Index ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWY25 or underfree dental treatmentUnder age 2626 or overhealth benefitsAge 26 or over16/17-year-oldschild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personUCWho can claim universal credit16-19-year-oldschild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personcouncil taxUnder 20 in further educationeducation maintenance allowanceEducation maintenance allowancehealth benefitsUnder age 19UCStudents16-21-year-oldsHBWho can get housing benefitacademic years3. Dividing student income throughout the yearactively seeking workJSAStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesadditional support needs for learning allowanceAdditional support needs for learning allowance (ASNLA)treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceadoptionbenefitsChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsadult disability paymentChapter 1: Adult disability paymentamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming adult disability paymentdaily living componentDaily living componenteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsfull-time studentsStudentslimited capability for work3. Limited capability for workmobility componentMobility componentpart-time studentsStudentspayment4. Claiming adult disability paymenttime out from studiesFrom three monthsadvanced educationdefinitionStudentsfull-timeHBFull-time studentsISFull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studentJSAWhat counts as full timeISAdvanced or non-advanced educationJSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceIncome-based jobseeker's allowancepart-timeHBStudying part timeISWhat counts as part timeJSAWhat counts as part timeallied healthcare students1. Full-time higher educationamount of benefitADP3. Amount of benefitchild benefit3. Amount of benefitCSP3. Amount of benefitCTC3. Amount of child tax creditESA4. Amount of benefitC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceHB4. Amount of benefitIS4. Amount of benefitJSA4. Amount of benefitC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceI-JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceMA3. Amount of benefitScottish child payment1. Scottish child paymentSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP3. Amount of benefitUC4. Amount of benefitWTC3. Amount of working tax creditapplicable amountESAApplicable amountHBStep 6: work out your applicable amountISApplicable amountJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancearticulating studentscouncil taxArticulating or direct entry studentsasylum seekershealth benefitsExempt groupsavailable for workJSAStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesbackdatingCSP4. Claiming carer support paymentCTCStep 1: work out your maximum child tax creditHB5. Claiming housing benefitJSA5. Claiming jobseeker's allowanceWTC3. Amount of working tax creditbedroom taxHBStep 2: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementbenefit capThe benefit capThe benefit capADP6. Other benefits and tax creditschild benefit6. Other benefits and tax creditsCSP6. Other benefits and tax creditsCTCMeans-tested benefitsESA7. Other benefits and tax creditsHBThe benefit capIS7. Other benefits and tax creditsJSA7. Other benefits and tax creditsMA6. Other benefits and tax creditsSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP6. Other benefits and tax creditsUCThe benefit capWTC6. Tax credits and benefitsbenefit weekCourses starting in the autumn term lasting more than a yearBest Start foods3. Best Start foodsqualifying benefits3. Best Start foodsBest Start grants2. Best Start grantschallenging a decision7. Challenging a decisionclaims2. Best Start grantsearly learning payment2. Best Start grantspregnancy and baby payment2. Best Start grantsqualifying benefits2. Best Start grantsschool age payment2. Best Start grantsbudgeting loans5. Budgeting loanschallenging a decision7. Challenging a decisionbursary maintenance allowanceBursary maintenance allowancetreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancecapitalcouncil tax reduction3. Council tax reductionESAStep 1: capitalHB4. Amount of benefithealth benefitsStep 1: capital7. Savings and other capitalISStep 1: capitalJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancelump-sum paymentshealth benefitsLump-sum paymentsmeans-tested benefitsLump-sum paymentsmeans-tested benefits8. Savings and other capitaltax creditsSavings and investmentsPropertyUC4. Amount of benefit7. Savings and other capitalcare-experienced bursary maintenance allowanceCare-experienced bursary maintenance allowancetreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancecare-experienced students' bursaryCare-experienced students' bursarytreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancecare leaverscare-experienced bursary maintenance allowanceCare-experienced bursary maintenance allowancecare-experienced students' bursaryCare-experienced students' bursaryhealth benefitsExempt groupssummer accommodation grantSummer accommodation grantcarer elementCSPGetting a carer premium or elementUCCarer elementcarer premiumCSPGetting a carer premium or elementESAApplicable amountISPremiumscarersavailable for workJSA3. Basic rulesbenefits of person cared forThe disabled person's benefitcarer element of UCCarer elementCSP1. What is carer support paymentISStudying part timetime out from course3. CarersUC3. Basic rulescarer's allowance1. What is carer support paymentcarer's allowance supplementCarer's allowance supplementamountCarer's allowance supplementcarer support paymentChapter 2: Carer support paymentamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming carer support paymenteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditionsBasic rulesentitlement to other benefits6. Other benefits and tax creditsentitlement to WTCWorking tax creditfull-time students2. Who is eligibleFull-time non-advanced educationpart-time students2. Who is eligiblepayment4. Claiming carer support paymentqualifying disability benefitsBasic ruleschallenging a decisionADP5. Challenging a decisionBest Start grants7. Challenging a decisionCA5. Challenging a decisionchild benefit5. Challenging a decisionCTC5. Challenging a decisionESA6. Challenging a decisionfuneral support payments7. Challenging a decisionHB6. Challenging a decisionhealth benefits4. Challenging a decisionIS6. Challenging a decisionJSA6. Challenging a decisionMA5. Challenging a decisionScottish child payment7. Challenging a decisionSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP5. Challenging a decisionUC6. Challenging a decisionWTC5. Challenging a decisionchange of circumstancesCTC4. Awards of child tax credit1. Working out your incomeWTC3. Amount of working tax credit1. Working out your incomecharitable paymentsEducational trusts and endowmentstreatment as incomehealth benefitsVoluntary or charitable paymentsmeans-tested benefitsVoluntary or charitable paymentschild benefitChapter 3: Child benefitamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming child benefiteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsextension periodThe extension periodpaymentGetting paidterminal dateThe terminal datetreatment as incomehealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditstax creditsChild benefit4. BenefitsUC5. Benefitschildcarechildcare allowanceGrants for living costschildcare elementChildcare element3. Amount of working tax creditchildcare fundChildcare fundChildcare funddisregarded earnings5. Earningslone parents' childcare grantChildcare fundChildcare fundchildcare allowanceGrants for living coststreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantsUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancechildcare elementUCChildcare elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditchildcare fundChildcare fundChildcare fundtreatment as incomehealth benefitsDiscretionary fundsmeans-tested benefitsDiscretionary fundstax credits2. Grants and loans12UCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenance12child elementCTCStep 1: work out your maximum child tax creditUCChild elementchildrendefinition of a childchild benefitWho counts as a childCTC2. Who is eligibleScottish child payment1. Scottish child paymentUCChild elementchild supporttreatment as incomemeans-tested benefits7. Maintenancetax creditsMaintenancechild tax creditChapter 11: Child tax creditamount3. Amount of child tax creditaward period4. Awards of child tax creditbenefits treated as income4. Benefitscalculation3. Amount of child tax creditchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionchild in further education2. Who is eligibleYour parent gets child tax credit for youchild in higher educationYour parent gets child tax credit for youearnings3. Earningseligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits6. Tax credits and benefitsincomeChapter 17: How income affects tax creditsincome thresholdStep 3: not getting a means-tested benefitmaximum CTCStep 1: work out your maximum child tax creditnew claims1. What is child tax creditoverpayments5. Challenging a decision1. Working out your incomepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment4. Awards of child tax credittreatment as incomehealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefitsMeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditstreatment of student support2. Grants and loansworking out income1. Working out your incomeclaimant commitmentJSA3. Basic rulesUC3. Basic rulesclaimsADP4. Claiming adult disability paymentBest Start grants2. Best Start grantschild benefit4. Claiming child benefitcouncil tax reductionStudents eligible for council tax reductionCSP4. Claiming carer support paymentESA5. Claiming employment and support allowanceHB5. Claiming housing benefithealth benefits3. Claiming health benefitsJSA5. Claiming jobseeker's allowanceMA4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsScottish child payment1. Scottish child paymentSMP/SAP/SPP/SSPP/SPBP4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsUC5. Claiming universal creditcommunity care grants6. The Scottish Welfare FundcomponentsADPdaily living componentDaily living componentmobility componentMobility componentESA4. Amount of benefitHBStep 6: work out your applicable amountcouncil taxChapter 19: Council taxcouncil tax reduction3. Council tax reductiondefinition of studentWho counts as a studentdisability reductionDisability reductiondiscountsDiscountsexempt dwellingsExempt dwellingsliabilityWho is liable for council taxsecond adult rebate4. Second adult rebatewhat is council tax1. What is council taxwho has to pay2. Who pays council taxcouncil tax reduction3. Council tax reductioncapital3. Council tax reductionclaimingStudents eligible for council tax reductioneligible studentsStudents eligible for council tax reductioncouplescouncil taxCouplesHBWho can get housing benefitISWho can get income supportJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceCouplespersonal allowancesPersonal allowancestudent couplesCouplescrisis grants6. The Scottish Welfare Funddaily living componentADPDaily living componentdental treatmentfree checks1. What are health benefitsfree treatmenteligible groupsDental treatmentqualifying benefitsQualifying benefitsdependants' allowanceDependants' allowanceGrants for living coststreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrants12means-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grants12Grants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenance12dependants' grantDependants' granttreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancedirect entry studentscouncil taxArticulating or direct entry studentsdisability living allowance1. What is adult disability paymentlimited capability for work3. Limited capability for worktransferring to ADP1. What is adult disability paymentdisability premiumHBWho can get housing benefitISPremiumsJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancedisabled child elementCTCStep 1: work out your maximum child tax creditdisabled students ADP1. What is adult disability paymentavailable for workJSA3. Basic rulescouncil tax disability reductionDisability reductionESA1. What is employment and support allowanceC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceHBWho can get housing benefitUC3. Basic rulesElements for illnessWTCQualifying hoursdisabled students' allowanceDisabled students' allowanceGrants for living coststreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenance12disabled worker elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditdiscretionary housing paymentsHBStep 2: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementdisregardsbenefits disregardedhealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditstax credits4. BenefitsUC5. Benefitsearnings disregardedhealth benefits4. Earningsmeans-tested benefits5. Earningstax credits3. EarningsUC4. Earningsstudent support disregardedhealth benefitsGrants12means-tested benefitsChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitsGrants in further educationStudent loans for maintenancetax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenancetax credits disregardedhealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditsearly learning payment2. Best Start grantsearningstreatment of earningshealth benefits4. Earningsmeans-tested benefits5. Earningstax credits3. EarningsUC4. Earningseducational trustsEducational trusts and endowmentseducation maintenance allowanceEducation maintenance allowancetreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceeligible rentHBEligible accommodationemployment and support allowanceChapter 4: Employment and support allowanceamount4. Amount of benefitC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowancebenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculationIncome-related employment and support allowancecapitalStep 1: capital8. Savings and other capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaiming5. Claiming employment and support allowancecontributory ESA1. What is employment and support allowanceeligible students2. Who is eligibleC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditshousing costsApplicable amountincomeChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitsincome-related ESA1. What is employment and support allowancenew claims1. What is employment and support allowancelimited capability for work3. Limited capability for worknew-style ESA1. What is employment and support allowanceNI conditionsContributory employment and support allowancepassport to other benefits7. Other benefits and tax creditssupport component4. Amount of benefittime out from studiesFrom the start of your ill healthwork-related activity component4. Amount of benefitenhanced disability premiumESAApplicable amountISPremiumsestranged students' bursaryEstranged students' bursarytreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceestrangement from parentsISWho can get income supportUCWho can claim universal creditfamily elementCTCStep 1: work out your maximum child tax creditfoster parentssingle foster parentsIS1. What is income supportWho can get income supportUCWho can claim universal creditfuel costsHBStep 2: maximum rentfull-time studentsADPStudentschild benefit2. Who is eligiblecouncil tax reductionStudents eligible for council tax reductionCSP2. Who is eligibleFull-time non-advanced educationCTC2. Who is eligibleESAI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceFull-time studentHBFull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studentill healthFull-time studentsISFull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studentJSAWhat counts as full timepregnancyChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefits2. Pregnancy and childrenstudent supportfurther education2. Full-time further educationhigher education1. Full-time higher educationWTC2. Who is eligiblefuneral support payments4. Funeral support paymentschallenging a decision7. Challenging a decisionqualifying benefits4. Funeral support paymentsfurther educationcouncil tax20 or over20 or over in further or higher educationunder 20Under 20 in further educationfull-timeHBFull-time studentsISFull-time studentsJSAWhat counts as full timeISAdvanced or non-advanced educationJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancepart-timeHBStudying part timeISWhat counts as part timeJSAWhat counts as part timestudent supportfull-time students2. Full-time further educationpart-time studentsFurther education coursesstudent support treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrants in further educationFurther education grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loansunder 20CTCYour parent gets child tax credit for youfurther education discretionary fundsFurther education discretionary fundtreatment as incomehealth benefitsDiscretionary fundsmeans-tested benefitsDiscretionary fundstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceglassesfree checks1. What are health benefitsvouchers for glasses and contact lensesVouchers for glasses or contact lenseshalls of residenceHalls of residencehealth benefitsChapter 5: Health benefitsbenefits treated as income5. Benefits and tax creditscapital7. Savings and other capitalchallenging a decision4. Challenging a decisionclaiming3. Claiming health benefitsearnings4. Earningseligible students2. Who is eligibleincomeChapter 18: How income affects health benefitslow income schemeLow income schemestudent support treatment as income2. Grants and loansworking out income1. Working out your incomehigher educationcouncil taxUnder 20 in higher education20 or over in further or higher educationfull-timeHBFull-time studentsISFull-time studentsJSAWhat counts as full timeISAdvanced or non-advanced educationJSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceIncome-based jobseeker's allowancepart-timeHBStudying part timeISWhat counts as part timeJSAWhat counts as part timestudent supportfull-time students1. Full-time higher educationpart-time studentsHigher education coursesstudent support treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantsHigher education grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loanshigher education discretionary fundsHigher education discretionary fundtreatment as incomehealth benefitsDiscretionary fundsmeans-tested benefitsDiscretionary fundstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceHigher National Certificate1. Full-time higher educationHigher National Diploma1. Full-time higher educationhomeHBYour normal hometwo homesHBYou have two homesISHousing costshospitalfares to hospitalQualifying benefitsFares to hospitalhousing benefitChapter 6: Housing benefitamount4. Amount of benefitbenefit capThe benefit capbenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculation4. Amount of benefitcapital4. Amount of benefit8. Savings and other capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaiming5. Claiming housing benefitdiscretionary housing paymentsStep 2: maximum renteligible accommodationEligible accommodationeligible rentEligible accommodationeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditsfull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studentincomeChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitslocal housing allowanceStep 2: maximum rentlone parentsWho can get housing benefitmaximum rentStep 2: maximum rentnew claims1. What is housing benefitnon-dependant deductionsStep 3: deductions for non-dependantspart-time studentsStudying part timepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment5. Claiming housing benefitpayment on account5. Claiming housing benefitpeople living with youStep 3: deductions for non-dependantsrent restrictionsStep 2: maximum rentsummer vacationYou are away from your term-time homewho can get HBWho can get housing benefithousing costsmet by ESAApplicable amountmet by ISHousing costsmet by JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancemet by UCHousing costs elementill healthESA1. What is employment and support allowancefull-time studentsFull-time studentspart-time studentsPart-time studentssuspension of loanStudent supporttime out from studies1. Ill healthUCElements for illnessincomebenefits and tax credits treated as incomehealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditstax credits4. BenefitsUC5. Benefitschange in incometax credits1. Working out your incomeearningshealth benefits4. Earningsmeans-tested benefits5. Earningstax credits3. EarningsUC4. EarningsESAChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitsHBChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitshealth benefitsLow income schemeChapter 18: How income affects health benefitsISChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitsJSAChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitsmaintenancehealth benefits6. Maintenancemeans-tested benefits7. Maintenancetax creditsMaintenanceproperty incometax creditsPropertyregular paymentshealth benefitsRegular paymentsmeans-tested benefitsRegular paymentstax creditsChapter 17: How income affects tax creditsUCPart 3: Treatment of incomeweekly income3. Dividing student income throughout the yearworking out incomehealth benefits1. Working out your incomemeans-tested benefits1. Working out your incometax credits1. Working out your incomeUC1. Working out your incomeincome supportamount4. Amount of benefitbenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculation4. Amount of benefitcapitalStep 1: capital8. Savings and other capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaims1. What is income support5. Claiming income supporteligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditsfoster parents1. What is income supportWho can get income supportfull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studenthousing costsHousing costsincomeChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitslone parents1. What is income supportWho can get income supportpart-time studentsStudying part timepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspaymentGetting paidincome thresholdCTCStep 3: not getting a means-tested benefitWTC3. Amount of working tax credit12independent students' bursaryIndependent students' bursarytreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenancejobseeker's allowanceChapter 8: Jobseeker's allowanceactively seeking workStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesamount4. Amount of benefitC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceI-JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceavailable for workStudying and availability for work3. Basic rulesbenefits and tax credits treated as income6. Benefits and tax creditscalculating income1. Working out your incomecapitalIncome-based jobseeker's allowance8. Savings and other capitalchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionclaiming5. Claiming jobseeker's allowancecontribution-based JSA1. What is jobseeker's allowanceContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceeligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceI-JSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceentitlement to other benefits and tax credits7. Other benefits and tax creditsfull-time studentsWhat counts as full timehousing costsIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceincomeChapter 16: How income affects means-tested benefitsincome-based JSA1. What is jobseeker's allowanceIncome-based jobseeker's allowancenew claims1. What is jobseeker's allowancenew-style JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowancepart-time studentsStudying part timepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitsrelevant educationContribution-based jobseeker's allowancelimited capability for workESA3. Limited capability for workHBWho can get housing benefittime out from studiesFrom 28 weeksUCWho can claim universal creditElements for illnessliving away from homebursary maintenance allowanceBursary maintenance allowanceliving costs grantsdiscretionary funds for higher education studentsHigher education discretionary fundgrants for paramedic, nursing and midwifery studentsGrants for living costslocal housing allowanceHBStep 2: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementlone parent elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditlone parentsbenefitsLone parentschildcare grantChildcare fundChildcare fundearnings disregardsmeans-tested benefits5. EarningsHBWho can get housing benefitIS1. What is income supportWho can get income supportparamedic, nursing and midwifery studentsGrants for living costspersonal allowancesISPersonal allowanceUC3. Basic ruleslone parents' childcare grantChildcare fundChildcare fundtreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrants12means-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loans12UCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenance12lone parents' grantLone parents' granttreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grants12tax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancelow incomehealth benefitsLow income schemelump-sum paymentshealth benefitsLump-sum paymentsmeans-tested benefitsLump-sum paymentsmaintenancetreatment as incomehealth benefits6. Maintenancemeans-tested benefits7. Maintenancetax creditsMaintenanceUC6. MaintenancematernitybenefitsChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefits2. Pregnancy and childrenBest Start foods3. Best Start foodsBest Start grants2. Best Start grantshealth benefitsExempt groupsScottish child payment1. Scottish child paymenttime out from studies2. Pregnancy and childrenmaternity allowanceMaternity allowanceamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsentitlement conditionsMaternity allowanceentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditsmaximum rentHBStep 2: maximum rentmeal chargesHBStep 2: maximum rentmidwifery studentsstudent support5. Paramedic, nursing and midwifery studentsstudent support treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancemobility componentADPMobility componentmodular coursesISWho counts as a full-time studentUCModular coursesmortgage interest loanESAApplicable amountISHousing costsUCHousing costs elementnational insurance contributionsC-ESAContributory employment and support allowanceC-JSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowanceNHS low income schemeChapter 18: How income affects health benefitsnon-advanced education16-21-year-oldsHBWho can get housing benefitchild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young person12CTC2. Who is eligibleYour parent gets child tax credit for youfull-timeHBFull-time studentsISFull-time studentsWho counts as a full-time studentJSAWhat counts as full timeISAdvanced or non-advanced educationJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancepart-timeHBStudying part timeISWhat counts as part timeJSAWhat counts as part timenon-dependant deductionsHBStep 3: deductions for non-dependantsnursing studentsstudent support5. Paramedic, nursing and midwifery studentsstudent support treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceonline claimsBest Start grants2. Best Start grantschild benefit4. Claiming child benefitC-JSA5. Claiming jobseeker's allowanceCSP4. Claiming carer support paymentHB5. Claiming housing benefitScottish child payment1. Scottish child paymentUC5. Claiming universal creditoverlapping benefitsCAOverlapping benefitsoverpaymentstax credits5. Challenging a decision1. Working out your incomeparamedic, nursing and midwifery bursaryBursarytreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceparamedic studentsstudent support5. Paramedic, nursing and midwifery studentsstudent support treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceparentsbenefitsChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefitschild benefitChapter 3: Child benefitCTCChapter 11: Child tax creditfathersFathers and partnersliving apart from parentsISWho can get income supportUCWho can claim universal creditstudent couplesCouplesHBWho can get housing benefitISWho can get income supportWTCworking hoursQualifying hourspart-time studentsADPStudentschild benefit2. Who is eligiblecouncil tax reductionStudents eligible for council tax reductionCSP2. Who is eligibleCTC2. Who is eligibleESAI-ESAIncome-related employment and support allowanceHBStudying part timeill healthPart-time studentsISStudying part timeJSAStudying part timepregnancyChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefits2. Pregnancy and childrenstudent supportfurther educationFurther education courseshigher educationHigher education coursesWTC2. Who is eligiblepassported benefitsESA7. Other benefits and tax creditsHBPassported benefitsISPassported benefitsJSAPassported benefitstax creditsPassported benefitsUCPassported benefitspaternitybenefitsChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefitstime out from studiesFathers and partnerspayment on accountHB5. Claiming housing benefitpension agecapital8. Savings and other capitalHBWho can get housing benefitpensioner premiumESAApplicable amountISPremiumspersonal allowancesESAApplicable amountHBStep 6: work out your applicable amountISPersonal allowanceJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancepersonal independence payment1. What is adult disability paymentlimited capability for work3. Limited capability for worktransferring to ADP1. What is adult disability paymentplus one yearPrevious studypostgraduate studentsISWho counts as a full-time studentJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowancestudent support4. Postgraduatesstudent support treatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsPostgraduate grantsPostgraduate fundingtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenancepregnancybenefitsChapter 9: Maternity, paternity and other parental benefits2. Pregnancy and childrenBest Start food3. Best Start foodsBest Start grants2. Best Start grantshealth benefitsExempt groupstime out from studies2. Pregnancy and childrenpregnancy and baby payment2. Best Start grantspremiumsESAApplicable amountHBStep 6: work out your applicable amountISPremiumsJSAIncome-based jobseeker's allowanceprescriptionsfree1. What are health benefitsProfessional Graduate Diploma in Education1. Full-time higher educationpropertytreatment of incometax creditsPropertyqualifying young personchild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personUCStudentsreceiving educationUCStudentsrefugeesISWho can get income supportregular paymentshealth benefitsRegular paymentsmeans-tested benefitsRegular paymentsrelevant educationJSAContribution-based jobseeker's allowancerenteligible rentHBEligible accommodationHB1. What is housing benefitliable for rentHBLiable for rentUCHousing costs elementmaximum rentHBStep 2: maximum renttwo homesHBYou have two homesUCHousing costs elementrent restrictionsprivate tenantsHBStep 2: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementsocial sector tenantsHBStep 2: maximum rentUCHousing costs elementre-sitting exams4. Re-sitssanctionsJSAStudying and availability for workUCWork-related requirementssandwich courseISWho counts as a full-time studentscholarships6. Other support for studentsschool age payment2. Best Start grantsschool lunchesfree school lunchesESA7. Other benefits and tax creditsISPassported benefitsJSAPassported benefitstax creditsPassported benefitsUCPassported benefitsScottish child payment1. Scottish child paymentamount1. Scottish child paymentchallenging a decision7. Challenging a decisionclaims1. Scottish child paymentelgible students1. Scottish child paymentpayment1. Scottish child paymentScottish Welfare Fund6. The Scottish Welfare Fundchallenging a decision7. Challenging a decisionsecond adult rebate4. Second adult rebateself-employmenttax credits5. Other incomeservice chargesHBStep 2: maximum rentsevere disability elementWTC3. Amount of working tax creditsevere disability premiumESAApplicable amountHBWho can get housing benefitISPremiumsseverely disabled child elementCTCStep 1: work out your maximum child tax creditsingle parents' allowancetreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantsUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancesingle room rentHBStep 2: maximum rentsocial fundbudgeting loans5. Budgeting loansspecial support loanStudent loanstreatment as incomeUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancesponsorship6. Other support for studentsstatutory adoption payStatutory adoption payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsentitlement conditionsStatutory adoption payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditstreatment as incometax credits3. Earningsstatutory maternity payStatutory maternity payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsentitlement conditionsStatutory maternity payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditstreatment as incometax credits3. Earningsstatutory parental bereavement payStatutory parental bereavement payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsentitlement conditionsStatutory parental bereavement payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditstreatment as incometax credits3. Earningsstatutory paternity payStatutory paternity payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsentitlement conditionsStatutory paternity payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditstreatment as incometax credits3. Earningsstatutory shared parental payStatutory shared parental payamount3. Amount of benefitchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionclaiming4. Claiming maternity, paternity and other parental benefitsentitlement conditionsStatutory shared parental payentitlement to other benefits and tax credits6. Other benefits and tax creditstreatment as incometax credits3. Earningsstatutory sick paytreatment as incometax credits3. Earningsstudent grantscalculating weekly incomeGrantstreatment as incomehealth benefits2. Grants and loansmeans-tested benefitsGrantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancestudent loansStudent loanscalculating weekly incomeStudent loans for maintenancesuspended due to ill healthStudent supporttreatment as incomehealth benefits2. Grants and loansStudent loanmeans-tested benefitsStudent loans for maintenancetax credits2. Grants and loans12UC2. Grants and loansstudent supportChapter 14: Student supportfurther educationfull-time students2. Full-time further educationpart-time studentsFurther education courseshigher educationfull-time students1. Full-time higher educationpart-time studentsHigher education coursesill healthStudent supportparamedic, nursing and midwifery students5. Paramedic, nursing and midwifery studentspostgraduates4. Postgraduatestreatment as income health benefits2. Grants and loansmeans-tested benefits2. Grants and loanstax credits2. Grants and loansUC2. Grants and loanstuition feesTuition feesstudy expenses allowanceStudy expenses allowancetreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancesummer accommodation grantSummer accommodation granttreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you do not get a student loan for maintenanceTax Credit Helpline4. Awards of child tax credittax creditsincomeChapter 17: How income affects tax creditsterm-time accommodationYou are away from your term-time hometime out from studiesChapter 20: Time out from studiescarers3. Carersill health1. Ill healthpregnancy2. Pregnancy and childrentravel expenses1. Full-time higher educationtravel expenses allowanceTravel expenses allowancetreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrants12means-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantsParamedic, nursing and midwifery students' grantsGrants in further educationtax credits2. Grants and loans12UCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenance12tuition feesTuition feespart-time fee grantHigher education coursestreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantstax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenanceIf you do not get a student loan for maintenancetwo homesHBYou have two homesISHousing costsunderpaymentstax credits1. Working out your incomeuniversal creditChapter 10: Universal creditamount4. Amount of benefitassessment periods3. Dividing income throughout the yearbenefit capThe benefit capbenefits treated as income5. Benefitsbudgeting advance5. Claiming universal creditcalculating income1. Working out your incomecalculation4. Amount of benefitcapital4. Amount of benefit7. Savings and other capitalcarer elementCarer elementchallenging a decision6. Challenging a decisionchildcare elementChildcare elementchild elementChild elementclaiming5. Claiming universal creditdisabilityElements for illnessdiscretionary housing paymentsHousing costs elementeligibile students2. Who is eligibleentitlement conditions3. Basic rulesentitlement to other benefits7. Other benefits and tax creditshousing costs elementHousing costs elementnon-dependantsHousing costs elementillnessElements for illnessincomePart 3: Treatment of incomelocal housing allowanceHousing costs elementmaximum amountYour maximum amountpassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment5. Claiming universal creditstandard allowanceStandard allowancetransferring onto UC5. Claiming universal creditwho can claimWho can claim universal creditwork-related requirementsWork-related requirementsvacationsHBYou are away from your term-time homevouchersglasses and contact lenseseligible groupsVouchers for glasses or contact lensesqualifying benefitsQualifying benefitswar pensionershealth benefitsExempt groupswater chargesHBStep 2: maximum rentwork capability assessment3. Limited capability for workwork-focused interviews3. Limited capability for workworking tax creditChapter 12: Working tax creditamount3. Amount of working tax creditaward period4. Awards of working tax creditbenefits treated as income4. Benefitscalculation3. Amount of working tax creditchallenging a decision5. Challenging a decisionearnings3. Earningseligible students2. Who is eligibleentitlement to other benefits6. Tax credits and benefitsincomeChapter 17: How income affects tax creditsincome threshold3. Amount of working tax credit12maximum WTC3. Amount of working tax creditnew claims1. What is working tax creditoverpayments5. Challenging a decision1. Working out your incomepassport to other benefitsPassported benefitspayment4. Awards of working tax credittreatment as incomehealth benefits5. Benefits and tax creditsmeans-tested benefitsMeans-tested benefits6. Benefits and tax creditstreatment of student support2. Grants and loansworking hoursQualifying hoursworking out income1. Working out your incomework-related requirementsUCWork-related requirementsyoung carer grantYoung carer grantamountYoung carer grantyoung personqualifying young personchild benefitWho counts as a qualifying young personyoung students' bursaryYoung students' bursarytreatment as incomehealth benefitsGrantsmeans-tested benefitsUndergraduate grantsStudent loans for maintenancetax credits2. Grants and loansUCIf you get a student loan for maintenance