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Structure of the Handbook
A benefit chart (see here) provides an overview of benefit and tax credit entitlement for students. You may want to use this as a starting point to check possible entitlement and then use the individual chapters for details.
Part 1 looks at students’ entitlement to benefits and tax credits. Part 2 gives a glossary of student support in further and higher education, and Part 3 considers how each kind of support affects entitlement to UC, other means-tested benefits, tax credits and health benefits. Part 4 considers other matters – council tax and benefits if you take time out from your studies.
Chapters have endnotes with references to the legal sources. Where an abbreviation is used in the endnotes or in the text, this is explained in Appendix 3 and on here. If you are appealing against a benefit or tax credit decision, you may want to refer to the law. Appendix 1 suggests where you can find legislation and caselaw.