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3. Best Start foods
You can get a payment card to buy certain foods under the Best Start foods scheme if you or your partner get a qualifying benefit, or if you are under 18, and you are pregnant or have a child aged under three. You are also eligible if you are 18 or 19 and someone else claims child benefit, universal credit (UC), child tax credit (CTC) or pension credit (PC) for you and you are pregnant or have a child aged under three.
Qualifying benefits are:1The Welfare Foods (Best Start Foods) (Scotland) Regulations 2019 No.193, as amended (most recently by SI 2023 No.371)
    income support;
    income-based jobseeker’s allowance;
    income-related employment and support allowance;
    housing benefit;
    working tax credit.
1     The Welfare Foods (Best Start Foods) (Scotland) Regulations 2019 No.193, as amended (most recently by SI 2023 No.371)  »