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Effects on future diligence
Once granted, the TTPO has the following effects on diligence.1S Cowan, Scottish Debt Recovery: a practical guide (2nd en), Sweet and Maxwell, 2018, para 4-27
      a new charge is incompetent;
      an existing unexpired charge lapses;
      an existing unexpired charge remains effective to constitute apparent insolvency for the client.
    Arrestment (bank account):
      a new arrestment and furthcoming is incompetent;
      an existing arrestment may be restricted or recalled;
      where an arrestment remains in effect, no further steps are taken to enforce it or an action of furthcoming;
      the arrestment is recalled or restricted.
    Earnings arrestment:
      a new arrestment will be incompetent;
      an existing arrestment will be recalled.
    Conjoined arrestment order:
      a new order will be incompetent because an existing earnings arrestment will be recalled;
      the debt will be excluded from an existing order.
      a new attachment will be incompetent;
      an existing attachment may be recalled;
      an interim attachment may be recalled or restricted.
      a new inhibition will be competent;
      an existing inhibition will be unaffected.
1     S Cowan, Scottish Debt Recovery: a practical guide (2nd en), Sweet and Maxwell, 2018, para 4-27 »