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Clients with mental health problems
There is a clear link between debt and mental health issues. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, one in four adults living in the UK experiences a mental health problem every When combined with financial difficulties, mental health problems can affect not only the individuals concerned, but also the organisations with which they have relationships.
Many mental health conditions have no physical signs, and fluctuations in the severity and effects of an illness are common. In many cases, creditors are not aware that there is a mental health issue until payments have been missed and the collections process has reached an advanced stage. Even then, it may not be apparent whether the client is capable of conducting a financial transaction. Money advisers and creditors are not trained to diagnose mental health problems and often do not understand the implications. However, once a creditor is aware of the issue, it should have processes and systems in place to take account of the situation and should respond fairly and appropriately. More information can be found in Chapter 15.