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There is a newer version of this publication available:
Debt Advice Handbook 14th edition

Child Poverty Action Group
Child Poverty Action Group works on behalf of the more than one in four children in the UK growing up in poverty. It does not have to be like this. We use our understanding of what causes poverty and the impact it has on children’s lives to campaign for policies that will prevent and solve poverty – for good. We provide training, advice and information to make sure hard-up families get the financial support they need. We also carry out high-profile legal work to establish and protect families’ rights. If you are not already supporting us, please consider making a donation, or ask for details of our membership schemes, training courses and publications.
Published by Child Poverty Action Group
30 Micawber Street
London N1 7TB
Tel: 020 7837 7979
© Child Poverty Action Group 2020
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A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978 1 910715 56 7
Child Poverty Action Group is a charity registered in England and Wales (registration number 294841) and in Scotland (registration number SC039339), and is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (registration number 1993854). VAT number: 690 808117
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