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Social fund payments
Most social fund payments have been replaced in Scotland by benefits paid by SSS, such as Best Start grant (see here) and funeral support payment (see here). The following payments are still available from the social fund in Scotland.
    Budgeting loans. These are for specified types of expenses, such as an item of furniture or household equipment. They are discretionary, so a loan is not guaranteed. The client must have been getting a qualifying benefit (IS, income-based JSA, income-related ESA or PC) for at least 26 weeks. The amount paid is determined by a formula based on the size of the client’s family and the amount of any outstanding budgeting loan debt. Loans are repaid through weekly deductions from benefits, but are interest free. The loan must usually be repaid within two years. Note: clients getting UC cannot apply for a budgeting loan and must apply for a budgeting advance of UC instead (see here).
    Winter fuel payment. This is a lump-sum payment to help pay fuel bills, although it can be spent on anything the client wants. Clients must be at least pension age to qualify (see here) and do not need to be getting any benefits to qualify. It is usually paid automatically. The winter fuel payment is going to be replaced by the pension age winter heating payment in Scotland from winter 2024. The pension age winter heating payment will be paid by SSS.