Chapter 11: Fuel and benefits1. Benefit entitlement checks2. Universal credit, income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment and support allowance and pension creditUniversal creditIncome supportIncome-based jobseeker’s allowanceIncome-related employment and support allowancePension credit3. Cold weather payments and winter fuel paymentsCold weather paymentsWho qualifiesAmount of paymentClaiming and getting paidChallenging a decisionWinter fuel paymentsWho qualifiesExclusionsAmount of paymentClaiming and getting paidChallenging a decisionChild winter heating assistance4. Help with fuel-related housing costs and service chargesUniversal credit housing costs element and fuel costsHousing benefit and fuel costsHow fuel charges are calculatedFlat-rate deductions from housing benefitDiscretionary housing paymentsSupport for mortgage interest loans5. Impact of charitable payments on benefits6. Local welfare assistance schemes7. Budgeting advances and budgeting loansUniversal credit budgeting advancesSocial fund budgeting loans8. Fuel DirectDeductionsIf you get universal creditIf you get income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income related employment and support allowance or pension creditHow to arrange Fuel DirectChallenging the amount for ongoing fuel consumptionChange of circumstancesSanctions