The Priority Services Register
Suppliers are obliged to establish and maintain a Priority Services Register listing customers who:1Condition 26.1 SLC •are over pension age;
•have a disability, impairment or long-term health condition;
•have a hearing or sight condition;
•are pregnant or have children under five;
•have a mental health condition;
•have experienced domestic abuse;
•have another vulnerable characteristic or situation;
•have requested to be added to the Priority Services Register.
The definition of a vulnerable ‘personal characteristic’ or ‘vulnerable situation’2Condition 26.1(a) SLC is wide-ranging and can include, for example, if you have mental health problems, are unable to communicate in English, or where you need extra support for a limited amount of time – eg, during cancer treatment. Suppliers are expected to consider Ofgem’s Consumer Vulnerability Strategy when identifying vulnerability.3Ofgem, Consumer Vulnerability Strategy 2025, October 2019 Someone can make a request on your behalf for you to be added to the register. If you are on the register, you could get:
•priority support in an emergency;
•free advice on using gas and electricity;
•a password protection scheme;
•a prepayment meter moved to a more accessible location if it is safe to do so;
•a free quarterly meter reading if you are unable to read your meter;
•bills sent to a friend, relative or carer so they can check& them on your behalf;
•extra help if a gas supply is disrupted if all adults living in your property are eligible for the Priority Services Register (such as alternative cooking or heating facilities);
•advance notice if an electricity supply has to be interrupted, where possible;
•meter readings and bills provided in a suitable format: braille, large print, audiotape, textphone or typetalk.
You may be entitled to a free, annual gas safety check of appliances and other gas fittings if you are eligible for the Priority Services Register, own your home, receive an income-based benefit, have not had one in the last 12 months and:4Condition 29 (gas) SLC •are of pensionable age, disabled or chronically sick and either:
◦live alone; or
◦live with other adults, all of whom are eligible or under 18; or
•live with others, at least one of whom is a child aged five or under.
If you are a tenant, this obligation is usually upon your landlord.
Suppliers must ‘take all reasonable steps’ to identify eligible customers to receive Priority Services Register services and promote its existence. This includes having suitable systems in place to identify such customers.5Condition 26.1(b) and (c) SLC This is strengthened by the ‘Standards of Conduct’ principles6Enforceable principles placed on suppliers by Ofgem to treat consumers fairly, professionally, honestly and transparently in the way they behave, provide information and deliver customer service, see – overarching fairness rules placed upon suppliers to engage with customers, identify any genuine needs, particular circumstances and vulnerabilities they have and provide them with appropriate tailored support and services.7Conditions 0 and 0A SLC (Standards of Conduct) Suppliers that are signatories to Energy UK’s ‘Vulnerability Commitment’8Energy UK, The Vulnerability Commitment, 2024, at
vulnerability-commitment also agree to equip staff to identify and support vulnerability and ensure that a culture of understanding of vulnerability is embedded throughout. Most suppliers have extra care or support teams you can seek assistance from if you are facing arrears and have vulnerabilities. These teams provide additional, tailored support and an easier point of contact if you are vulnerable. Do you have essential electrical medical equipment at home?
If you are medically reliant on your electricity supply to run equipment such as oxygen concentrators, home dialysis, stair lifts, ventilators or nebulisers, contact your supplier to join the Priority Services Register. You will then get advanced notice of planned power cuts – eg, when maintenance and engineering work is planned. If you have a prepayment meter, your supplier may change it to a standard meter so that your electricity supply is uninterrupted.
If you have arrears, your supplier must refrain from involuntary installing a prepayment meter if you require a continuous supply for health reasons (including dependence on powered medical equipment), you have a medical dependency on a warm home or have terminal health conditions. See here for more details.