Chapter 13: The magistrates’ court1. The magistrates’ courtThe role of the adviser2. Financial penaltiesCompensation ordersPaymentsTransfer of finesRemitting finesLodging finesMeans enquiryFixing a return dateVarying and setting aside a financial penaltyRegistration of the financial penalty3. Enforcing a financial penaltyCollection orderIf the client is an existing defaulterIf the client is not an existing defaulterAttachment of earnings ordersDeductions from benefitsVarying the terms of a collection orderIf the attachment of earnings order or deductions from benefits failsIf the client defaults on the collection orderAppeals and referralsWarrant of controlThe use of bailiffs (enforcement agents)Clamping orderMoney payments supervision orderImprisonmentShort local detentionAttendance centre orderHigh Court and county court orders4. Council taxLiability ordersIssuing an orderAfter the liability order is madeSetting aside a liability orderCommittal to prisonOutcome of the committal hearing5. Wilful refusal and culpable neglectThis chapter looks at how the magistrates’ court operates as both a creditor and a collector of debts. It covers:1. The magistrates’ court (next)2. Financial penalties (here)3. Enforcing a financial penalty (here)4. Council tax (here)5. Wilful refusal and culpable neglect (here)