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Benefits and tax credits: overview
The following chart summarises the benefits and tax credits you may be able to get depending on your circumstances. In each case, there are other tests you must pass to be entitled. The page number in the last column takes you to the relevant chapter, where you will find more details about the rules of entitlement. Part 3 explains which benefits are affected by any grant or loan you get. Terms such as ‘full time’, ‘part time’ and ‘student’ are explained in each benefit chapter. Note: new claims cannot be made for income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment and support allowance and tax credits, and cannot usually be made for housing benefit.
Your circumstances
Benefit or tax credit
Aged 16–18 (and some 19 year olds) in full-time further education
Have a child
Aged 16–20 (and some 21 year olds) in full-time further education
Orphan, estranged or separated from parents
Living away from parents
Full-time student
Lone parent of child under five
Student couple with a child, or lone parent
Couple, one student
Part-time student
Under 16 hours
Part-time student
Full-time student
Income support (if eligible)
At least 16 hours a week (24 for most couples) and have a child
At least 16 hours a week and have a disability
At least 30 hours a week and aged 25 or over
At least 16 hours a week and aged 60 or over
Any number of hours
Universal credit (if eligible)
Sick or disabled
Recovered and waiting to return to studies
Having a baby
Under 18
Getting certain benefits/tax credits
Working or recently working
When the child is born
Studying part time
Partner having a baby
Adopting a child
Caring for someone sick or disabled
Studying part time
Waiting to return to studies after taking time out to care
Need dental treatment or glasses
Reached pension age