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A messenger-at-arms is an officer of the Court of Session, which is the supreme civil court in Scotland. A messenger-at-arms can travel anywhere in Scotland to serve documents and enforce orders of the Court of Session.
Qualification as messengers-at-arms
A sheriff officer cannot become a messenger-at-arms unless they have been in practice as a sheriff officer for at least two years.1r4 AoS(MASO) Rules Within the five years before applying to the Court of Session for a recommendation for appointment as a messenger-at-arms, they must pass the relevant examinations.
In special circumstances, the Court of Session may reduce the period of practice required.
1     r4 AoS(MASO) Rules »
Appointment of messengers-at-arms
The Court of Session, on an application by a sheriff officer, may find the sheriff officer suitable to be appointed as a messenger-at-arms and recommend such appointment to the Lord Lyon King of Arms; and, on receipt of such a recommendation, the Lord Lyon King of Arms may grant the sheriff officer a commission as a messenger-at-arms.
A messenger-at-arms ceases to be entitled to hold a commission as a messenger-at-arms if they no longer hold a commission as a sheriff officer.