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When does an earning arrestment end
The earning arrestment stops if:
    the debt has been paid and is now extinguished; or
    the client is no longer employed by that employer; or
    the arrestment has been recalled; or
    the creditor abandons the arrestment; or1s47(B) D(S)A 1987
    the client has a Debt Payment Programme (DPP) approved; or2s4(2) DAA(S) Act 2002
    the client has been sequestrated3s72(2) D(S)A 1987 or in a protected trust deed; or4s173 B(S)A 2016
    a time to pay order has been made and granted; or5s9 D(S)A 1987
    the client dies.
See Chapter 6 if you are looking to stop the earnings arrestment by applying for a DPP or sequestration or Chapter 11 for time to pay order.
1     s47(B) D(S)A 1987 »
2     s4(2) DAA(S) Act 2002 »
3     s72(2) D(S)A 1987 »
4     s173 B(S)A 2016 »
5     s9 D(S)A 1987 »