IndexIndex ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPRSTUVWYadjournmentcourt proceedingsAdjournmentsAdjournmentpossession proceedingsCompleting Form N11MAdjournmentsResponding to the claimAdjudicator's OfficeThe Adjudicator’s Officeadministration orderAdministration order2. Administration ordersapplicationsCompleting the application formcomposition orderComposition orderscourt costs2. Administration orderscourt hearingThe court hearinginterest after judgmentStatutory interest2. Administration ordersproposed ordersThe proposed orderreviewsReviewing an administration orderrevoking the orderRevoking an administration orderadmission and statement of means formThe admission and statement of means formcompleting formCompleting Form N9Acreditor's responseThe creditor’s responseoffers of paymentCompleting Form N9Aadoption payments statutory adoption payStatutory adoption pay statutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental payagentsliability for debtsAgentsalcoholcapacity to make a contractCapacity to make a contractalternative dispute resolutionAlternative dispute resolutionannulment of bankruptcy orderAnnulmentappealscollection ordersAppeals and referralscounty court judgmentAppealing to a judgefeesAppealing to a judgetime limitsAppealing to a judgearrears noticesregulated credit agreementsArrears noticesarrest warrantWarrant with bailWarrant without bailassured tenantsAssured tenantsattachment of earnings orderAttachment of earnings orderarmed forcesAttachment of earnings orderconsolidated orderConsolidated attachment of earnings ordereffect on clientThe effect of an attachment of earnings orderfailureIf the attachment of earnings order or deductions from benefits failsfinancial penaltiesIf the client is an existing defaulterAttachment of earnings ordersinterest after judgmentStatutory interestmaking an orderHow the order is madesuspended orderRequesting a suspensionattendance allowanceAttendance allowancetreatment as incomeWhat income to includeattendance centre ordersAttendance centre orderbailarrest warrantWarrant with bailbailiffsChapter 14: Bailiffschild support arrearsChild support maintenancecodes of practice4. Bailiffs’ powersComplaining to creditorscommercial rent arrearsCommercial rent arrearsCommercial rent arrearsRent arrearscomplaints5. Complaints about bailiffscosts of enforcing multiple warrantsMultiple warrantscouncil taxPreventing goods being taken control of for council tax arrearsLocal taxesLocal taxescounty courtCounty court judgmentspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by county court bailiffscourt action against bailiffsTaking court actionCourt proceedingsdebt collection1. Introductiondisputing feesIf a client disputes the feesemergency actionPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffs6. Emergency actionraising a lump sumRaise a lump sum to clear the debtrefusing accessRefuse the bailiff accesswithdrawing warrantGet the warrant withdrawn from the bailiffenforcement noticeThe enforcement noticeexceptional costsExceptional costsexempt goodsThe use of bailiffs (enforcement agents)Which goods can be takenexpensesExpensesfeesFees and expensesfinancial penaltiesMagistrates’ court ordergoods that can be takenWhich goods can be takenHigh Court enforcement officersHigh Court judgmentspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by High Court enforcement officersHMRC debtsIncome taxidentificationIdentificationinstructions3. How bailiffs are instructedinventoriesInventoriesmagistrates' courtMagistrates’ court orderspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffsmagistrates' court ordersMagistrates’ court ordernon-domestic ratesLocal taxesLocal taxesNon-domestic ratespowers4. Bailiffs’ powersentryEntering premises and identifying vulnerabilityentry to business premisesVAT debtsnon-domestic ratesNon-domestic ratesremoving goods for saleRemoving goods for saleselling goodsSelling goodstaking control of goodsTaking control of goodsprofessional organisationsComplaining to a professional organisationrepossession for mortgage defaultThe warrant of possessionAfter property has been repossessedroad traffic penaltiesRoad traffic penaltiesRoad traffic penaltiesstandards4. Bailiffs’ powerssupervision courtsCourts and the enforcement processtax and national insuranceDebts to HM Revenue and Customstax bailiffspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by tax bailiffsVATVATvulnerable peopleThe use of bailiffs (enforcement agents)Vulnerable clientswarrant of controlCounty court warrant of controlfinancial penaltiesThe use of bailiffs (enforcement agents)when bailiffs are used2. When bailiffs are usedwrit of controlHigh Court writ of controlBanking: conduct of business sourcebookSpecial featuresbankruptcy3. When to use bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements5. Bankruptcyadjudication processThe adjudication processadvantagesAdvantagesafter order is madeAfter a bankruptcy order is madeannulmentAnnulmentapplying for own bankruptcyIf a client wants to make her/himself bankruptbank accountsBank accountsbenefit overpaymentsEnforcement action by creditorsbusiness debtChoose a strategy for non-priority debtscalculating incomeIncome payments ordersclient at risk of violenceClients at risk of violencecostsCostscouncil tax recoveryPreventing the local authority taking bankruptcy proceedingsIf a creditor wants to make a client bankruptcreditor's applicationIf a creditor wants to make a client bankruptcreditor's petitionThe creditor’s petitionprescribed informationThe creditor’s petitionresponseThe creditor’s petitioncriminal offencesThe role of the official receiverdebt relief order as alternativeDebt relief orders and bankruptcydebtor's applicationThe debtor’s bankruptcy applicationdebts resulting from bankruptcyContingent debts and liabilitiesdisadvantagesDisadvantagesdischargeDischargeenforceable debtsProvable debtsdisclosure of debtor's addressClients at risk of violenceearningsIncome payments ordersfuel supplyUtility companieshearingThe bankruptcy hearinghomeOwner-occupied homesbeneficial interest couplesOwner-occupied homesendowment policiesOwner-occupied homesexceptional circumstancesOwner-occupied homesjoint propertyThe role of the trusteeOwner-occupied homeslow-value exemptionOwner-occupied homesrentedRented accommodationincome payments agreementsIncome payments agreementsincome payments ordersIncome payments ordersindividual voluntary arrangement as alternativeWhen an individual voluntary arrangement is appropriateinsurance policiesInsurance policiesinterim bankruptcy restrictions orderPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingsmortgage rescue schemesMortgage rescue and bankruptcymortgage shortfallChecklist for actionnon-priority debtsBankruptcy and debt relief ordersobtaining future creditProvable debtsofficial receiverThe role of the official receiverpayments to creditorsProvable debtspensionsPensionspost-discharge restrictionsbankruptcy restrictions orderPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingsbankruptcy restrictions undertakingPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingspre-discharge restrictionsPre-discharge restrictionspreferencesTransactions at an undervalue and preferencespriority paymentsProvable debtsprocedures5. Bankruptcyprotected goodsProtected goodsprovable debtsProvable debtsriskscredit ratingEffect on future creditcurrent assetsRisk to current assetsemploymentEffect on employment or officefuture assetsRisk to future assetshomeEffect on housingreputationEffect on reputation and stresssale of propertyProtected goodssale of vehicleMotor vehiclessecured creditor's rightsProvable debtsProvable debtsstatutory demandServing a statutory demandresponseResponding to a statutory demandsetting asideSetting aside a statutory demandunreasonable useChallenging a statutory demandstudent loansStudent loansScheme one loansScheme two loanssupervisor's petitionIf a supervisor of an individual voluntary arrangement wants to make a client bankrupttrusteesThe role of the trusteeundervalue transactionsTransactions at an undervalue and preferencesvoluntary chargeVoluntary chargewhen to use3. When to use bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangementswho can become bankruptWho can become bankruptbankruptcy restrictions orderPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingsapplicationPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingsinterim orderPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingsbankruptcy restrictions undertakingPost-discharge restrictions: bankruptcy restrictions orders and undertakingsbanksadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9AbankruptcyBank accountschanging accountBank accountsFinancial Ombudsman ServiceUsing the Financial Ombudsman Servicefirst right of appropriationBank accountsstudentsSpecial featuresgraduate loansGraduate loanmistaken payments to accountMistaken payments into bank accountsoverdraftsBank overdraftstudentsBank overdraftBank overdraftspersonal loansPersonal loanstudentsBank loansprofessional studies loansProfessional studies loanProfessional studies loansbeneficial interest in propertyJoint ownership of propertybankruptcyOwner-occupied homes12benefitsapplicable amountsApplicable amountscalculating means-tested benefits4. Calculating entitlementcap on total amountThe benefit capcapital limitsCapitalCapitaldeductionsDeductions from benefitsfinancial penaltiesIf the client is an existing defaulterDeductions from benefitspriority debtsDeductions from benefitshousing costsElementsincome rulesIncomeIncomemaximising incomeWhich benefits and tax credits can a client claimoverlapping benefitsOverlapping benefit rulesoverpaymentsDeductions from benefitsremission of court feesRemission of feesstudentsBenefitstreatment as incomeWhat income to includebereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentbill paying servicesWhen debts may need to be treated differentlybills of saleBill of saleenforcementSpecial featurespriority debtHire purchase, conditional sale agreements and bills of saleregulationThe legal positionvalid and enforceableSpecial featuresbinding goodsBinding the client's goodsbreathing space schemeBreathing space schemebroadbandlisting expenditureTelephone, television and broadbandbudget accountsBudget accountbudgeting accountsWhen debts may need to be treated differentlybudgeting advice7. Budgeting adviceessential items’Luxury’ itemsfinancial contributions from family membersThe client’s non-dependantsbudgeting loansSocial fund paymentsbusiness assetsMinimise debts by ceasing to tradebusiness debtBusiness debtsChapter 16: Business debtsbankruptcyChoose a strategy for non-priority debtsceasing tradingMinimise debts by ceasing to tradedebt relief orderIssues with particular types of debtrent arrearsCommercial rent arrearsRent arrearsstages of debt advice3. Stages of debt advicecreating trustCreate trustfinancial statementDraw up a personal financial statementlisting creditorsList creditors and minimise debtslisting expenditureList expenditurelisting incomeList and maximise incomemaximising incomeList and maximise incomeminimising debtsList creditors and minimise debtsnon-priority debtsChoose a strategy for non-priority debtspriority debtsDeal with priority debtstypes of small business2. Types of small businessco-operatives and franchisesCo-operatives and franchiseslimited companyLimited companylimited liability partnershipsLimited liability partnershippartnershipPartnershipsole traderSole traderVAT arrearsVAT debtsbusiness expensesMinimise debts by ceasing to tradebusiness leaseLeased premisesbuy-back schemesSale of the propertybuy-to-let mortgagesBuy-to-let mortgagescable televisionessential expenditure’Luxury’ itemscancellation rightsprocedural irregularitiesProcedural irregularitiesregulated credit agreementThe right to cancel: cooling-off periodcapitaladmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9AbenefitsCapitalCapitalcalculating incomeCapitalcapitalising arrearsCapitalise arrearsthreshold for remission of court feesRemission of feescapital repayment mortgageSpecial featurescarer elementElementscarer premiumApplicable amountscarerscarer elementElementscarer premiumApplicable amountscarer's allowanceCarer’s allowancecarer's allowanceCarer’s allowancecase recordingCase recordingCASHflow toolkitCASHflowceasing tradingMinimise debts by ceasing to tradecharge cardsCharge cardcharging orderCharging orderHigh Court and county court ordersconditionsConditions attached to a charging orderfinal orderFinal charging orderinterim charging orderInterim charging orderjoint propertyJoint ownership of propertyobjectionsObjecting to the orderorder for sale of propertyOrder for sale of propertysuspendingSuspending a charging orderSuspending a charging ordercharitable donationslisting expenditureGifts, charitable donations, and religious and cultural activitiescharitiesCharitiesstudentsCharitieschattel mortgageBill of salechild benefitChild benefitchild elementElementschild support paymentsChild support paymentsMaintenance paymentsbailiffsChild support maintenanceenforcementSpecial featureslisting expenditureOther costspriority debtsChild supportchild tax creditChild tax creditcalculatingTax creditsoverpaymentsTax credit overpaymentsbailiffsDebts to HM Revenue and Customschallengin recoverySpecial featurespriority debtsTax credit overpaymentsrecoveryThe legal positiontime limit for recoveryCourt actionstudentsChild tax creditchildcare costschildcare costs elementElementschildcare grant for studentsChildcare grantlisting expenditureChildcareparents' learning allowanceParents’ learning allowancechildcare costs elementElementschildrenchild benefitChild benefitchild elementElementschild tax creditChild tax creditdisability living allowanceDisability living allowancedisabled child additionElementsdisabled child premiumApplicable amountsguardian's allowanceGuardian’s allowanceHealthy Start schemeHealthy Start food and vitaminsliability for debtsUnder-18-year-oldscivil court judgmentsbailiffs' powersCivil court judgments and orderscivil partnershipsbereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentcivil recoveryCivil recoverycivilian enforcement officersMagistrates’ court ordersclaim formscounty court money claimsThe claim formparticulars of claimThe particulars of claimresponding to claim formResponding to the claim formclothinglisting expenditureClothing and shoesco-operativesCo-operatives and franchisescodes of practicebailiffs4. Bailiffs’ powersComplaining to creditorscreditorsCodes of practicedebt collectionIf the creditor does not complyfuel suppliersGas and electricity chargesrecovery of tax credit overpaymentsSpecial featureswater companiesSpecial featurescold weather paymentsSocial fund paymentscollection ordersCollection orderappealsAppeals and referralsdefaultIf the client defaults on the collection ordervariationVarying the terms of a collection ordercommittal proceedingshearingCommittal hearingrepresentationThe role of the advisercommon financial statementThe common financial statementcompensation for damagesCivil compensation for damagescompensation ordersCompensation orderspriority debtsFines, maintenance and compensation orderscomplaintsagainst bailiffs5. Complaints about bailiffsFinancial Ombudsman ServiceUsing the Financial Ombudsman Servicecomposition orderComposition ordersconditional sale agreementsConditional sale agreementbill of saleSpecial featureslisting expenditureHire purchasepreventing repossessionSuspending a warrant of deliverypriority debtsHire purchase, conditional sale agreements and bills of salerepossession of goods1. Recovering goods on hire purchase or conditional saleWarrant of deliveryconsolidated agreementsdefinitionWhat is an unfair relationshipconsumer creditChapter 4: Consumer creditexempt agreementsExempt agreementsregulated agreements3. Regulated agreementsConsumer Credit Act 1974Chapter 4: Consumer creditConsumer Credit SourcebookThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookconsumer protectionregulatory bodiesThe Financial Conduct Authoritycontact lensesvouchers towards costHealth benefitscontinuous payment authoritySpecial featurescontracts2. Using contract lawcapacity to make a contractCapacity to make a contractchildren and young peopleUnder-18-year-oldsdefault chargesDefault chargesmisrepresentationMisrepresentation of the terms of the contractprocedural irregularitiesProcedural irregularitiesundue influenceContracts made under ’undue influence’unfair relationshipUnfair relationshipsWhat is an unfair relationshipunfair termsWhat is an unfair termcontrolled goods agreementWays of taking control of goodscooling-off periodregulated credit agreementThe right to cancel: cooling-off periodsecured loanSpecial featurescouncil taxCouncil taxarrearsdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsrescheduling arrearsRent, fuel and council taxwriting offWriting off debtsbailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of for council tax arrearsLocal taxesLocal taxesbankruptcy proceedingsPreventing the local authority taking bankruptcy proceedingsemergency actionPreventing goods being taken control of for council tax arrearsenforcement of unpaid council tax4. Council taxexemptionsWriting off debtsimprisonmentCommittal to prisonliabilityLiabilityafter deathLiability after a deathjoint and several liabilityLiabilityJoint and several liabilityliability orderLiability orderssetting aside liability orderSetting aside a liability orderlimitation period5. Time limitsoutcome of committal hearingOutcome of the committal hearingpriority debtsCouncil taxstudentsReducing council tax billswilful refusal or culpable neglectCommittal to prisoncouncil tax reductionCouncil tax reductioncounterclaims4. Defending a money claimhousing disrepairHousing disrepairmoney claims in the county courtThe defence and counterclaim formcounty courtChapter 10: Action in the county court: generaladjournmentsAdjournmentsapplicationsApplications: Form N244bailiffsCounty court judgmentspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by county court bailiffsbefore court action2. Before starting court actioncomplaints1. Introductioncosts4. Court feesfees4. Court feesremissionRemission of feesforms1. Introductionmediation schemesUsing the Financial Ombudsman Servicemental capacityClients with mental health problemslitigation friendClients with mental health problemsmoney claimsChapter 11: Action in the county court: money claimsadmitting a claim2. Admitting a money claimallocating to appropriate trackAllocating the case to the appropriate trackclaim formThe claim formcounterclaims4. Defending a money claimdefending a claim4. Defending a money claimjudgments3. The judgmentparticulars of claimThe particulars of claimresponding to claim formResponding to the claim formstarting a claim1. Starting a money claimsummary disposalSummary disposaltracksThe trackstransfer to home courtAutomatic transferspossession of goods and propertyChapter 12: Action in the county court: possession of goods and propertypossession proceedings2. Recovering propertymortgage/secured loans3. Recovering owner-occupied propertyrent arrears4. Recovering rented propertypre-action conduct practice directionPre-action protocolspre-action protocolsPre-action protocolspreventing enforcement5. Preventing enforcementadjournmentsAdjournmentappealing to a judgeAppealing to a judgesuspension of possession orderVarying the terms of a suspended or postponed possession ordersuspension of warrant of deliverySuspending a warrant of deliveryrecovery of goods1. Recovering goods on hire purchase or conditional salerecovery of moneyWhich court deals with the claimregulated credit agreementsDebts regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974Debts regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974representation1. Introductiontaking court action3. Taking court actiontime limits on debt recovery action5. Time limitstypes of claimsTypes of claimusers' groups1. IntroductionCounty Court Business CentreWhich court deals with the claimcounty court judgmentsadministration orders2. Administration ordersappealsAppealing to a judgeenforcement5. Enforcing a judgmentCounty court judgmentsinterest after judgmentInterest charges after judgmentmoney claims3. The judgment default judgmentsDefault judgmentpayment orders3. The judgmentpreventing enforcement6. Preventing enforcementsetting asideSetting aside a judgmentsuspension of warrant of controlSuspension of a warrant of controlvariation of orderVarying payments due under an orderRegister of Judgments, Orders and Fines3. The judgmentsuspending the judgmentSuspensions and stayswarrant of controlCounty court warrant of controlCounty Court Money Claims CentreWhich court deals with the claimInterim charging orderAttachment of earnings orderThird-party debt ordercouplesbeneficial interest in homeOwner-occupied homesbusiness partnershipsMinimise debts by ceasing to tradecalculating incomeWhose income to includeconsulting partners1. Interviewingindividual voluntary arrangementsThe proposaljoint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilityjoint propertybankruptcyThe role of the trusteeOwner-occupied homescourt ordersadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Aattachment of earnings orderAttachment of earnings ordercharging orderCharging orderhardship payment orderHardship payment orderinformation orderInformation orderorder for sale of propertyOrder for sale of propertypossession ordermortgage arrearsThe warrant of possessionthird-party debt orderThird-party debt ordertime orderTime orderscourtsliaison groupsLocal liaison groupsmonitoring local courtsMonitoring local courtsrepresentation by debt advisers4. Representing clients in courttype of court hearingType of hearinguser groupsLocal liaison groupscredit agreementsbusiness loansLoans for business purposeshigh net worth borrowersHigh net worth borrowersnot regulatedExempt agreementsregulated3. Regulated agreementssecured loansSecured loanscredit authorisation2. Authorising traderscredit cardsCredit cardjoint liabilityThe legal positionlinked agreementsThe legal positionpersistent debtThe legal positiontime ordersTime orderscredit debtslegislation1. Introductioncredit ratingbankruptcyContingent debts and liabilitiesbankruptcy or individual voluntary arrangementEffect on future creditpartial write-offsDisadvantagesunpaid judgments3. The judgmentwrite-offsDisadvantagescredit reference agenciesCredit reference agenciesaccounts recorded as in defaultRecording defaultscorrecting information heldIf the information held is incorrectinformation collectedCredit reference agenciesobtaining file detailsIf the information held is incorrectcredit repair companiesIf the information held is incorrectcredit sale agreementsCredit sale agreementinterest-free creditInterest-free creditcredit scoringCredit reference agenciescredit unionsCredit unionsbill paying services/budgeting accountsWhen debts may need to be treated differentlydebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of debtcreditorsbankruptcyenforcement actionEnforcement action by creditorsmaking debtor bankruptIf a creditor wants to make a client bankruptpaymentsProvable debtspreferencesTransactions at an undervalue and preferenceschallenging creditor's costsChallenging the creditor’s costscodes of practiceCodes of practicecollecting informationThe creditorscomplaints about bailiffsComplaining to creditorscredit scoringCredit reference agenciescreditors' meetingThe creditors' decisionoutcomeAfter the meetingcreditor's petitionThe creditor’s petitionprescribed informationThe creditor’s petitionresponseThe creditor’s petitiondebt collectiondealing with harassmentDealing with harassmentdebt purchasersPossible responses from the creditordebt relief ordersThe effect of a debt relief orderfailure to comply with information requestIf the creditor does not complyFinancial Ombudsman ServiceUsing the Financial Ombudsman Serviceguidance on mental health issuesGuidance on dealing with clients with mental health problemsharassmentDealing with harassmentinterest after judgmentInterest charges after judgmentissuing a default noticeDefault noticelisting creditors3. Listing creditors and minimising debtsmonitoring practicesMonitoring creditor practicesnegotiating with creditors2. Negotiatingoverseas creditorsdebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of debtpreferencesdebt relief ordersQualifying conditionspriority debt negotiationsPrioritise the debtsrefusal to deal with advisers2. Negotiatingrejection of strategy9. Implementing the chosen strategiesrequirement to provide informationRequests for informationresponse to admission and statement of means formThe creditor’s responseresponse to information requestPossible responses from the creditorsubject access requestIf the information held is incorrectIf the creditor does not complyunauthorised creditorsUnauthorised creditorsunfair relationshipWhat is an unfair relationshipwrite-offsRequest a write-offcriminal offencesbankruptcyThe role of the official receiverdebt relief ordersOffences and restrictionsharassmentDealing with harassmentculpable neglect5. Wilful refusal and culpable neglectdeathbereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentliability for debtsLiability after a deathdebtacknowledgement of debtAcknowledgementslisting debtsThe debtspart-paymentPart paymentspre-action protocolPre-action protocol for debt claimsstatute-barred5. Time limitsdebt adviceForewordadministrative systems3. Administrationadvice system2. The debt advice systemagreement between client and adviserInformation to clientsbusiness debtChapter 16: Business debtscase filesCase recordingclient's best interestsThe client's best interestsclosing casesClosing casescorrespondenceCorrespondencefinancial statementThe financial statementgood practiceEnsuring good practiceharassmentDealing with harassmentinformation provided to clientInformation to clientsletter writing frameworkUse a frameworkmental healthClients with mental health problemsqualificationsEnsuring good practicereferralsMaking appropriate referralsreviewsReviewsstages of debt adviceStages of the debt advice processChapter 3: Stages of debt advicebusiness debt3. Stages of debt advicecreating trust1. Exploring the debt problememergencies2. Dealing with urgent issuesfinancial statement7. Drawing up a financial statementimplementing a strategy9. Implementing the chosen strategieslisting creditors3. Listing creditors and minimising debtslisting expenditure5. Listing expenditurelisting income4. Listing and maximising incomemaximising income4. Listing and maximising incomeChapter 7: Maximising incomeminimising debts3. Listing creditors and minimising debtsnon-priority debts8. Choosing a strategy for non-priority debtsChapter 9: Dealing with non-priority debtspriority debts6. Dealing with priority debtsChapter 8: Dealing with priority debtsstudent debt2. Stages of debt advicetriage interviewThe triage interviewdebt adviserattitudes to debtA professional attitudebudgeting advice7. Budgeting advicebusiness debt1. Introductionclient with mental health issuesClients with mental health problemscourt representation4. Representing clients in court1. Introductioncreating trust1. Exploring the debt problemdealing with harassmentDealing with harassmentdebt relief ordersThe role of intermediariesemergencies2. Dealing with urgent issuesinformation from clientObtaining information from the clientinformation provided to clientInformation to clientsinterviewing1. Interviewingletter writing3. Letter writingmagistrates' courtThe role of the advisernegotiating2. NegotiatingskillsChapter 2: Key skillssocial policy workA commitment to social policy5. Changing policystudent debtExploring the debt problemdebt collectionbreach of guidanceThe Consumer Credit SourcebookFinancial Conduct Authority guidanceThe Consumer Credit SourcebookharassmentDealing with harassmentdebt consolidationRefinancingConsolidate the debtsrisksDisadvantagesdebt management companies1. Professional debt adviceDebt management plansdebt management planDebt management plansdebt relief orders6. Debt relief ordersbankruptcy as alternativeDebt relief orders and bankruptcybusiness debtsIssues with particular types of debtchange of circumstancesReporting changes in circumstancescredit unionsIssues with particular types of debtcreditorsThe effect of a debt relief orderdisregarded propertyQualifying conditionsexcluded debtsQualifying debtsexpenditurehire purchase paymentsIssues with particular types of expenditurerent arrearsIssues with particular types of expenditurefeesMaking the applicationforeign debtsIssues with particular types of debtfraudulent debtsIssues with particular types of debtguarantorsIssues with particular types of debthire purchase agreementsIssues with particular types of debtintermediary's roleThe role of intermediariesMotor Insurers' Bureau claimsIssues with particular types of debtnon-priority debtsBankruptcy and debt relief ordersoffencesOffences and restrictionsofficial receiverThe role of the official receiverpenalty chargesIssues with particular types of debtpensionsIssues with particular types of propertypreferencesQualifying conditionsprocedureafter order is madeAfter the application is madeapplicationsMaking the applicationrefusal of orderAfter the application is madepropertycashIssues with particular types of propertycompensationIssues with particular types of propertymoney owedIssues with particular types of propertyqualifying conditionsQualifying conditionsqualifying debtsQualifying debtsrestriction orderOffences and restrictionsrevoking the orderThe role of the official receiverundervalue transactionsQualifying conditionsunenforceable debtsIssues with particular types of debtuniversal creditIssues with particular types of debtwater chargesIssues with particular types of debtwho can applyWho can apply for a debt relief orderdebtor's bankruptcy applicationThe debtor’s bankruptcy applicationdebts not covered by Consumer Credit Actbusiness debtsBusiness debtscharge cardCharge cardchild support paymentsChild support paymentscivil recoveryCivil recoverycouncil taxCouncil taxfinesFinesfuel chargesGas and electricity chargesincome taxIncome tax arrearsmaintenance paymentsMaintenance paymentsmortgage shortfallMortgage shortfallmortgagesMortgagenational insurance contributionsNational insurance contributionsnon-domestic ratesNon-domestic ratesrentRentsecured loansSecured loansshopliftingCivil recoverytax credit overpaymentsTax credit overpaymentstraffic penaltiesTraffic penaltiesvalue added taxValue added taxwater chargesWater chargesdeduction from earnings orderchild support paymentsSpecial featuresdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsbankruptcyEnforcement action by creditorscredit unionsCredit unionsfinancial penaltiesIf the client is an existing defaulterDeductions from benefitspriority order of deductionsDeductions from benefitsdefault chargesDefault chargestaking actionWhat action to takedefault noticeDefault noticeinformation requiredDefault noticeregulated credit agreementsDefault noticestime limitsDefault noticedefault sum noticeDefault sum noticesdefence and counterclaim formThe defence and counterclaim formdefence to claimpossession proceedingsResponding to the claimcompleting formCompleting Form N11Mdeferred-interest mortgageSpecial featuresdental treatmentHealth benefitsdependantsstudent grantsAdult dependants’ grantdetermination of means calculatorThe amount is not more than £50,000directions questionnaireAllocating the case to the appropriate trackdisabilityassistance fundsSpecial funds for sick or disabled peopleattendance allowanceAttendance allowancedisability living allowanceDisability living allowancedisability premiumApplicable amountsdisabled child additionElementsdisabled child premiumApplicable amountsdisabled students' allowanceDisabled students’ allowanceemployment and support allowanceEmployment and support allowanceenhanced disability premiumApplicable amountsincome supportIncome supportindustrial injuries benefitsIndustrial injuries benefitspersonal independence paymentPersonal independence paymentsevere disability premiumApplicable amountsdisability benefitstreatment as incomeWhat income to includedisability living allowanceDisability living allowancetreatment as incomeWhat income to includedisability premiumApplicable amountsdisabled child additionElementsdisabled child premiumApplicable amountsdischarge from bankruptcyDischargedisconnectionfuelbusiness debtServicesdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsemergency actionPreventing fuel disconnectiondismissalpay in lieu of noticeNotice paydoor-step lendingHome-collected creditdrugscapacity to make a contractCapacity to make a contractdry cleaninglisting expenditureLaundry and dry cleaningduressliability for debtsMinimise other debtsearningsadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Aattachment of earnings orderAttachment of earnings orderAttachment of earnings ordersbankruptcyIncome payments orderselectronic communicationregulated credit agreementElectronic communicationemergency actionagainst bailiffs6. Emergency actioncouncil tax arrearsPreventing goods being taken control of for council tax arrearsfuel disconnectionPreventing fuel disconnectionpossession of homePreventing the home being lostpreventing goods being takencounty court bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of by county court bailiffsHigh Court enforcement officersPreventing goods being taken control of by High Court enforcement officersmagistrates' court bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffstax bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of by tax bailiffspreventing imprisonmentPreventing imprisonmentpriority debts4. Emergency actionrefusing bailiff accessRefuse the bailiff accessemploymentadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Aeffect of bankruptcy or individual voluntary arrangementEffect on employment or officestudentsEmploymentemployment and support allowanceEmployment and support allowancedeductions from benefitDeductions from benefitsmortgage interest loansMortgage interest loanssupport componentEmployment and support allowance componentswork-related componentEmployment and support allowance componentsendowment mortgageSpecial featureschanging to repayment mortgageChange to a repayment mortgageinterest-only paymentsWhen applicablereduced paymentsWhen applicablesurrender valueWhen applicableenforcement actionbankruptcycreditorsEnforcement action by creditorschild support arrearsChild support maintenancecommercial rent arrearsCommercial rent arrearsRent arrearscouncil tax arrears4. Council taxLocal taxescounty court bailiffsCounty court judgmentscounty court judgments5. Enforcing a judgmentattachment of earnings orderAttachment of earnings ordercharging orderCharging orderinformation orderInformation orderorder for sale of propertyOrder for sale of propertythird-party debt orderThird-party debt orderwarrant of controlWarrant or writ of controlcreditor failed to provide informationIf the creditor does not complyforeign judgmentsEnforcing foreign judgmentsHigh Court bailiffsHigh Court judgmentsHMRC debtsDebts to HM Revenue and Customsjudgments in Scotland and N. IrelandScotland and Northern Irelandliability ordersAfter the liability order is mademagistrates' courtcompensation ordersCompensation ordersmagistrates' court ordersMagistrates’ court ordersnon-priority debtsEnforcement issuespreventing enforcement6. Preventing enforcement5. Preventing enforcementadjournmentsAdjournmentsAdjournmentappealing to a judgeAppealing to a judgeAppealing to a judgesetting aside judgmentSetting aside a judgmentSetting aside a judgmentsuspending a charging orderSuspending a charging ordersuspension of warrant of controlSuspension of a warrant of controlsuspension of warrant of deliverySuspending a warrant of deliverysuspensions and staysSuspensions and staysvarying paymentVarying payments due under an ordervarying suspended/postponed possession orderVarying the terms of a suspended or postponed possession orderregulated credit agreementImproperly executed agreements made on or after 6 April 2007request for suspensionHolding tactics (moratorium)road traffic penaltiesRoad traffic penaltiessupervision by courtsCourts and the enforcement processenforcement noticebinding goodsBinding the client's goodsenhanced disability premiumApplicable amountsentry by bailiffsbusiness premisesVAT debtsforced entryMethod of entryidentificationIdentificationmethodMethod of entrypremises that may be enteredPlacerefusing accessRefuse the bailiff accessright of entryEntering premises and identifying vulnerabilitytimingTimeunlawful forceMethod of entryequal payEqual pay rulesequity in the homenegative equityNegative equityequity release loanEquity release loansEuropean Commission Consumer Credit Directive 2008Agreements made on or after 1 February 2011exempt goodsbailiffsThe use of bailiffs (enforcement agents)Which goods can be takenbankruptcyProtected goodsexpenditure5. Listing expenditureadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Aassessmentcounty court payment ordersThe amount is not more than £50,000business expensesMinimise debts by ceasing to tradeList expenditureessential expenditureOther costsluxury itemsOther costsstudentsList expenditureverifying expenditure5. Listing expenditureexpensesbailiffsExpensesextortionate creditUnfair relationshipsfamiliesfamily premiumApplicable amountsfamily premiumApplicable amountsfast-track proceedingsThe tracksfaulty goods/servicesFaulty goods and servicesfeesadministration orders2. Administration ordersappealsAppealing to a judgebailiffsFees and expensescounty court4. Court feesremissionRemission of feesdebt relief orderMaking the applicationdisputing bailiffs' feesIf a client disputes the feesfinancial capabilityFinancial inclusion: MoneyhelperFinancial Conduct AuthorityThe Financial Conduct AuthorityBanking: conduct of business sourcebookSpecial featuresconsumer credit activities2. Authorising tradersConsumer Credit SourcebookThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookcredit authorisation2. Authorising tradersdebt collection guidanceThe Consumer Credit Sourcebookguidance for advisersEnsuring good practicemental capacityGuidance on dealing with clients with mental health problemsMortgages and Home Finance: conduct of business sourcebookSpecial featuresfinancial inclusionFinancial inclusion: MoneyhelperFinancial Ombudsman ServiceThe Financial Ombudsman ServiceUsing the Financial Ombudsman Serviceinformation required for complaintUsing the Financial Ombudsman Servicefinancial penaltiesbailiffsMagistrates’ court orderenforcement action3. Enforcing a financial penaltyappeals and referralsAppeals and referralsattachment of earnings orderIf the client is an existing defaulterAttachment of earnings ordersIf the attachment of earnings order or deductions from benefits failsattendance centre orderAttendance centre orderbailiffsMagistrates’ court orderscharging orderHigh Court and county court orderscollection orderCollection orderVarying the terms of a collection orderIf the client defaults on the collection orderdeduction from benefitsIf the client is an existing defaulterDeductions from benefitsIf the attachment of earnings order or deductions from benefits failsimprisonmentPaymentsImprisonmentshort local detentionShort local detentionthird-party debt orderHigh Court and county court orderswarrant of controlWarrant of controllisting expenditureFineslodging finesLodging finesmagistrates' court2. Financial penaltiesmeans enquiryMeans enquirymoney payments supervision orderMoney payments supervision ordermore than one penaltyPaymentspayment by instalmentsPaymentsFixing a return dateMoney payments supervision orderpriority debtsFines, maintenance and compensation ordersregistrationRegistration of the financial penaltyremitting a fineRemitting finesreturn dateFixing a return datesetting asideVarying and setting aside a financial penaltytime to payPaymentstransfer of finesTransfer of finesvariationVarying and setting aside a financial penaltywriting off a fineWriting off debtsfinancial statementThe financial statement7. Drawing up a financial statementbusiness debtMinimise debts by ceasing to tradeDraw up a personal financial statementcommon financial statementThe common financial statementdisability benefitsWhat income to includeexpenditure5. Listing expenditurestandard financial statementThe standard financial statementfirst right of appropriationBank accountsfixed-rate mortgageSpecial featuresfoodlisting expenditureOther household items, toiletries and foodfood banksFood banksforeign debtsdebt relief orderIssues with particular types of debtforeign judgmentsenforcementEnforcing foreign judgmentsforged signaturesForged signaturesfranchisesCo-operatives and franchisesfree school lunchesFree school lunchesfuel chargesGas and electricity chargesarrearsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsbackbillingSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsbankruptcyUtility companiesbusiness debtServicesdisconnectionUtility chargesemergency actionPreventing fuel disconnectionestimated billsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsliabilityafter deathLiability after a deathelectricityThe legal positiongasThe legal positionlimitation periodSpecial features of electricity and gas arrears5. Time limitslisting expenditureFuelmetersfaultsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearstamperingSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearstheft from metersSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearspre-payment metersGas and electricity pre-payment meterspriority debtsUtility chargespriority services registerSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsrescheduling arrearsRent, fuel and council taxsocial tariffsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsfull and final settlementmortgage shortfallChecklist for actionfuneral paymentsSocial fund paymentsfurniturelisting expenditureFurniture and beddinggarnishee ordersThird-party debt ordergiftslisting expenditureGifts, charitable donations, and religious and cultural activitiesglassesvouchers towards costHealth benefitsgoodsbankruptcyProtected goodsdebt relief ordersQualifying conditionsexempt from being taken into controlWhich goods can be takenfaulty goods reducing liability for debtsFaulty goods and servicesjointly ownedWhich goods can be takenother people's goodsWhich goods can be takenrepossession of goods on hire purchase/conditional sale1. Recovering goods on hire purchase or conditional saletaking control of goodsTaking control of goodsgraduate loansGraduate loanground rentpriority debtsGround rent and leasehold chargesguarantee paymentsGuarantee payguarantor of debtsGuarantorsWhen debts may need to be treated differentlychildren and young peopleUnder-18-year-oldsdebt relief orderIssues with particular types of debtenforcement of guaranteeGuarantors12guardian's allowanceGuardian’s allowanceharassmentDealing with harassmentRecovery of debts to the institutionhardship fundsstudentsHardship fundstrade unionsTrade unionshardship payment ordersHardship payment orderhealth benefitsHealth benefitsHealth benefitshealth costslisting expenditureHealth costsHealthy Start schemeHealthy Start food and vitaminsHigh Courtenforcement actionpreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by High Court enforcement officerspossession proceedings2. Recovering propertyregulated credit agreementsDebts regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974Debts regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974High Court enforcement officersHigh Court judgmentsfeesFeeswrit of controlHigh Court writ of controlHigh Court judgmentsadministration orders2. Administration ordersenforcementHigh Court judgmentswrit of controlHigh Court writ of controlhire purchase agreementsHire purchase agreementbill of saleSpecial featuresdebt relief orderIssues with particular types of debtending the agreementSpecial featuresjoint liabilityThe legal positionlisting expenditureHire purchasepersonal contract purchasesSpecial featurespreventing repossessionSuspending a warrant of deliverypriority debtsHire purchase, conditional sale agreements and bills of salerepossession of goods1. Recovering goods on hire purchase or conditional saleWarrant of deliverysale of goodsSpecial featuressubsidiary agreementsSpecial featuresvoluntary surrenderSpecial featureshome-collected creditHome-collected credithomelessnessSelling the homeCompleting Form N11MResponding to the claimhospital travel costsHealth benefitshousehold goodsbankruptcyProtected goodsdebt relief ordersQualifying conditionsexempt from being taken into controlWhich goods can be takenlisting expenditureOther household items, toiletries and foodhousingbankruptcyOwner-occupied homesbankruptcy or individual voluntary arrangementEffect on housingcostslisting expenditureHousingcosts covered by benefitsMortgage interest loansElementsdeductions from benefits for housing costsDeductions from benefitsdisrepairHousing disrepairequity in the homeEquity in the homehousing benefitHousing benefitindividual voluntary arrangementsThe client’s homesale of homeSale of the propertySelling the homeOwner-occupied homeshousing benefitHousing benefitoverpayments treated as rent arrearsWhat counts as rent arrearsstudentsHousing benefithousing costs elementElementsillegal money lendingWhen debts may need to be treated differentlyimprisonmentcommittal hearingCommittal hearingcommittal warrantThe role of the advisercouncil tax arrearsCommittal to prisonemergency action to prevent imprisonmentPreventing imprisonmentfinancial penaltiesPaymentsImprisonmentjudicial reviewAfter imprisonmentlodging finesLodging finesoutcome of committal hearingOutcome of the committal hearingshort local detentionShort local detentionsuspension of orderImprisonmentCommittal to prisonOutcome of the committal hearingincome4. Listing and maximising incomeadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Aattachment of earnings ordersAttachment of earnings ordersbenefitsIncomeIncomebusinessMinimise debts by ceasing to tradecalculating incomeWhat income to includecouplesWhose income to includemaximising incomeMaximising the client’s incomestudentsList incomeincome payments agreementsIncome payments agreementsincome payments ordersIncome payments orderscalculating incomeIncome payments ordersincome supportIncome supportdeductions from benefitDeductions from benefitsmortgage interest loansMortgage interest loansstudentsIncome supportincome taxallowancesTax allowancesarrearsIncome tax arrearsIncome tax debtsbailiffsIncome taxpriority debtsTax and value added taxrebateTax rebatereliefsTax reliefsself-assessmentIncome tax debtsstudentsTax refundssummons to magistrates' courtIncome tax debtstaking control of goodsPreventing goods being taken control of by tax bailiffsunpaid taxes bailiffsDebts to HM Revenue and Customsindemnity insuranceSpecial featuresindividual voluntary arrangementsIndividual voluntary arrangement3. When to use bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements4. Individual voluntary arrangementsadvantagesAdvantagesalternative to bankruptcyWhen an individual voluntary arrangement is appropriateapplicationsApplying for an individual voluntary arrangementbusiness debtChoose a strategy for non-priority debtschallengesChallenging an individual voluntary arrangementclient at risk of violenceClients at risk of violencecomplaintsComplaints against insolvency practitioners and individual voluntary arrangement providerscompletionCompleting the individual voluntary arrangementcostsCostscreditors' meetingThe creditors' decisiondisadvantagesDisadvantageshomeThe client’s homeinsolvency practitionersApplying for an individual voluntary arrangementinterim orderInterim ordersmortgage shortfallChecklist for actionnomineesAfter the proposal is madeoutcome of creditors' meetingAfter the meetingprocedure4. Individual voluntary arrangementsproposalThe proposalprotocolThe individual voluntary arrangements protocolriskscredit ratingEffect on future creditcurrent assetsRisk to current assetsemploymentEffect on employment or officefuture assetsRisk to future assetshomeEffect on housingreputationEffect on reputation and stressstandard terms and conditionsStandard terms and conditionssupervisorThe creditors' decisionsupervisor's petition for bankruptcyIf a supervisor of an individual voluntary arrangement wants to make a client bankruptwhen to use3. When to use bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangementsWhen an individual voluntary arrangement is appropriateindustrial diseases/accidentsIndustrial injuries benefitsindustrial injuries benefitsIndustrial injuries benefitsInformation Commissionercorrecting inaccurate credit filesIf the information held is incorrectinformation ordersInformation orderinsolvencyChapter 15: Personal insolvencyadministration orders2. Administration ordersbankruptcy5. Bankruptcychoosing between bankruptcy and an individual voluntary arrangement3. When to use bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangementsdefinition1. Insolvency options: summaryindividual voluntary arrangements4. Individual voluntary arrangementsinsolvency practitionerscomplaintsComplaints against insolvency practitioners and individual voluntary arrangement providersindividual voluntary arrangementsApplying for an individual voluntary arrangementnominees for individual voluntary arrangementsAfter the proposal is madeInsolvency RegisterClients at risk of violenceinstalmentscounty court payment ordersThe amount is not more than £50,000If the amount is more than £50,000determination of meansThe amount is not more than £50,000redeterminationsRedetermination by a district judgefinancial penaltiesFixing a return datemagistrates' court finesPaymentsmortgage shortfallChecklist for actionnon-priority debtsRepayment periodtoken paymentsOffer token paymentsInstitute of Money AdvisersEnsuring good practiceNetworking and Information Sharing projectEnsuring good practiceinsuranceafter deathLiability after a deathbankruptcyInsurance policiesintentionally homelessSelling the homeCompleting Form N11MResponding to the claiminterest-free creditInterest-free creditinterest-only mortgageSpecial featuresinterest-only paymentsmortgages and secured loansInterest-only payments (for mortgages and secured loans)interestafter judgmentInterest charges after judgmentadministration order2. Administration orderscontractual interestContractual interestdiscretionary interestDiscretionary interestregulated credit agreementsInterest after judgmentstatutory interestStatutory interestbank overdraftsSpecial featuresfreezingnon-priority debtsRequest that interest be frozen or reducedlimitation period5. Time limitsreducing interest rateReduced paymentsstudent income-contingent loansScheme one loansScheme two loansinterim charging orderInterim charging orderinterim orderindividual voluntary arrangementsInterim ordersinterviewing skills1. InterviewinginventoriesInventoriesjobseeker's allowanceJobseeker’s allowancedeductions from benefitDeductions from benefitsmortgage interest loansMortgage interest loansstudentsIncome-based jobseeker’s allowancejoint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilitybusiness partnershipPartnershipcouncil taxLiabilitycourt fees4. Court feescredit cardsThe legal positionhire purchase agreementThe legal positionjoint propertybankruptcyThe role of the trusteeOwner-occupied homescharging orderJoint ownership of propertydeathJointly owned propertyequity in the homeEquity in the homejudicial reviewAfter imprisonmentLand RegistryClients at risk of violencelandlordsbankruptcy of tenantRented accommodationlaundrylisting expenditureLaundry and dry cleaninglay-offsguarantee paymentsGuarantee paylay representation4. Representing clients in courtlearning difficultiescapacity to make a contractCapacity to make a contractleasehold chargespriority debtsGround rent and leasehold chargesleasesbusiness equipmentOther leasesbusiness premisesLeased premisesLegal OmbudsmanLegal Ombudsmanletter writing3. Letter writingliability for debts1. Introductionacknowledgement of debtAcknowledgementsagentsAgentsbusiness debtsThe legal positionbusiness partnersPartnershipcapacity to make a contractCapacity to make a contractchallenging liability2. Using contract law3. Using the Consumer Credit Actchildren and young peopleUnder-18-year-oldsco-operativesCo-operatives and franchisesdeathLiability after a deathearly settlement of credit agreementEarly settlement of a credit agreementelectricity chargesThe legal positionfaulty goods/servicesFaulty goods and servicesforged signatureForged signaturesgas chargesThe legal positionguarantorsGuarantorsWhen debts may need to be treated differentlyhousing disrepairHousing disrepairinaccurate calculations of money owedInaccurate calculationsinformation from the creditorRequests for informationinsuranceLiability after a deathjoint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilityPartnershiplimited companyLimited companylimited liability partnershipsLimited liability partnershipmail order catalogue debtsSpecial featuresAgentsmisrepresentationMisrepresentation of the terms of the contractMinimise other debtsmistaken payments to bank accountMistaken payments into bank accountsprivate parking chargesSpecial featuresprocedural irregulatiesProcedural irregularitiessole traderSole tradertraffic penaltiesSpecial featuresunauthorised creditorsUnauthorised creditorsundue influenceContracts made under ’undue influence’Minimise other debtsunfair relationshipUnfair relationshipswater chargesSpecial featureswrong personThe wrong personliability orderchild support paymentsSpecial featurescouncil taxPreventing the local authority taking bankruptcy proceedingsLiability ordersenforcementAfter the liability order is madenon-domestic ratesSpecial featuresNon-domestic ratessetting asideSetting aside a liability ordertime limit for enforcementOutcome of the committal hearinglimitation periods5. Time limitsacknowledgement of debtAcknowledgementsfuel chargesSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsmortgage shortfallThe legal positionpart-paymentPart paymentsstatute-barred5. Time limitstax creditsCourt actionlimited capability for work-related activity elementElementslimited capability for work elementElementslimited companyLimited companylimited liability partnershipsLimited liability partnershiplinked credit agreementscredit cardsThe legal positioninterest-free creditSpecial featurespersonal loanSpecial featureslitigation friendClients with mental health problemsloan sharksWhen debts may need to be treated differentlydebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of debtloansbank loansstudentsBank loansfriends/familyWhen debts may need to be treated differentlypersonalPersonal loantime ordersTime orderslocal authoritycouncillorsLocal councillors and MPspaymentswelfare provisionLocal welfare assistance schemesLocal Government and Social Care OmbudsmanLocal Government and Social Care Ombudsman/Public Services Ombudsman for Waleslocal welfare assistance schemesLocal welfare assistance schemeslogbook loanBill of saleLondon GazetteClients at risk of violencelone parentsincome supportIncome supportlow-start mortgageSpecial featureslow incomechild tax creditChild tax credithealth benefitsHealth benefitsSure Start maternity grantSocial fund paymentsworking tax creditWorking tax creditlump sumsavoiding sale of goodsRaise a lump sum to clear the debtcharitiesCharitiespayment to creditorsOffer a reduced capital sum in full and final settlementtrade unionsTrade unionsluxury items’Luxury’ itemsmagistrates' courtChapter 13: The magistrates’ courtbailiffsMagistrates’ court orderspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffsenforcement of financial penalties3. Enforcing a financial penaltyfinancial penalties2. Financial penaltiesincome taxIncome tax debtsliability orders for council tax4. Council taxpower to write off debtsWriting off debtsrepresentationThe role of the adviserwilful refusal and culpable neglect5. Wilful refusal and culpable neglectmagistrates' court ordersbailiffsMagistrates’ court ordercompensation ordersCompensation ordersmail order cataloguesMail order catalogueWhen debts may need to be treated differentlyliability of agentsAgentsmaintenance paymentsMaintenance paymentslisting expenditureOther costspriority debtsFines, maintenance and compensation ordersmarriagebereavement support paymentBereavement support paymentmaternity allowanceMaternity allowancematernity benefitsstatutory maternity payStatutory maternity paystatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental paySure Start maternity grantSocial fund paymentsmaximising incomeMaximising the client’s incomeChapter 7: Maximising incomebenefits and tax creditsWhich benefits and tax credits can a client claimbusinessesList and maximise incomecharitiesCharitieschild maintenanceChild maintenancecompensation for damagesCivil compensation for damagescouncil tax reductionCouncil tax reductiondisability/illness assistance fundsSpecial funds for sick or disabled peopleequal payEqual pay rulesfood banksFood banksfree school lunchesFree school lunchesguarantee paymentsGuarantee payincome taxallowancesTax allowancesrebateTax rebatereliefsTax reliefslocal authority paymentsLocal welfare assistance schemesminimum wageNational minimum wagenotice payNotice paypensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsredundancy paymentsRedundancy payschool costsSchool transportschooling costsSchool clothing grantssocial servicesSocial servicesstudents5. Maximising incomebenefitsBenefitstrade unionsTrade unionswar pensionsPayments for war injuryMcKenzie friendOpen courtThe role of the advisermeans enquirycouncil tax arrearsCommittal to prisonfinancial penaltiesPaymentsMeans enquirymediasocial policy workUsing the mediamediation schemesalternative dispute resolutionAlternative dispute resolutionMember of ParliamentLocal councillors and MPsmental healthadvising clientsClients with mental health problemscapacity to make a contractCapacity to make a contractguidance for creditorsGuidance on dealing with clients with mental health problemsprotected party in court proceedingsClients with mental health problemsmesne profitsSpecial featuresmetersfuelGas and electricity pre-payment metersfaultsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearstamperingSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearstheftSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearsminimising debtsChapter 6: Minimising debtsbusiness debtList creditors and minimise debtsidentifying unfair relationshipIdentifying potential unfair relationship situationsmortgage shortfallThe legal positionstudentsList creditors and minimise debts4. Minimising debtsminimum wageNational minimum wageminorsliability for debtsUnder-18-year-oldsmisrepresentationliability for debtsMisrepresentation of the terms of the contractMinimise other debtsmobile phonesessential expenditure’Luxury’ itemsMoney Advice ServiceEnsuring good practiceFinancial inclusion: MoneyhelperDebt Advice Quality FrameworkEnsuring good practiceMoney and Pensions ServiceEnsuring good practicegood practice toolkitEnsuring good practicemoney claims in the county courtChapter 11: Action in the county court: money claimsWhich court deals with the claimadmitting a claim2. Admitting a money claimallocating to appropriate trackAllocating the case to the appropriate trackchallenging creditor's costsChallenging the creditor’s costsclaim formsThe claim formcounterclaims4. Defending a money claimdefault judgmentsDefault judgmentdefault noticeDefault noticedefending a claim4. Defending a money claimenforcement of judgments5. Enforcing a judgmentattachment of earnings orderAttachment of earnings ordercharging orderCharging orderorder for sale of propertyOrder for sale of propertythird-party debt orderThird-party debt orderwarrant of controlWarrant or writ of controlinterest after judgmentInterest charges after judgmentjudgments3. The judgmentcreditor's responseThe creditor’s responseparticulars of claimThe particulars of claimpayment ordersinstalmentsHow courts calculate instalment ordersredeterminationsRedetermination by a district judgepreventing enforcement6. Preventing enforcementresponding to claim formResponding to the claim formserving the claim formServing the claim formstarting a claim1. Starting a money claimsummary disposalSummary disposaltracksThe trackstransfer to home courtAutomatic transfersmoney payments supervision orderMoney payments supervision ordermoratoriumHolding tactics (moratorium)mortgage interest loansMortgage interest loansElementsmortgagesMortgagearrearsdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitslenders' responsibilitiesSpecial featuresGuidance to lenderspre-action protocolPre-action protocolbuy-to-letBuy-to-let mortgagescapitalising arrearsCapitalise arrearschanging to cheaper mortgageSpecial featureschanging to repayment mortgageChange to a repayment mortgagedefault chargesDefault chargesindemnity guaranteeSpecial featuresinterest-only paymentsInterest-only payments (for mortgages and secured loans)joint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilityliability after deathLiability after a deathloans for mortgage interestMortgage interest loansElementsmortgage prisonersSpecial featuresnegative equityNegative equitypayment holidaySecured loanspossession proceedings3. Recovering owner-occupied propertyafter repossessionAfter property has been repossessedpossession claim online’Possession claim online’powers of courtPowers of the court to deal with possession actionpriority debtsSecured loansreduced paymentsReduced paymentsrefinancingRefinancingregulated contractsThe legal positionSpecial featuresrepayment periodPoints to noterescheduling arrearsSecured loansrescue schemesMortgage rescue schemessale and rent-back schemesSale and rent-back schemesshortfall on saleMortgage shortfallAfter property has been repossessedchallenging debtsThe legal positionindemnity insuranceSpecial featureslimitation periodThe legal position5. Time limitsMortgages and Home Finance: conduct of business sourcebookSpecial featuresmulti-track proceedingsThe tracksnational insurance contributionsNational insurance contributionspriority debtsNational insurance contributionsnational standards for enforcement agents4. Bailiffs’ powersnegative equityNegative equitynegotiation2. Negotiatingpossession proceedingsNegotiating before the hearingrepossession of goods on hire purchase/conditional saleNegotiating before the hearingNHS bursariesNHS bursariesnon-dependantscontribution to budgetThe client’s non-dependantsnon-domestic ratesNon-domestic ratesNon-domestic ratesbailiffsLocal taxesLocal taxeswriting off arrearsWriting off debtsnon-priority debtsChapter 9: Dealing with non-priority debtsadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Aavailable incomeAvailability of incomebusiness debtChoose a strategy for non-priority debtscapitalAvailability of capitalchange of circumstancesChange of circumstanceschoosing a strategy8. Choosing a strategy for non-priority debts1. Choosing a strategydebt management plansDebt management plansenforcementEnforcement issuesgeneral approach2. The general approach to non-priority debtspayment protection insuranceInsurancerealisable assetsRealisable assetsrepayment periodRepayment periodstrategies3. Strategies for dealing with non-priority debtsadministration orderAdministration orderamount owedThe amount owedbankruptcyBankruptcy and debt relief orderscapital sum and instalmentsOffer payment by a capital sum and instalmentscapital sum in full and final settlementOffer a reduced capital sum in full and final settlementchoosing a strategy1. Choosing a strategydebt consolidationConsolidate the debtsdebt relief ordersBankruptcy and debt relief ordersequitable distributionEquitable distribution of available income (pro rata payments)equity release loanEquity release loansfreezing interestRequest that interest be frozen or reducedholding tacticsHolding tactics (moratorium)individual voluntary arrangementIndividual voluntary arrangementpartial write-offRequest a partial write-offsale of homeEquity in the homeSelling the homestay of judgmentGeneral staytime ordersTime ordertoken paymentsOffer token paymentsvoluntary chargeVoluntary chargewrite-offThe amount owedRequest a write-offtype of debt1. Choosing a strategyType of debtvoluntary chargeVoluntary chargenoticepay in lieu of noticeNotice paypossession hearingAfter the claim form is issuedoccupational pensionPrivate and occupational pensionsOfcomOfgem, Ofcom and Ofwatofficial receiverbankruptcyThe role of the official receiverdebt relief ordersThe role of the official receiverOfgemOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatOfwatSpecial featuresOmbudsman Services: EnergyOmbudsman Services: EnergyOmbudsmenOmbudsmenComplaining to the Ombudsmanorder for sale of propertyOrder for sale of propertyoverdraftsBank overdraftstudentsBank overdrafttime ordersTime ordersoverpaymentsbenefitsDeductions from benefitsstudent grantsOverpaid grant for living costsstudent loansOverpaid income-contingent student loantax creditsTax credit overpaymentsowner-occupied propertypossession proceedings3. Recovering owner-occupied propertyparking chargesRoad traffic penaltiesenforcementRoad traffic penaltiesprivate landPrivate parking chargesclampingPrivate parking chargesParliamentary and Health Service OmbudsmanThe Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsmanpartial write-offscredit ratingDisadvantagesparticulars of claimpossession proceedingsmortgage arrearsThe claim formrent arrearsThe claim formpartnershipsPartnershiplimited liability partnershipsLimited liability partnershippaternity paymentsstatutory paternity payStatutory paternity paystatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental paypawnbrokersPawnbrokerpay in lieu of noticeNotice paypayday loansPayday loanpayment ordersvariationVarying payments due under an orderpayment protection insurancePayment protection insurancemis-sellingPayment protection insurancenon-priority debtsInsurancepenalty chargesdebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of debtpension creditPension creditcarer's additional amountApplicable amountsdeductions from benefitDeductions from benefitsmortgage interest loansMortgage interest loanssevere disability additional amountApplicable amountspension mortgageSpecial featurespensioner premiumsApplicable amountspensionsbankruptcyPensionsdebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of propertyoccupational pensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsprivate pensionsPrivate and occupational pensionsstate retirement pensionRetirement pensionpersistent debtcredit cardsThe legal positionpersonal independence paymentPersonal independence paymenttreatment as incomeWhat income to includepersonal injury claimsCivil compensation for damagespersonal loansPersonal loanpossession claim onlinemortgage arrears’Possession claim online’rent arrearsThe claim formpossession ordersThe warrant of possessionPowers of the court to deal with possession actionarguing against possession ordermortgage arrearsArguing against a possession orderrent arrearsArguing against a possession ordersuspended possession orderNegotiating before the hearingSuspended possession orderstenants of properties in mortgage arrearsTenants of properties with mortgage arrearsvariation of orderVarying the terms of a suspended or postponed possession orderpossession proceedings2. Recovering propertyadjournmentCompleting Form N11MResponding to the claimclaim form2. Recovering propertymortgage arrearsThe claim formrent arrearsThe claim formemergency actionPreventing the home being lostmortgage arrears3. Recovering owner-occupied propertyadjournmentAdjournmentsafter repossessionAfter property has been repossessedarguing against possession orderArguing against a possession orderpostponing possessionPostponing possessionpowers of courtPowers of the court to deal with possession actionpre-action protocolPre-action protocolresponding to claimResponding to the claimsuspended possession orderSuspended possession orderstenants' securityTenants of properties with mortgage arrearsnegotiatingNegotiating before the hearingpossession claim onlinemortgage arrears’Possession claim online’rent arrearsThe claim formpreventing enforcement5. Preventing enforcementrent arrears4. Recovering rented propertyarguing against possession orderArguing against a possession orderassured tenantsAssured tenantscounterclaimsResponding to the claimgrounds for possessionPowers of the court to deal with possession actionpostponing possessionPostponing possessionpowers of courtPowers of the court to deal with possession actionpre-action protocolGuidance to social landlordsresponding to claimResponding to the claimwarrant of possessionThe warrant of possessionwhat counts as rent arrearsWhat counts as rent arrearssecured loans3. Recovering owner-occupied propertysuspension of proceedingsSuspending a warrant of possessiontime orderTime orderspostgraduate studentsloans and bursariesPostgraduate supportpowers of bailiffs4. Bailiffs’ powersVAT debtspre-action protocolsPre-action protocolsdebt claimsPre-action protocol for debt claimsexchanging informationIf the creditor does not complymortgage arrearsPre-action protocolrent arrearsGuidance to social landlordspregnancyHealthy Start schemeHealthy Start food and vitaminsincome supportIncome supportprescriptionsHealth benefitspriority debts6. Dealing with priority debtsChapter 8: Dealing with priority debtsadmission and statement of means formCompleting Form N9Abusiness debtDeal with priority debtsdeciding on priorities1. Deciding on prioritiesPrioritise the debtsdefinition1. Deciding on prioritiesemergency action4. Emergency actionpreventing bankruptcyPreventing the local authority taking bankruptcy proceedingspreventing fuel disconnectionPreventing fuel disconnectionpreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of for council tax arrearsPreventing goods being taken control of by county court bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of by High Court enforcement officersPreventing goods being taken control of by tax bailiffspreventing imprisonmentPreventing imprisonmentpreventing possession of homePreventing the home being lostgeneral approach2. The general approach to priority debtsidentifying priority debtsRecognising priority debtsnegotiationsPrioritise the debtspenalties for non-payment1. Deciding on prioritiesstrategies3. Strategies for dealing with priority debtscapitalising arrearsCapitalise arrearschanging to repayment mortgageChange to a repayment mortgagedeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsfuel pre-payment metersGas and electricity pre-payment metersinterest-only paymentsInterest-only payments (for mortgages and secured loans)mortgage rescue schemesMortgage rescue schemesreduced paymentsReduced paymentsrefinancingRefinancingsale and rent-back schemesSale and rent-back schemessale of propertySale of the propertyscheduled payment of arrearsScheduled payment of arrearstime ordersTime ordersvoluntary chargeVoluntary chargewriting off debtsWriting off debtsstudents6. Dealing with priority debtspro rata paymentsEquitable distribution of available income (pro rata payments)professional and career development loansProfessional and career development loanprofessional studies loansProfessional studies loanProfessional studies loanspropertybeneficial interestJoint ownership of propertyorder for sale of propertyOrder for sale of propertyprotected goodsProtected goodsPublic Services Ombudsman for WalesLocal Government and Social Care Ombudsman/Public Services Ombudsman for Walesrecovery actionaction by creditorsThe threatsmoney claims in the county courtWhich court deals with the claimstudent debts to institutionRecovery of debts to the institutionredundancyRedundancy payrefinancingRefinancingRegister of Judgments, Orders and Finesregistration of financial penaltyRegistration of the financial penaltyunpaid judgments3. The judgmentregulated credit agreements3. Regulated agreementsannual statementsAnnual statementsarrears noticesArrears noticesassessment of creditworthinessAgreements made on or after 1 February 2011cancellationThe right to cancel: cooling-off perioddistance contractsDistance contractssecondary contractsSecondary contractschallenging liability for debts3. Using the Consumer Credit Actcounty court claimsDebts regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974court actionDebts regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974credit limitInformation that must be in the agreementdefault chargesDefault chargesdefault noticesDefault noticesDefault noticedefault sum noticeDefault sum noticesdistance contractsDistance contractsdraft agreementAgreements made on or after 1 February 2011early settlementEarly settlement of a credit agreementelectronic communicationElectronic communicationenforcement actionImproperly executed agreements made on or after 6 April 2007exempt agreementsExempt agreementsexplanation and adviceAgreements made on or after 1 February 2011form of agreementThe form of the agreementhome-collected creditHome-collected creditinformation sheetsInformation sheetsinformation that must be in the agreementInformation that must be in the agreementinterest after judgmentInterest after judgmentinterest on judgment debtsStatutory interestnot properly executedImproperly executed agreements made on or after 6 April 2007post-contract informationPost-contract informationpost-January 2011 agreementsAgreements made on or after 1 February 2011post-May 2005 agreementsAgreements made on or after 31 May 2005pre-contract informationPre-contract informationAgreements made on or after 1 February 2011pre-June 2005 agreementsAgreements made before 31 May 2005procedural irregularitiesProcedural irregularitiessecondary contractsSecondary contractstime ordersTime orderstypes of debtbank overdraftBank overdraftbill of saleBill of salebudget accountBudget accountconditional sale agreementConditional sale agreementcredit cardCredit cardcredit sale agreementCredit sale agreementhire purchase agreementHire purchase agreementinterest-free creditInterest-free creditmail order catalogueMail order cataloguepawnbrokerPawnbrokerpayday loanPayday loanpersonal loanPersonal loanrevolving creditRevolving creditstore accountBudget accounttrading cheque/voucherTrading cheque or voucherunauthorised creditorsUnauthorised creditorsunenforceable agreementsInformation that must be in the agreementProcedural irregularitiesunfair relationshipUnfair relationshipsWhat is an unfair relationshipwithdrawal from agreementThe right to cancel: cooling-off periodAgreements made on or after 1 February 2011regulated mortgage contractThe legal positionSpecial featuresregulatory bodiesFinancial Conduct AuthorityThe Financial Conduct AuthorityOfcomOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatOfgemOfgem, Ofcom and OfwatOfwatOfgem, Ofcom and Ofwatrelated agreementsdefinitionWhat is an unfair relationshipreligious and cultural costslisting expenditureGifts, charitable donations, and religious and cultural activitiesremitting debtsWriting off debtsfinancial penaltiesPaymentsRemitting finesrentarrearsassured tenantsAssured tenantscommercial propertiesCommercial rent arrearsCommercial rent arrearsRent arrearsdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsdefinitionWhat counts as rent arrearslimitation period5. Time limitsnon-payment of housing benefitArrears because of non-payment of housing benefitpre-action protocolGuidance to social landlordspriority debtsRentcounterclaimsResponding to the claimhousing benefitoverpayments treated as rent arrearsWhat counts as rent arrearsjoint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilityliability after deathLiability after a deathmesne profitsSpecial featurespossession proceedings4. Recovering rented propertyclaim formThe claim formpowers of courtPowers of the court to deal with possession actionwarrant of possessionThe warrant of possessionrescheduling arrearsRent, fuel and council taxset off to reduce arrearsHousing disrepairrented accommodationbankruptcyRented accommodationpossession proceedings4. Recovering rented propertyTenants of properties with mortgage arrearsstudentsAccommodation chargesrepairsset off against rent arrearsHousing disrepairResponding to the claimrepayment mortgageSpecial featuresrepayment periodextendingReduced paymentsnon-priority debtsRepayment periodtime orderTime ordersrepossession of goodsbill of saleBill of salegoods on hire purchase/conditional saleThe legal position1. Recovering goods on hire purchase or conditional salecourt decisionsDecisions the court can makeenforcementWarrant of deliverynegotiationsNegotiating before the hearingpreventing enforcement5. Preventing enforcementresponding to the claimThe client’s responsesuspending warrant of deliverySuspending a warrant of deliverywarrant of deliveryWarrant of deliveryrepossession of propertyemergency action to prevent loss of homePreventing the home being lostwarrant of possessionmortgage arrearsThe warrant of possessionrent arrearsThe warrant of possessionrepresentation in court4. Representing clients in courtresearch councilsResearch councilsretirementpension creditPension creditpensioner premiumsApplicable amountsstate retirement pensionRetirement pensionretirement pensionRetirement pensionrevolving creditRevolving creditbank overdraftsBank overdraftcredit cardCredit cardstore accountsBudget accountroad traffic penaltiesRoad traffic penaltiesenforcementRoad traffic penaltiessale and rent-back schemesSale and rent-back schemessale of goodsbailiffsSelling goodsafter the saleFinal accountsavoiding sale of goodsRaise a lump sum to clear the debtcostsCosts of selling the goodssale guidelinesThe salebankruptcyProtected goodsvehiclesMotor vehiclesremoving goods for saleRemoving goods for salesale of homeSale of the propertybankruptcyOwner-occupied homesnon-priority debtsEquity in the homeSelling the homesatellite televisionessential expenditure’Luxury’ itemsschool clothing grantsSchool clothing grantsschool transportSchool transportsecond mortgagesSecured loansecured loansSecured loanbankruptcyProvable debtsbusiness loansMinimise other debtscreditor's rights on bankruptcyProvable debtsdefault chargesDefault chargesexempt credit agreementsSecured loansinterest-only paymentsInterest-only payments (for mortgages and secured loans)negative equityNegative equitypossession proceedings3. Recovering owner-occupied propertypriority debtsSecured loansreduced paymentsReduced paymentsrefinancingRefinancingrepayment periodPoints to noterescheduling arrearsSecured loansshortfall on saleAfter property has been repossessedself-employmentbusiness debtChapter 16: Business debtsnational insurance contributionsSpecial featurestax arrearsIncome tax debtstax reliefsTax reliefsself-help debt adviceCASHflow toolkitCASHflowserviceclaim formpossession proceedingsAfter the claim form is issuedsetting asidecounty court judgmentSetting aside a judgmentSetting aside a judgmentapplicationApplicationsliability orderSetting aside a liability orderstatutory demandSetting aside a statutory demandsevere disability premiumApplicable amountsShelter Specialist Debt Advice ServiceEnsuring good practiceshopliftingCivil recoveryshort local detentionShort local detentionsicknessemployment and support allowanceEmployment and support allowanceincome supportIncome supportindustrial injuries benefitsIndustrial injuries benefitsstatutory sick payStatutory sick paysight testsHealth benefitssignatureforgeriesForged signaturesunsigned agreementsProcedural irregularitiessmall claims trackThe trackssocial fundSocial fund paymentssocial landlordsrent arrearspre-action protocolGuidance to social landlordssocial policyA commitment to social policy5. Changing policysocial servicesSocial servicessocial work coursesSocial work coursessole traderSole traderstandard financial statementThe standard financial statementstatement of meansThe admission and statement of means formstatute-barred5. Time limitsstatutory adoption payStatutory adoption paystatutory debt repayment plansStatutory debt repayment plansstatutory demandServing a statutory demandresponseResponding to a statutory demandsetting asideSetting aside a statutory demandunreasonable useChallenging a statutory demandstatutory maternity payStatutory maternity paystatutory paternity payStatutory paternity paystatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental paystatutory sick payStatutory sick paystay of judgmentGeneral staystore accountsBudget accountstrategies for dealing with debtcreditor rejects strategy9. Implementing the chosen strategiesdebt consolidationConsolidate the debtsdeciding on priorities1. Deciding on prioritiesimplementing a strategy9. Implementing the chosen strategiesnon-priority debts8. Choosing a strategy for non-priority debts1. Choosing a strategy3. Strategies for dealing with non-priority debtspriority debts6. Dealing with priority debts3. Strategies for dealing with priority debtsstriking outSummary disposalstudent debtChapter 17: Student debtaccommodation chargesAccommodation chargesadvising students2. Stages of debt advicebankruptcyStudent loansScheme one loansScheme two loansbenefitsBenefitschild tax creditChild tax credithealth benefitsHealth benefitshousing benefitHousing benefitincome supportIncome supportjobseeker's allowanceIncome-based jobseeker’s allowancetime out from courseStudents taking time out from their studiesuniversal creditUniversal creditbursariesBursariescareer development loansProfessional and career development loancouncil taxReducing council tax billsdebts to educational institutionDebts to the educational institutionrecoveryRecovery of debts to the institutiondefinitionsAdvising studentsdisabled studentsList incomeScheme one loansemploymentEmploymentexpenditureList expenditurefinesFines and other chargesgraduate loansGraduate loanincome-contingent loansIncome-contingent student loanincomeList incomeinternational studentsAdvising studentsliving cost loansScheme one loansScheme two loansLoans for living costsloansGraduate loanmaximising income5. Maximising incomebank loansBank loansbenefitsBenefitsbursariesBursariesNHS bursariesTeacher training incentivescharitiesCharitiesemploymentEmploymentgrantsGrantshardship fundsHardship fundsloansLoans for living costsoverdraftsBank overdraftsresearch councilsResearch councilsminimising debts4. Minimising debtsmortgage-style/fixed-term loansMortgage-style or fixed-term student loanoverdraftsBank overdraftBank overdraftsoverpaymentsstudent grantsOverpaid grant for living costsstudent loansOverpaid income-contingent student loanparental contributionsList incomepostgraduate loans and bursariesPostgraduate supportprofessional and career development loansProfessional and career development loanprofessional studies loansProfessional studies loanProfessional studies loansstages of debt advice2. Stages of debt advicecreating trustExploring the debt problemexploring the problemExploring the debt problemlisting creditorsList creditors and minimise debtslisting expenditureList expenditurelisting incomeList incomemaximising income5. Maximising incomeminimising debtsList creditors and minimise debts4. Minimising debtspriority debts6. Dealing with priority debtstaxationTax refundstuition feesTuition feesScheme one loansScheme two loansHelp with tuition feestypes of debt3. Types of debtstudent financial support1. Financial support for studentsapplications1. Financial support for studentsbursariesBursariesfull-time studentsAdvising studentshealth-related courses1. Financial support for studentshome studentsAdvising studentsindependent status5. Maximising incomeinternational studentsAdvising studentsmaintenance grantMaintenance grant in Englandparental contributionList incomepart-time studentsAdvising studentsPart-time supportpostgraduate students1. Financial support for studentstuition feesHelp with tuition feesstudent grantsadult dependants' grantAdult dependants’ grantbursariesBursariescare leavers' grantCare leaverschildcare grantChildcare grantdisabled students' allowanceDisabled students’ allowancemaintenance grantMaintenance grant in EnglandNHS bursariesNHS bursariesoverpaymentsOverpaid grant for living costsparents' learning allowanceParents’ learning allowancepart-time studentsPart-time supportpostgraduate bursariesPostgraduate supportsocial work coursesSocial work coursessupplementary grantsSupplementary grantsteacher training bursariesTeacher training incentivestravel allowancesTravel allowancesWelsh government learning grantWelsh government learning grantstudent loansbankruptcyStudent loansScheme one loansScheme two loanschange in circumstancesChange in circumstancesgraduate loansGraduate loanincome-contingent loansIncome-contingent student loanIncome-contingent student loansliving costsScheme one loansScheme two loansrepaymentScheme one loansScheme two loanslong courses loanLong courses loanmortgage-style/fixed-term loansMortgage-style or fixed-term student loanoverpaymentsOverpaid income-contingent student loanpart-time studentsPart-time supportpostgraduate studentsPostgraduate supportprofessional studies loansProfessional studies loansstudying abroadStudying abroadtuition feesTuition feesScheme one loansScheme two loansHelp with tuition feesrepaymentScheme one loansScheme two loanssubject access requestIf the information held is incorrectIf the creditor does not complysummary disposalSummary disposalsummary judgmentSummary disposalSure Start maternity grantSocial fund paymentssuspension of proceedingsadjournmentsAdjournmentsAdjournmentimprisonmentCommittal to prisoninterest-only paymentsDisadvantagespossession proceedingsPreventing the home being lostNegotiating before the hearingSuspending a warrant of possessionmortgage arrearsCompleting Form N11MSuspended possession ordersrent arrearsResponding to the claimrepossession of goods on hire purchase/conditional saleDecisions the court can makewarrantGet the warrant withdrawn from the bailiffof deliverySuspending a warrant of deliveryof possessionSuspending a warrant of possessiontaking control of goodsbailiffs' powersTaking control of goodschild support arrearsSpecial featuresChild support maintenancecontrolled goods agreementWays of taking control of goodscouncil tax arrearsCommittal to prisonLocal taxescounty court bailiffsCounty court judgments preventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by county court bailiffsexempt goodsWhich goods can be takenfinancial penaltiesMagistrates’ court ordersgoods that can be takenWhich goods can be takenHigh Court enforcement officersPreventing goods being taken control of by High Court enforcement officersHigh Court judgmentsHMRC debtsDebts to HM Revenue and Customsincome taxThe legal positioninventoriesInventoriesmagistrates' court bailiffspreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffsnon-domestic ratesLocal taxesNon-domestic ratesrefusing accessRefuse the bailiff accessremoving goodsWays of taking control of goodssecuring goods on the premisesWays of taking control of goodsselling goodsSelling goodstax bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of by tax bailiffstime and placeTime and placeVAT arrearsVAT debtsvehiclesWays of taking control of goodswarrant of controlCounty court warrant of controlways of taking controlWays of taking control of goodswrit of controlHigh Court writ of controlteacher training bursariesTeacher training incentivestelephonesessential expenditure’Luxury’ itemslimitation period for charges5. Time limitslisting expenditureTelephone, television and broadbandtelevisionTV licencelisting expenditureTelephone, television and broadbandthird-party debt orderThird-party debt orderHigh Court and county court ordersfinal orderThird-party debt orderhardship payment orderHardship payment orderinterim orderThird-party debt ordertime limitsappealing a county court judgmentAppealing to a judgecounty court money claimsdefault noticeDefault noticedefence and counterclaim formThe defence and counterclaim formparticulars of claimThe particulars of claimresponding to claim formResponding to the claim formserving claim formThe claim formcourt action to recover debts5. Time limitsserving claim formpossession proceedingsAfter the claim form is issuedtime orderTime ordersTime orderspossession proceedingsPowers of the court to deal with possession actionamount to offerHow much to offerapplicationsApplicationsreviewsReviewssum owedThe amount duevarying termsVarying other termswhen to applyWhen a time order is appropriaterepossession of goods on hire purchase/conditional saleDecisions the court can maketoken paymentsOffer token paymentstools of tradebailiffsWhich goods can be takenbankruptcyProtected goodsdebt relief ordersQualifying conditionstracker mortgageSpecial featurestrade associationsTrade associationstrading chequesTrading cheque or vouchertraffic penaltiesTraffic penaltiestransport costslisting expenditureTransporttrustee in bankruptcyThe role of the trusteetuition feesTuition feesHelp with tuition feesTV licencelisting expenditureTelephone, television and broadbandpriority debtsTV licencetypes of debtChapter 5: Types of debtunauthorised creditorsUnauthorised creditorsundervalue transactionsbankruptcyTransactions at an undervalue and preferencesdebt relief ordersQualifying conditionsundue influenceliability for debtsContracts made under ’undue influence’Minimise other debtsunemploymentincome supportIncome supportjobseeker's allowanceJobseeker’s allowanceunenforceable credit agreementsInformation that must be in the agreementProcedural irregularitiesunfair relationshipsUnfair relationshipsexamplesIdentifying potential unfair relationship situationsremediesRemediesuniversal creditUniversal creditcalculatingUniversal creditdebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of debtstudentsUniversal creditunregulated credit agreementsunfair relationshipUnfair relationshipsunsigned agreementsProcedural irregularitiesvariation of ordersuspended possession orderVarying the terms of a suspended or postponed possession orderVATValue added taxarrearsVAT debtsbailiffsVATpriority debtsTax and value added taxtaking control of goodsPreventing goods being taken control of by tax bailiffsvehiclesbailiffsWhich goods can be takenbankruptcyMotor vehiclesbill of saleBill of salecode of practiceSpecial featuresconditional sale agreementConditional sale agreementdebt relief ordersQualifying conditionsessential expenditure’Luxury’ itemshire purchaseThe legal positionpersonal contract purchasesSpecial featurestaking control of goodsWays of taking control of goodsvictim surcharge2. Financial penaltiesvoluntary chargeVoluntary chargeVoluntary chargevulnerable peoplebailiffsThe use of bailiffs (enforcement agents)Vulnerable clientscreditors' policiesGuidance on dealing with clients with mental health problemsfuel billsSpecial features of electricity and gas arrearswater chargesSpecial featureswar pensionsPayments for war injurywarrant of controlWarrant or writ of controlWarrant of controlCounty court warrant of controlcommercial rent arrearsCommercial rent arrearsfinancial penaltiesMagistrates’ court orderHMRC debtsIncome taxmagistrates' court ordersMagistrates’ court orderpreventing goods being takenPreventing goods being taken control of by magistrates’ court bailiffsPreventing goods being taken control of by county court bailiffsroad traffic penaltiesRoad traffic penaltiessuspensionSuspension of a warrant of controlVAT debtsVATwarrant of deliveryWarrant of deliverysuspensionSuspending a warrant of deliverywarrant of possessionmortgage arrearsThe warrant of possessionexecution of warrantAfter property has been repossessedrent arrearsThe warrant of possessionsuspensionSuspending a warrant of possessionwarrantsarrestwith bailWarrant with bailwithout bailWarrant without bailcosts of enforcing multiple warrantsMultiple warrantswithdrawing warrant from bailiffsGet the warrant withdrawn from the bailiffwater chargesWater chargesbusiness debtServicesdebt relief ordersIssues with particular types of debtdeductions from benefitsDeductions from benefitsincluded in rentWhat counts as rent arrearsjoint and several liabilityJoint and several liabilityLiability after a deathliabilityafter deathLiability after a deathlimitation period5. Time limitsregulationSpecial featuresWaterSure schemeSpecial featuresWelsh government learning grantWelsh government learning grantwilful refusal5. Wilful refusal and culpable neglectwinter fuel paymentsSocial fund paymentswork capability assessmentEmployment and support allowanceworking tax creditWorking tax creditcalculatingTax creditsoverpaymentsTax credit overpaymentsbailiffsDebts to HM Revenue and Customschallenging recoverySpecial featurespriority debtsTax credit overpaymentsrecoveryThe legal positiontime limit for recoveryCourt actionwrit of controlHigh Court writ of controlwrite-offWriting off debtscredit ratingDisadvantagesmortgage shortfallChecklist for actionnon-priority debtsRequest a write-offpartial write-offRequest a partial write-offyoung peoplechild benefitChild benefitchild tax creditChild tax creditliability for debtsUnder-18-year-olds