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Preparation for an application for a DPP
Before completing and submitting an application for a DPP on the client’s behalf, the debt adviser must do the following.
    Ensure the client fully understands the implications of applying for a DPP, including that it will be recorded on the public DAS Register.
    Prepare a full statement of the client’s income and expenditure, using the CFT.
    Agree with the client on how much of the surplus income will be offered as a contribution to the DPP.
    Confirm with the client if any rent or mortgage arrears are to be included in the DPP.
    Confirm the level of debt with each creditor.
    Check whether the client has any assets that could be sold or lump-sum payments that may be made as part of the DPP.
    Inform the client of the standard conditions which apply if the DPP is approved.
    Inform the client of any discretionary conditions that may be applied if the DPP is to be approved.
    Confirm whether the client wishes to offer the sale or remortgage of their home as a discretionary condition. This is entirely the client’s choice.1Reg 28(4) DAS(S) Regs
    Agree the method by which the client will make their regular instalment – eg, by standing order or payment from wages.
    Remind the client that, if the DPP is approved, they must pay their first instalment within 42 days of the approval.
You must check the details of all debts included in the DPP with each creditor prior to the submission of the DPP to the DAS administrator. The application needs to be completed as fully as possible. It is essential that you provide the following:
    correct creditor details (not a collection agency acting for the creditor, unless the creditor has a named authorised representative on eDEN or the debt has been sold on). For example, if the debt is for council tax arrears, the council should be added as the creditor not the sheriff officer collecting the debt; and
    creditor sort codes, account numbers and reference numbers relating to the debt; and
    the correct level of debt.
You should now be in a position to complete the application on eDEN. Remember to attach a copy of a scanned signed client mandate allowing you to act on the client’s behalf. The information on the mandate should be exactly the same as the client information added to eDEN – ie, if the client has a middle name or initial on the mandate, this should also be on eDEN. If you do not have the facility to scan the mandate, you can fax or post it. However, the case will not be accepted until this document has been received by the DAS team.
Where you are nominating the AiB as payments distributor, you must upload to eDEN the documentary evidence used to complete your client identification checks. This is allows the AiB to expedite the payment set-up, allowing the DPP to start and finish earlier, minimising disruption to the client and creditors. You should also be aware that all cases are given a completeness check by the DAS administrator, and if the information is not consistent, the case will be returned to the adviser for clarification and rework.
1     Reg 28(4) DAS(S) Regs »