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Best Start foods
You can get a payment card to buy certain foods under the Best Start foods scheme if you are pregnant or have a child under three and you get a qualifying benefit (if you are under 18, you do not have to getting a qualifying benefit).1WF(BSF)(S) Regs
The qualifying benefits are:2Reg 10 WF(BSF)(S)Regs
    UC with earnings under £610 a month;
    IS, income-based JSA, income-related ESA or PC;
    housing benefit with income under £311 a week;
    CTC (with no WTC) with income under £16,190 a year;
    WTC (with or without CTC) with income under £7,320 a year.
1     WF(BSF)(S) Regs »
2     Reg 10 WF(BSF)(S)Regs »