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1. Scottish child payment
Scottish child payment is for people who have responsibility for a child who is aged under 16. It is an extra £26.70 a week for each child. It is paid four-weekly. You must make a claim, and payment cannot be backdated.
You are eligible if you:1Reg 18 SCP Regs
    are responsible for a child under 16 – eg, you get child benefit for them, or they are named on your universal credit (UC), child tax credit (CTC) or pension credit (PC) award, or you are a kinship carer for them; and
    you get UC, CTC, working tax credit, income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment and support allowance or PC; and
    you are ordinarily resident in Scotland.
See for more details. You can apply online, by telephone on 0800 182 2222 or by downloading a paper form. Go to for more information or to start an application.
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