Chapter 13: You, your landlord and fuel1. You and your landlordImplied terms2. Rent increases for fuel or fuel-related servicesCouncil tenanciesLocal authority heating systemsChallenging the way heating is providedCouncil tenancies: heating standardsNon-council tenanciesVariable service charges in England and WalesVariable service charges in ScotlandRent control3. Resale of fuel by a landlordMaximum permitted chargesApproval of metersObtaining a meter directly from a supplierThe landlord fails to pay billsTransferring the accountThe landlord is disconnectedBreach of quiet enjoymentProtection of supply where a landlord is insolventBreach of trustHarassmentLocal authorities’ powers in England and WalesOutside LondonWithin LondonLocal authorities’ powers in Scotland4. Defective housing and heating systemsRepairing obligationsScotlandRepairs and improvementsStructure and exteriorInstallations for heating and for the supply of gas and electricityNegligencePremises prejudicial to healthCondensationOther local authority powersMaintenance of gas appliances5. Energy efficiency mattersEnergy performance certificateMinimum energy efficiency standardPrivate rented tenants in England and WalesChallenging a decision