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The decision
A decision (court order) is equivalent to a decree (court order) in other actions. Part 13 of the Simple Procedure Rules deals with decisions.
A decision may be made at almost any point after the Response Form (Form 4A) has been received. A decision may be made at a case management discussion, at a hearing or after the sheriff has considered the written evidence. At the end of a hearing, the sheriff may either make a decision there and then, or may take time to consider before making a decision. If the sheriff takes time to consider a decision, the decision must be made within four weeks from the hearing date. The parties will be sent a Decision Form (Form 13A) outlining what has been decided by the sheriff and also sets out the sheriff’s decision about expenses.
The sheriff may make any decision which resolves the dispute between the parties, including a decision which:1Part 13.4 SPR
    orders the respondent to pay the claimant a sum of money;
    orders the respondent to deliver something to the claimant;
    orders the respondent to do something for the claimant;
    dismisses the claim (or part of the claim) made by the claimant;
    absolves the respondent of the claim (or part of the claim) made by the claimant. A decision which absolves the respondent in a claim means that the claimant cannot make a claim about the same subject against the respondent again.
1     Part 13.4 SPR »