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Breaks from caring
You can have a short, temporary break from caring and still remain entitled to CA. You can have a break of up to four weeks in any period of 26 weeks, or a break of 12 weeks if either you or the person for whom you care is receiving treatment in hospital for at least eight of the 12 weeks, providing the person you care for is still getting her/his disability benefit. Until 31 August 2021, special rules allow you to remain entitled to CA during a break from caring if that break is caused by either you or the person you care for having coronavirus, or having to isolate due to coronavirus. In this situation, there is no time limit on the length of the break.1Carer’s Allowance (Coronavirus) (Breaks in Care) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 No.117
1     Carer’s Allowance (Coronavirus) (Breaks in Care) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 No.117 »