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Explicit consent
To use specific information gathered from the client, you will require their explicit consent to share and process it. Consent means offering clients a choice and control over what will happen with their data. Explicit consent requires a very clear and specific statement of consent which will be understood and signed by the client.
Explicit consent is required when handling special category information. This is information revealing a client’s:
    racial or ethnic origin;
    political opinions;
    religious or philosophical beliefs;
    trade union membership;
    genetic data;
    biometric data;
    sex life;
    sexual orientation.
It is likely that information gathered from a client will contain one or more of the above and may need to be shared with creditors or other parties. To ensure that processing of this data is lawful, fair and transparent, the client must give their explicit consent. Explicit consent can only be given if the client understands:
    why the adviser wants the data;
    what they will do with it;
    which organisation and any third parties are asking for consent;
    they can withdraw consent at any time, and how they can do that.
The client must actively opt-in to give consent and a record must be kept of who consented when, how and what they were told.