Home Upgrade Grant scheme
The Home Upgrade Grant scheme (HUG) aims to upgrade the energy efficiency of properties off the gas network in England. It intends to enable the installation of multiple measures in these homes to substantially improve performance. The policy intent is to improve off-gas grid homes up through the energy efficiency scale. As a minimum, energy performance ratings of F or G should be upgraded to D or above and band D or E homes to C or above.
To be eligible for HUG, you must own and live in the property, not use a gas boiler as your home’s main heating system and have an energy performance rating of D, E, F or G. You usually must have a household income of £36,000 a year or less. You might still be eligible if you earn more than that in some postcode areas.
Your local authority will survey your home and suggest ways to make it more energy efficient. It will organise and pay for any improvement work it agrees with you.
Check if you are eligible and apply at .