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Who can get carer’s allowance
You qualify for CA if you:1s70 SSCBA 1992; regs 3 and 9 SS(ICA) Regs
    are aged at least 16; and
    are caring for a person receiving either the highest or the middle rate care component of disability living allowance (DLA), either rate of the daily living component of personal independence payment (PIP), either rate of attendance allowance (AA), armed forces independence payment or constant attendance allowance with an industrial injury benefit or war pension; and
    are providing care that is regular and substantial (at least 35 hours a week); and
    are not gainfully employed. This means your earnings must be no more than £128 a week; and
    are not a full-time student; and
    are not a ‘person subject to immigration control’ and you satisfy the residence conditions. See CPAG’s Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook for details.
1     s70 SSCBA 1992; regs 3 and 9 SS(ICA) Regs »