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The amount of student loans
Student loans for 2024/25 are in the table below. From 2024/25, students get a special support loan of £2,400, in addition to the student loan for maintenance. The special support loan is for course costs such as study and travel costs.
Maximum student loan 2024/25 (including the £2,400 special support loan)
Household income
Dependent student under 25 - maximum student loan
Independent student under 25, or student 25 or over - maximum student loan
Below £24,000
£24,000 to £33,999
£34,000 or over
Payments are made directly to the student’s bank account. They can choose to be paid over term time or over 12 months. They cannot be paid over 12 months if they are on a one-year course or in the final year of their course.