Chapter 14: Bailiffs1. Introduction2. When bailiffs are usedCivil court judgments and ordersHigh Court judgmentsCounty court judgmentsRoad traffic penaltiesCommercial rent arrearsOther debtsLocal taxesDebts to HM Revenue and CustomsMagistrates’ court ordersChild support maintenance3. How bailiffs are instructedHigh Court writ of controlCounty court warrant of controlRoad traffic penaltiesCommercial rent arrearsIncome taxVATLocal taxesMagistrates’ court order4. Bailiffs’ powersCourts and the enforcement processThe enforcement noticeBinding the client's goodsEntering premises and identifying vulnerabilityTimePlaceMethod of entryIdentificationTaking control of goodsTime and placeWays of taking control of goodsWhich goods can be takenInventoriesSelling goodsRemoving goods for saleThe saleFinal accountsFees and expensesFeesExpensesCosts of selling the goodsExceptional costsMultiple warrantsVulnerable clientsIf a client disputes the fees5. Complaints about bailiffsTaking court actionComplaining to the bailiffComplaining to creditorsComplaining to a professional organisationComplaining to the OmbudsmanCourt proceedings6. Emergency actionRefuse the bailiff accessGet the warrant withdrawn from the bailiffRaise a lump sum to clear the debtThis chapter covers:1. Introduction (next)2. When bailiffs are used (here)3. How bailiffs are instructed (here)4. Bailiffs’ powers (here)5. Complaints about bailiffs (here)6. Emergency action (here)