Chapter 7: Maximising income1. Introduction2. How to use this chapterWhich benefits and tax credits can a client claim3. A–Z of benefits and tax creditsAdult disability paymentAttendance allowanceBereavement support paymentCarer support paymentCarer’s allowanceChild benefitChild disability paymentChild tax creditDisability living allowanceEmployment and support allowanceGuardian’s allowanceHealth benefitsHealthy Start food and vitaminsHousing benefitIncome supportIndustrial injuries disablement benefitJobseeker’s allowanceMaternity allowancePension creditPersonal independence paymentScottish child paymentSocial fund paymentsState retirement pensionStatutory adoption payStatutory maternity payStatutory parental bereavement payStatutory paternity payStatutory shared parental payStatutory sick payUniversal creditWorking tax credit4. A–Z of other financial helpCharitiesChild maintenanceCivil compensation for damagesCouncil tax reductionDiscretionary housing paymentEqual pay rulesFood banksFree school mealsGuarantee payHelp to SaveLocal welfare assistance schemesMortgage interest loansNational minimum wageNotice payPayments for war injuryPrivate and occupational pensionsRedundancy paySchool clothing grantsSchool transportSocial servicesSpecial funds for sick or disabled peopleStudent supportTax allowancesTax rebateTax reliefsTrade unionsWarm Home Discount