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Newer version available

There is a newer version of this publication available:
Student Support and Benefits Handbook 2021/22

This book is free online thanks to a partnership with the NUS.
Description: NUS-downsized
The authors would particularly like to thank Alison Key, Lindsey Fidler, Jayne Aldridge, Keith Houghton, Jeanette Jones and Carolyn George for their work on previous editions of this Handbook.
Grateful thanks are due to Connie Craig-Lucey, Hannah Bundy and Gareth Davies for lending their time and expertise in checking and advising on this edition.
For editing the book and managing its production, thanks go to Bridget Giles and Nicola Johnston. Thanks also to Pauline Phillips for proofreading the text and Anne Ketley for compiling the index.
The law covered in this book was correct on 1 November 2020 and includes regulations laid up to this date.