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Using the media
Discussion with the various bodies outlined above can often result in useful changes that prevent continued injustice. However, it is often only when something becomes a live, public, political issue that real change can occur. It is important, therefore, to cultivate links with local and national media so that publicity can be gained for particular issues.
When considering whether to use the media, you must bear in mind general advice work issues, such as confidentiality. However, even if an individual client does not wish to have their case publicised, it may be acceptable for an anonymous description of the issues involved to be part of a media campaign. There is an almost endless demand from media organisations for examples of individuals who have suffered by being in debt. Many people do not wish to have their private affairs made public, but for others this can be an important way of regaining a sense of power after the experiences they have faced at the hands of creditors. It is certainly the way to bring an issue to public debate.