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What is a student loan
Student loans are low-interest loans for students to cover living costs. See here for when and how they are repaid. Student loans are partly means-tested.
Plan 4 loans
There are five student loan plans in the UK. Plan 4 loans relate only to students funded by the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS). The information in this section relates to plan 4 loans. For information about other plans, see CPAG’s Debt Advice Handbook.
The Student Loans Company (SLC) pays loans to students from across the UK and collects their loan repayments.
SAAS assesses student finance applications and pays bursaries for students from Scotland. SAAS does not pay student loans, although it asses the loan amount an applicant is eligible for and sends this information to the SLC.
Students must apply each year they study for a student loan.
Interest is applied to student loans from the start of the loan until it is fully repaid. Interest is currently charged at 6.25 per cent a year.