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Employer’s duty to provide information
Where an employer receives an earnings arrestment schedule, a current maintenance arrestment schedule or a copy of a CAO, they must send to the creditor (or for a CAO, the sheriff clerk), the following as soon as reasonably possible:1s70A D(S)A 1987
    how often the client is paid – weekly, monthly or otherwise;
    the date of the client’s next payday;
    the sum to be deducted on that payday and the net earnings from which deductions are to be taken.
The employer must also provide updates six-monthly and annually on 6 April, where the debt still exists and it is reasonable to do so.
If the client leaves that employment, the employer should notify the creditor or sheriff clerk as soon as possible that the client is no longer employed and provide new employment details if known. This information should also be sent to the client.
1     s70A D(S)A 1987 »