7. Protected trust deedsWhat is a trust deedRole of the Accountant in BankruptcyWho can sign a trust deedPartnershipsConsequencesFeesIncluded and excluded debtsRoutes into a protected trust deedOperation of a trust deedRegistration of the trust deedGaining protected statusCreditor responsesSequestration petition by a qualified creditor to the sheriff courtRegistration for protectionDate of protectionEffect of protected statusUnprotected trust deedsDuration of the trust deedClient’s early discharge from a protected trust deedContributionNon-paymentDeductions from the client’s earningsThird-party paymentsExclusion of the family homeDealing with the family home where it is not excluded from the trust deedAgreement where there is little or no equityAppointing your own trusteeTrust deeds contentsTermination provisionsDealing with non-performing trust deedsContinue the trust deed for a longer periodDischarge of the trusteeDischarge of the trustee and the clientDischarge of the clientTrust deed protocolBan on debt packager referral feesTrustee’s refusal to discharge the debtorAccountant in Bankruptcy direction to trusteeCourt directionAppealsDischarge of the trusteeRecallComplaintsChecklist