Complaining to a professional organisation
If a complaint to an enforcement agency is not dealt with satisfactorily, a complaint could be made to the enforcement agents’ professional or trade organisation – the High Court Enforcement Officers Association and the Civil Enforcement Association (see Appendix 1). This can be particularly effective in cases of poor administration and customer care by enforcement agencies. However, when making a complaint, remember that these bodies exist to promote their members’ interests and are not entirely independent or impartial.
The complaints procedures can be found on the associations’ websites.
Both organisations also have disciplinary codes.
Serious breaches of professional ethics or of procedure may lead to an investigation and a penalty being imposed on the enforcement agent, such as being excluded from membership and, as a result, from the profession (although this is rare).
A complaint could also result in at least an apology and perhaps compensation, such as a refund of fees.
The Civil Enforcement Association also has a code of practice regulating members’ business practices, which may be of some assistance.