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Lay representation
Lay representation is allowed for any proceedings under the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987 and also through the sheriff court (and tribunal) rules, depending on the type of civil action that has been raised. More information on lay representation can be found on the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service
Rules for lay representatives
Simple Procedure Rules – Part 2
Summary Cause Rules – Chapter 2 and Chapter 2A
Ordinary Cause Rules – Chapter 1A
Summary Application Rules – Chapter 1A
The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber (Procedure) Regulations 2017 SSI No.328 – regulation 10
Advisers should prepare for the hearing and ensure that they have a completed income and expenditure form, as well as any other relevant documents and arguments that they intend to use.
Some advisers go with a two-year limit on the length of time that a TTPO is asked for, but there is no legislation that states this. It is up to the sheriff to decide whether they think it is reasonable.