Local welfare assistance schemes
Each local authority in England and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales have local welfare assistance schemes. The schemes can help you if you are in urgent need following an emergency or unforeseen event and have no other source of help. The schemes are run by local councils and they vary. You may be able to get vouchers to pay for fuel or basic living items such as heaters and fridges. In England, the local scheme is at your local authority’s discretion. Check with your local authority to find out what help is available, whether you qualify and how to apply. In Wales, the Discretionary Assistance Fund offers non-repayable emergency assistance payments and individual assistance payments. The Scottish Welfare Fund provides community care grants and crisis grants. The basic rules for the scheme are set by the Scottish government, with each local authority having some discretion. You should apply to your local authority. Some local authority areas may also have access to Common Good funds which in many areas can provide funding to help with energy costs.