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1. What is housing benefit
Housing benefit (HB) helps with your rent. Most full-time students are not eligible, but part-time students are. You can get help with rent in private accommodation, but not if you live with your parents. There are limits to the level of rent that HB covers. HB is means tested, so your grant, loan and other income affect the amount you get.
Note: people under pension age cannot usually make a new claim for HB, as it is being replaced by universal credit (UC). However, an exception applies if you live in certain types of specified or temporary accommodation, such as homeless accommodation (you may still need to claim UC as well for your living costs). See CPAG’s Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook (for subscribers) for details. If you already get working-age HB, the government plans to migrate you to UC by the end of 2025. You will not migrate if you get HB for specified or temporary accommodation.