing studentsN. IrelandNursing and midwifery studentsonline claimsCA4. Claiming carer's allowanceHB5. Claiming housing benefitJSA5. Claiming jobseeker's allowanceUC5. Claiming universal creditorphansISWho can get income supportoverlapping benefitsCAOverlapping benefitsoverpaymentsstudent supportOverpaymentstax credits5. Challenging a decision1. Income and tax creditsoverseas studentshealth benefits5. Overseas studentsparental support grantParental supporttreatment as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsHealthcare student allowancesparentsbenefitsChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental paymentschild benefitChapter 8: Child benefitCTCChapter 19: Child tax creditfathersFathers and partnersliving apart from parentsISWho can get income supportWho can get income supportUCWho can claim universal creditstudent couplesCouplesHBWho can get housing benefitISWho can get income supportJSACouplesworking hoursWTCQualifying hoursparents' learning allowance2012 bursary schemeParents' learning allowancehealthcare studentshigher educationEnglandParents’ learning allowanceN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesStudents with dependantsGrants for dependantsincome assessmentEnglandGrants for dependantssocial work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supporttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsHealthcare student allowancespart-time studentsadditional fee support schemeEnglandAdditional fee support schemeCA2. Who is eligiblechild benefit2. Who is eligiblecourse costsEnglandGrant for course costs: pre-September 2012 entrantsN. IrelandGrant for course costsCTC2. Who is eligibledisabled students' allowanceEnglandDisabled students’ allowanceN. IrelandDisabled students’ allowanceWalesDisabled students’ allowanceDLA2. Who is eligibleeffect of income on student supportEnglandPart-time studentsN. IrelandPart-time studentsWales3. How income affects student supportPart-time studentsESAI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowancefurther educationN. IrelandFurther education grantsHBStudying part timehealthcare studentsPart-time studentsill healthPart-time studentsISStudying part timeJSAUnder 20 in relevant educationStudying part timeloans for living costsEnglandLoan for living costsWalesLoan for living costsPIPStudentspregnancyChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsBenefitsstudent supportEngland2. Part-time undergraduatesN. Ireland2. Part-time undergraduatesWales2. Part-time undergraduatestuition fee grantsEnglandGrant for tuition fees: pre-September 2012 entrantsN. IrelandGrant for tuition feesWalesGrant for tuition feestuition fee loansEnglandLoan for tuition fees: 2012 entrants or laterN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesWalesLoan for tuition feesWTC2. Who is eligiblepassported benefitsESA7. Other benefits and tax creditsISPassported benefitsJSAPassported benefitstax creditsPassported benefitsUCPassported benefitspaternitybenefitsChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental paymentstime out from studiesFathers and partnerspayment on accountHBWhen your housing benefit startspension credit HBWho can get housing benefitpensioner premiumESAApplicable amountpersonal allowancesESAApplicable amountHBStep six: work out your applicable amountISPersonal allowanceJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancepersonal independence paymentChapter 16: Personal independence paymentamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming personal independence paymentcoronavirus2. Who is eligibledaily living componentDaily living componenteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsfull-time studentsStudentslimited capability for work3. Limited capability for workmobility componentMobility componentpart-time studentsStudentspayment4. Claiming personal independence paymenttime out from studiesFrom three monthsFrom three monthsplacement studentssocial work studentsEnglandUndergraduate supportPostgraduate supportWalesUndergraduate supportPostgraduate supportwork placementsStudy abroad or work placementsTuring, Erasmus and other study or work placementsErasmus and other study or work placementspostgraduate bursary for master's degreesWales3. Postgraduate master's bursaries in WalesPostgraduate Certificate in Educationstudent supportEnglandPostgraduate Certificate/Diploma in EducationN. Ireland5. Initial teacher training in Northern IrelandWalesPostgraduate Certificate in Educationteacher training bursaryTeacher training bursaryteacher training incentiveTeacher training granttuition feesEnglandTuition feesPostgraduate Diploma in Educationstudent supportPostgraduate Certificate/Diploma in Educationpostgraduate loan for doctoral courses4. Postgraduate loans for doctoral courseseligible coursesWhich courses are eligibleeligible studentsWho is eligiblepaymentPayment and repaymentsrepaymentPayment and repaymentstreatment as incomehealth benefitsStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsPostgraduate loansUCIf you get a student loan for living costspostgraduate loan for master's degrees2. Postgraduate loans for master's degreeseligible coursesWhich courses are eligibleeligible studentsWho is eligiblepaymentPayment and repaymentsrepaymentPayment and repaymentsresidence conditionsWho is eligibletreatment as incomehealth benefitsStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsPostgraduate loansUCIf you get a student loan for living costspostgraduate studentsbursaries for master's degreesWales3. Postgraduate master's bursaries in Walescouncil taxPostgraduate studentsdisabled students' allowance5. Disabled students’ allowanceN. IrelandDisabled students’ allowancehealthcare coursesPostgraduate diploma and part-time undergraduate studentsISWho counts as a full-time studentJSA19 or over and a full-time studentloan for doctoral coursesEngland and Wales4. Postgraduate loans for doctoral coursesloan for master's degreesEngland and Wales2. Postgraduate loans for master's degreessocial workEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supportstudent supportChapter 5: Postgraduate student supportN. Ireland6. Postgraduate support in Northern Irelandstudentships1. StudentshipsN. IrelandStudentshipstreatment of grants as incomehealth benefitsPostgraduate grantsmeans-tested benefitsPostgraduate grantsPostgraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loanstreatment of loans as incomehealth benefitsStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsPostgraduate loanstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for living coststuition fee loansN. IrelandLoan for tuition feestuition feesEngland and Wales1. StudentshipsN. IrelandStudentshipspractice placement expenses2012 bursary schemePractice placement expenseshealthcare studentspregnancybenefitsChapter 15: Maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsBenefitshealth benefitsPregnant women and women who have recently given birthhealthcare studentsStudents who are pregnant or who have recently given birthHealthy Start schemeHealthy Start food and vitaminsSure Start maternity grant2. Sure Start maternity grantstime out from studies2. Pregnancy and childrenpremiumsESAApplicable amountHBStep six: work out your applicable amountISPremiumsJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceprescriptions1. What are health benefitsfreeFree prescriptionspre-payment certificatesPrepayment certificatesprevious studystudent supportEnglandPrevious studyN. IrelandPrevious studyWalesPrevious studyprofessional and career development loanProfessional and career development loanstreatment as incometax credits2. Grants and loansprofessional studies loanstreatment as incomehealth benefitsProfessional studies loansmeans-tested benefitsProfessional studies loansUCProfessional studies loanspropertytreatment of incometax creditsPropertyqualifying young personchild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personESAFull-time studentUCStudentsre-sitting exams4. Re-sitsreceiving educationUCStudentsrefugeesISWho can get income supportstudent supportResidence conditionsrelevant educationcourse endsWhen a course endsdefinitionISWhat is relevant educationJSAUnder 20 in relevant educationISUnder 20 in relevant educationJSAUnder 20 in relevant educationrenteligible rentHBEligible accommodationHB1. What is housing benefitliable for rentHBLiable for rentUCHousing costs elementmaximum rentHBStep two: maximum renttwo homesHBYou have two homesUCHousing costs elementrent restrictionsprivate tenantsHBStep two: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementsocial sector tenantsHBStep two: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementrepayment of loansloans for living costsEnglandRepaying your loanRepaying your loanN. IrelandLoan for living costsWalesRepaying your loanmortgage-style loansEnglandRepaying your loanteachers' loansEnglandReimbursement of loan repaymentsWalesRepayment of teachers’ loansresidence conditionsstudent supportEnglandResidence conditionsN. IrelandResidence conditionsWalesResidence conditionsresidential bursariesfurther educationEnglandResidential bursariessanctionsJSAStudying and availability for workUCWork-related requirementssandwich courseISWho counts as a full-time studentwork placementsStudy abroad or work placementsTuring, Erasmus and other study or work placementsErasmus and other study or work placementssavingstreatment as incomehealth benefits7. Savings and capitalmeans-tested benefits8. Savings and capitaltax creditsSavings and investmentsUC8. Savings and capitalSchool DirectSchool Direct, Teach First and postgraduate teacher apprenticesschool lunchesfree school lunchesESA7. Other benefits and tax creditsISPassported benefitsJSAPassported benefitstax creditsPassported benefitsUCPassported benefitssecond adult rebate4. Second adult rebateservice chargesHBStep two: maximum rentsevere disability elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditsevere disability premiumESAApplicable amountHBWho can get housing benefitISPremiumsseverely disabled child elementCTCStep one: work out your maximum child tax creditsicknessESA1. What is employment and support allowancefull-time studentsFull-time studentspart-time studiesPart-time studentssuspension of loanStudent supporttime out from studies1. Ill healthUCElements for illnesssight tests1. What are health benefitsfreeFree sight testssingle room rentStep two: maximum rentsocial fundChapter 17: The social fundchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionlocal provision5. Local welfare assistance schemesEnglandLocal provision in EnglandN. IrelandDiscretionary support in Northern IrelandWalesDiscretionary Assistance Fund in Walessocial work bursariesdegree levelEnglandUndergraduate supportWalesUndergraduate supportpostgraduate levelEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supporttreatment as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsOther grants for vocational coursesSocial work bursariessocial work students6. Social work studentspostgraduateEnglandPostgraduate supportWalesPostgraduate supportstudent supportEnglandUndergraduate supportPostgraduate supportN. IrelandNorthern IrelandWalesUndergraduate supportPostgraduate supporttuition feesEnglandPostgraduate supportspecial support element of loan for living costsLoan for living costsSpecial support elementtreatment as incomehealth benefitsStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsStudent loan for living costsUCIf you get a student loan for living costsspecial support grantEnglandSpecial support grantN. IrelandSpecial support granttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsWalesSpecial support grant: 2012 cohort studentsspecial support paymenttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsUCIf you get a student loan for living costsWalesSpecial support paymentstatutory adoption payStatutory adoption payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsentitlement conditionsStatutory adoption payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsstatutory maternity payStatutory maternity payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsentitlement conditionsStatutory maternity payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsstatutory parental bereavement payStatutory parental bereavement payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsentitlement conditionsStatutory parental bereavement payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsstatutory paternity payStatutory paternity payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsentitlement conditionsStatutory paternity payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsstatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental paymentsentitlement conditionsStatutory shared parental payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsstudent contribution loansN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesstudent grantsbase grantWalesBase grantBase grantcalculating weekly incomeGrantscourse costsEnglandGrant for course costs: pre-September 2012 entrantsN. IrelandGrant for course costsWalesGrant for course costs: pre-2018 cohort studentsleaving a course earlymeans-tested benefitsIf you leave your course earlyliving costsEnglandMaintenance grantN. IrelandMaintenance grantWalesWelsh government learning grant: 2018 cohort studentsGrant and loan for living costs: 2018 cohort studentsmaintenance grantWalesMaintenance grantMaintenance granttreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrantsGrants and loans checklisttax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loansIf you do not get a student loan for living coststuition feesEnglandGrant for tuition fees: pre-September 2012 entrantsN. IrelandGrant for tuition feesWalesGrant and loan for tuition feesGrant for tuition feesstudent loanscalculating weekly incomeLoan for living costsliving costsEnglandLoan for living costsLoan for living costsN. IrelandLoan for living costsWalesLoan for living costsLoan for living costspregnancyStudent supportreduced-rate for healthcare studentsReduced-rate student loanreimbursement of teachers' loan repaymentsEnglandReimbursement of loan repaymentsWalesRepayment of teachers’ loansrepaymentEnglandRepaying your loanRepaying your loanN. IrelandLoan for living costsWalesRepaying your loansuspended due to ill healthStudent supporttreatment as incomehealth benefitsStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsStudent loansGrants and loans checklisttax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loanstuition feesEnglandLoan for tuition feesLoan for tuition fees: 2012 entrants or laterN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesLoan for tuition feesWalesGrant and loan for tuition fees16-19 in further educationEnglandSupport for 16–19 year oldsN. IrelandSupport for 16–19 year oldsWalesSupport for 16–19 year olds19 and over in further educationEnglandSupport for students aged 19 and overN. IrelandSupport for students aged 19 and overWalesSupport for students aged 19 and overstudent supportcharitiesCharitiescoronavirusEnglandChapter 2: Undergraduate student support: EnglandN. IrelandChapter 4: Undergraduate student support: Northern IrelandWalesChapter 3: Undergraduate student support: Walesdiscretionary fundsEngland4. Discretionary and institutional fundsN. Ireland4. Discretionary support fundsWales4. Discretionary hardship fundseffect of incomeEngland3. How income affects student supportHow your student support is affectedN. Ireland3. How income affects student supportWales3. How income affects student supporteligible courses EnglandWhat is an eligible courseN. IrelandCourse eligibilityWalesWhat is an eligible courseeligible studentsEnglandWho is eligible for supportfull-time studentsEngland1. Full-time undergraduatesN. Ireland1. Full-time undergraduatesWales1. Full-time undergraduatesfurther educationChapter 1: Further education student supportEngland1. Student support in EnglandN. Ireland3. Student support in Northern IrelandWales2. Student support in Walesfuture changesEnglandChapter 2: Undergraduate student support: Englandhealthcare students1. Healthcare students in England and WalesN. Ireland2. Healthcare students in Northern Irelandhigher educationEnglandChapter 2: Undergraduate student support: EnglandN. IrelandChapter 4: Undergraduate student support: Northern IrelandWalesChapter 3: Undergraduate student support: Walesill healthStudent supportincome assessmentEnglandHow your income is assessedN. IrelandFull-time studentsWalesHow your income is assessedliving costsEnglandMaintenance grantLoan for living costsLoan for living costsN. IrelandMaintenance grantLoan for living costsWalesWelsh government learning grant: 2018 cohort studentsLoan for living costsGrant and loan for living costs: 2018 cohort studentsmigrant workersResidence conditionsoverpaymentsOverpaymentspart-time studentsEngland2. Part-time undergraduatesN. Ireland2. Part-time undergraduatesWales2. Part-time undergraduatespostgraduatesChapter 5: Postgraduate student supportN. Ireland6. Postgraduate support in Northern IrelandpregnancyStudent supportprevious studyEnglandPrevious studyN. IrelandPrevious studyWalesPrevious studyresidence conditionsEnglandResidence conditionsN. IrelandResidence conditionsWalesResidence conditionstreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrants and loans checklistmeans-tested benefitsGrants and loans checklisttax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loanstuition feesEnglandLoan for tuition feesLoan for tuition fees: 2012 entrants or laterN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesLoan for tuition feesWalesGrant and loan for tuition feesLoan for tuition feesvocational coursesChapter 6: Vocational courses and other sources of student supportwhich system appliesEnglandWhich system of student support appliesWalesWhich system of student support applieswork placementsStudy abroad or work placementsTuring, Erasmus and other study or work placementsErasmus and other study or work placementsstudentships1. StudentshipsN. IrelandStudentshipsstudying abroadStudy abroad or work placementsTuring, Erasmus and other study or work placementsErasmus and other study or work placementssupport fundsN. IrelandSupport funds4. Discretionary support fundsSure Start maternity grant2. Sure Start maternity grantsSwiss nationalshealth benefitsEuropean Economic Area students and Swiss nationalsstudent supportResidence conditionsTax Credit Helpline4. Awards of child tax creditTeach FirstSchool Direct, Teach First and postgraduate teacher apprenticesteacher training bursaryTeacher training bursarytreatment as incomehealth benefitsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsOther grants for vocational coursesPostgraduate grantsteacher training incentiveTeacher training grantterm-time accommodationYou are away from your term-time hometime out from studiesChapter 26: Time out from studiescarersTime out from a course3. Carersill health1. Ill healthpregnancy2. Pregnancy and childrentransportfurther educationEnglandTransporttravel costs2012 bursary schemePractice placement expenseshealthcare studentsmedical and dental studentsEnglandGrant for travel costsN. IrelandSupplementary grantsWalesGrant for travel coststravel expenses granttreatment as incomehealth benefitsFurther education grantsHigher education grantsmeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsHealthcare student allowancesOther grants for vocational courses16-19 in further educationEnglandTuition feesN. IrelandTuition feesWalesTuition fees19 and over in further educationEnglandTuition feesN. IrelandTuition feesWalesTuition feestuition feesdentistry studentsEnglandMedicine and dentistry studentsWalesTuition feesfee waiverWalesFee waivergrantsEnglandGrant for tuition fees: pre-September 2012 entrantsN. IrelandGrant for tuition feestreatment as incomeHigher education grantsWalesGrant and loan for tuition feesGrant for tuition feeshealthcare studentsTuition feesinstitutional bursariesInstitutional bursariesloansEnglandLoan for tuition feesLoan for tuition fees: 2012 entrants or laterN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesLoan for tuition feestreatment as incomeStudent loan for feesWalesGrant and loan for tuition feesLoan for tuition feesmedical studentsEnglandMedicine and dentistry studentsWalesTuition feesN. Ireland students in Republic of IrelandLoan for tuition feesPGCE/PGDE studentsEnglandTuition feespostgraduate social work studentsEnglandPostgraduate supportpostgraduate studentsEngland and Wales1. StudentshipsN. IrelandStudentshipspostgraduate tuition fee loansN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesrepayment of loansEnglandLoan for tuition feesN. IrelandLoan for tuition feesWalesGrant and loan for tuition feesTurkish nationalsstudent supportResidence conditionstwo homesHBYou have two homesISHousing costsundergraduatesstudent supportEnglandChapter 2: Undergraduate student support: EnglandN. IrelandChapter 4: Undergraduate student support: Northern IrelandWalesChapter 3: Undergraduate student support: Walesuniversal creditChapter 18: Universal creditamount4. Amount of benefitassessment periods3. Dividing student income throughout the yearbenefit capThe benefit capbenefits treated as income6. Benefitsbudgeting advance5. Claiming universal creditcalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculation4. Amount of benefitcapitalStep one: capital8. Savings and capitalcarer elementCarer elementchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionchild elementChild elementchildcare elementChildcare elementclaiming5. Claiming universal creditdisabilityElements for illnessdiscretionary housing paymentsHousing costs elementeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditshousing costs elementHousing costs elementnon-dependantsHousing costs elementillnessElements for illnessincomeChapter 21: How income affects universal creditlocal housing allowanceHousing costs elementmaximum amountYour maximum amountpassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment5. Claiming universal creditstandard allowanceStandard allowancetime out from studiesFrom three monthsPart-time studentswho can claimWho can claim universal creditwork-related requirementsWork-related requirementsunoccupied dwellingcouncil taxExempt dwellingsvacationsHBYou are away from your term-time homevitaminsHealthy Start food and vitaminsvocational coursesstudent supportChapter 6: Vocational courses and other sources of student supportvouchersglasses and contact lensesFree sight testsHealthy Start foodHealthy Start food and vitaminswater chargesHBStep two: maximum rentWelsh government learning grantWelsh government learning grantWelsh government learning grant: 2018 cohort studentsWelsh government learning grant: 2012 cohort studentstreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsHigher education grantsFurther education grantswigs1. What are health benefitswigs freeFree wigs and fabric supportswinter fuel payments1. What is the social fundwork-focused interviews3. Limited capability for workwork-related requirementsUCWork-related requirementswork capability assessment3. Limited capability for workworking tax creditChapter 20: Working tax creditamount3. Amount of working tax creditbenefits treated as income4. Benefitscalculation3. Amount of working tax creditchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Awards of working tax creditearnings3. Earningseligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits6. Tax credits and benefitshealth benefitsIf you are exempt because you receive tax creditsincomeChapter 23: How income affects tax creditsincome threshold3. Amount of working tax credit12maximum WTC3. Amount of working tax creditnew claims1. What is working tax creditoverpayments5. Challenging a decision1. Income and tax creditspassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment4. Awards of working tax credittreatment as incomemeans-tested benefitsMeans-tested benefitsworking hoursQualifying hoursworking out income1. Income and tax creditsyoung personqualifying young personchild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personESAFull-time student