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Route into a MAP
Entry into the MAP is by an authorised person (see below) signing a Certificate for Sequestration (see here) which states that the client cannot pay their debts as they fall due. This must be dated no more than 30 days before the application is made.
An expired charge for payment or statutory demand or any other form of apparent insolvency cannot be used as a route into a MAP.
Certificate for Sequestration
A Certificate for Sequestration of the client’s estate is a certificate granted by an authorised money or debt adviser (or other authorised persons) certifying that the client cannot pay debts as they become due.1Reg 8 B(S) Regs See here for who is an authorised adviser and how to apply for a certificate.
No fee can be charged for completion of the certificate.2Reg 9 B(S) Regs
1     Reg 8 B(S) Regs »
2     Reg 9 B(S) Regs »
Revocation or suspension of an approved debt adviser
The AiB can revoke or suspend an approved debt adviser if they fail to apply the CFT accordingly or do not maintain records of advice given.
A debt adviser must obtain evidence of a client’s income and expenditure and retain all records for two years and provide this information to the AiB on request.1Reg 7 B(S) Regs
1     Reg 7 B(S) Regs »